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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Share Button May Share Your Browsing History, Too
From ACM TechNews

Share Button May Share Your Browsing History, Too

A recent  study provides the first large-scale investigation of a previously undetected cookie-like tracking mechanism embedded in the "share" buttons of websites...

More Eyes on the Skies
From ACM News

More Eyes on the Skies

The future, it is often said, belongs to those who plan for it.

Harold Edgerton: The Man Who Froze Time
From ACM News

Harold Edgerton: The Man Who Froze Time

Every time you use the flash on your smartphone or camera, you should give silent praise to Harold Eugene Edgerton.

Hello, My Name Is . . .
From Communications of the ACM

Hello, My Name Is . . .

Facial recognition and privacy concerns.

Mars Slow to Yield Its Secrets
From ACM News

Mars Slow to Yield Its Secrets

Thunderous applause greeted planetary carto­grapher Ken Tanaka of the US Geological Survey on 14 July as he unveiled a new geological map of Mars.

Surgical Robots Deliver Care More Precisely
From Communications of the ACM

Surgical Robots Deliver Care More Precisely

Computer-controlled robotic surgical systems and tumor-targeting radiation systems provide a greater level of precision in treatment than doctors alone can provide...

Researchers Probe Security Through Obscurity
From Communications of the ACM

Researchers Probe Security Through Obscurity

Obfuscation protects code by making it so impenetrable that access to it won't help a hacker understand how it works.

Researchers Develop High-Precision Software For Diagnosing Eye Sensitivity
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Develop High-Precision Software For Diagnosing Eye Sensitivity

Researchers report a successful test of prototype software for diagnosing eye sensitivity. 

NASA Upgrades Humanoid Robot in Space
From ACM TechNews

NASA Upgrades Humanoid Robot in Space

Robonaut 2, a humanoid robot that has been working on the International Space Station since 2011, is getting a series of upgrades.

Epsrc Calls For Partners to Develop Alan Turing Institute
From ACM TechNews

Epsrc Calls For Partners to Develop Alan Turing Institute

The U.K. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council wants to partner with U.K. universities to establish the Alan Turing Institute. 

Indonesian Techies Crowdsource Election Results
From ACM TechNews

Indonesian Techies Crowdsource Election Results

A trio of Indonesians working for international tech companies have used crowdsourcing to calculate a result for Indonesia's contested presidential election. 

Birdsongs Automatically Decoded by Computer Scientists
From ACM TechNews

Birdsongs Automatically Decoded by Computer Scientists

Researchers have developed a successful way of identifying bird sounds from large audio collections. 

Transistor Successor Set to Bring on "the Machine" Age Soon
From ACM News

Transistor Successor Set to Bring on "the Machine" Age Soon

A replacement for the ordinary transistor may make it to market by the end of this decade, an event that will herald a radical redesign of traditional computer...

How Technology Is Unraveling the Clues of Flight Mh17
From ACM News

How Technology Is Unraveling the Clues of Flight Mh17

Over the weekend, the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 tragedy turned into a "Law and Order" episode on the international stage with Secretary of State John Kerrymake...

The Growing Threat of Network-Based Steganography
From ACM TechNews

The Growing Threat of Network-Based Steganography

Researchers have uncovered Duqu, an unusual form of steganography-based malware that embeds itself in Microsoft Windows machines.

Future Electronics May Depend on Lasers, Not Quartz
From ACM TechNews

Future Electronics May Depend on Lasers, Not Quartz

A new method of stabilizing microwave signals in the gigahertz range uses a pair of laser beams as the reference instead of a crystal. 

Hearts Stars Trial Software That Predicts Injuries
From ACM TechNews

Hearts Stars Trial Software That Predicts Injuries

New software could be used to determine when athletes are at risk to suffer an injury. 

Supercomputers Reveal Strange, Stress-Induced Transformations in World's Thinnest Materials
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputers Reveal Strange, Stress-Induced Transformations in World's Thinnest Materials

Researchers used Brookhaven National Laboratory supercomputers to compare the transformations and breaking points of graphene and other monolayers. 

Talk on Cracking Internet Anonymity Service Tor Canceled
From ACM News

Talk on Cracking Internet Anonymity Service Tor Canceled

A highly anticipated talk on how to identify users of the Internet privacy service Tor was withdrawn from the upcoming Black Hat security conference, a spokeswoman...

Researchers Develop a Wikipedia of Fact-Checking During Natural Disasters
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Develop a Wikipedia of Fact-Checking During Natural Disasters

Researchers have developed an online platform for crowd-sourcing the veracity of information posted to social media. 
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