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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

­.k. to Allow Driverless Cars on Public Roads in January
From ACM TechNews

­.k. to Allow Driverless Cars on Public Roads in January

The United Kingdom has announced that driverless cars will be allowed on public roads starting in January 2015, and the government has invited cities to compete...

Can Winograd Schemas Replace Turing Test For Defining Human-Level Ai?
From ACM TechNews

Can Winograd Schemas Replace Turing Test For Defining Human-Level Ai?

A new proposed method of testing artificial intelligence are so-called Winograd schemas, which present an AI system with an ambiguously worded sentence and asks...

What 6.9 Million Clicks Tell ­S About How to Fix Online Education
From ACM TechNews

What 6.9 Million Clicks Tell ­S About How to Fix Online Education

Researchers at the MIT have analyzed data from Harvard University and MIT's shared online learning platform to gain a richer understanding of what makes massively...

Nasa Validates 'impossible' Space Drive
From ACM News

Nasa Validates 'impossible' Space Drive

NASA is a major player in space science, so when a team from the agency this week presents evidence that "impossible" microwave thrusters seem to work, something...

Finally, a Way to Teach Coding to the Touchscreen Generation
From ACM News

Finally, a Way to Teach Coding to the Touchscreen Generation

First came Generation X. Then the Millennials. And if you have kids under 10, you already know what they're going to be called: the Touchscreen Generation.

How 'game of Thrones' Will Predict the Next Bin Laden
From ACM TechNews

How 'game of Thrones' Will Predict the Next Bin Laden

A research team has developed a method of statistical analysis they say can better predict the outcomes of targeted killings of terrorists by drones, and potentially...

Nicta Pushes Sel4 Microkernel Beyond Drones
From ACM TechNews

Nicta Pushes Sel4 Microkernel Beyond Drones

Researchers hope the seL4 operating system, recently released as open source code, will be employed for medical devices, industrial automation, and other uses.

Nasa Announces Mars 2020 Rover Payload to Explore the Red Planet as Never Before
From ACM News

Nasa Announces Mars 2020 Rover Payload to Explore the Red Planet as Never Before

The next rover NASA will send to Mars in 2020 will carry seven carefully selected instruments to conduct unprecedented science and exploration technology investigations...

Why Many Programmers Don't Bother Joining the ACM
From ACM Opinion

Why Many Programmers Don't Bother Joining the ACM

Earlier this month Vint Cerf, co-creator of the TCP/IP protocol and current Google vice president, openly asked professional programmers for feedback regarding...

The Nsa's Cyber-King Goes Corporate
From ACM Opinion

The Nsa's Cyber-King Goes Corporate

Keith Alexander, the recently retired director of the National Security Agency, left many in Washington slack-jawed when it was reported that he might charge companies...

Robot 'learns to Keep Going with Broken Leg'
From ACM News

Robot 'learns to Keep Going with Broken Leg'

Engineers have taken a step towards having machines that can operate when damaged by developing a robot that can teach itself to walk, even with a broken leg.

Ibm, At&t Build Technology to Move Data Fast in Disaster
From ACM TechNews

Ibm, At&t Build Technology to Move Data Fast in Disaster

Prototype technology can quickly move large amounts of critical data and software to another location in the event of a natural disaster or terrorist attack. 

Cheering Robots Replace Real Fans at Korean Baseball
From ACM TechNews

Cheering Robots Replace Real Fans at Korean Baseball

The Hanwha Eagles Korean baseball team has equipped its stadium with robots that fans who are unable to attend the games can control over the Internet. 

­pgrade Your Brain: Liquid Hard Drive Implants Could Increase Intellect
From ACM TechNews

­pgrade Your Brain: Liquid Hard Drive Implants Could Increase Intellect

Researchers have found that digital information can be stored on colloidal clusters because they can switch between two states when placed in a liquid. 

Tele-Robotics Puts Robot Power at Your Fingertips
From ACM TechNews

Tele-Robotics Puts Robot Power at Your Fingertips

Cyber-dogs could help address one of the more pressing challenges of our time, according to scientists at the recent Smart America Expo.

If You Want to Be Rich and Powerful, Majoring in STEM Is a Good Place to Start
From ACM TechNews

If You Want to Be Rich and Powerful, Majoring in STEM Is a Good Place to Start

Early education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics builds some of the key competencies necessary for success. 

Specialists Gather in Praise of Logic
From ACM News

Specialists Gather in Praise of Logic

The Vienna Summer of Logic combined a number of conferences into a scientific and cultural mega-event.  

The Weird Reasons Why People Make ­p False Identities on the Internet
From ACM Opinion

The Weird Reasons Why People Make ­p False Identities on the Internet

Sockpuppetry—using false identities for deception—is centuries old, but the advent of the web has made creating sockpuppets, and falling for their tricks, easier...

How Spy Agencies Keep Their 'toys' from Law Enforcement
From ACM News

How Spy Agencies Keep Their 'toys' from Law Enforcement

A little over a decade ago, federal prosecutors used keystroke logging software to steal the encryption password of an alleged New Jersey mobster, Nicodemo Scarfo...

Vint Cerf, Father of the Internet, Looks Forward--and Back
From ACM TechNews

Vint Cerf, Father of the Internet, Looks Forward--and Back

Former ACM president Vint Cerf recently discussed the ways technology, the Internet, and he himself have changed over the decades. 
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