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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Israeli Rocket Defense System Is Failing at Crucial Task, Expert Analysts Say
From ACM News

Israeli Rocket Defense System Is Failing at Crucial Task, Expert Analysts Say

IBM Spending $3 Billion to Rethink Decades-Old Computer Design
From ACM TechNews

IBM Spending $3 Billion to Rethink Decades-Old Computer Design

IBM plans to spend $3 billion over the next five years to research and develop new fundamental computing technologies, focusing specifically on the possibilities...

Most With College STEM Degrees Go to Work in Other Fields, Survey Finds
From ACM TechNews

Most With College STEM Degrees Go to Work in Other Fields, Survey Finds

Students who graduate with a bachelor's degree in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) are more likely than other graduates to be employed, but also...

Bell Labs Transmits Data at 10 Gbits/second Over Copper Lines
From ACM TechNews

Bell Labs Transmits Data at 10 Gbits/second Over Copper Lines

Researchers at Bell Labs have developed a technology that enables them to transmit data over traditional copper telephone lines at a record speed of 10 Gbits/second...

How Not to Build a Brain
From ACM Opinion

How Not to Build a Brain

Building a brain sounds like a worthy goal, one that makes it seem as though the future is within reach.

Own Your Own Data
From ACM TechNews

Own Your Own Data

MIT researchers have developed openPDS (personal data store), a prototype system that stores data from digital devices in a single location specified by the user...

Academics Get Personal Over Big Data
From ACM TechNews

Academics Get Personal Over Big Data

Princeton University computer science professors Arvind Narayanan and Edward Felten have published a rebuttal to a June paper which concluded de-identification...

Disco-Era Spacecraft Not Dead, Just Out of Gas
From ACM News

Disco-Era Spacecraft Not Dead, Just Out of Gas

A citizen science effort to revive a middle-aged spacecraft has come to a close after the probe's rockets failed to fire.

Early-­niverse Explorer Looks For Answers
From ACM Opinion

Early-­niverse Explorer Looks For Answers

On March 17, a panel of four astrophysicists held a press conference at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass., to announce that they...

MIT Finger Device Reads to the Blind in Real Time
From ACM News

MIT Finger Device Reads to the Blind in Real Time

Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are developing an audio reading device to be worn on the index finger of people whose vision is impaired...

How Google Map Hackers Can Destroy a Business at Will
From ACM Careers

How Google Map Hackers Can Destroy a Business at Will

Washington DC-area residents with a hankering for lion meat lost a valuable source of the (yes, legal) delicacy last year when a restaurant called the Serbian Crown...

Restoring Active Memory Program Poised to Launch
From ACM Careers

Restoring Active Memory Program Poised to Launch

DARPA has selected two universities to initially lead the agency's Restoring Active Memory program, which aims to develop and test wireless, implantable "neuroprosthetics"...

Microsoft CEO readies big shakeup, drops devices and services focus
From ACM News

Microsoft CEO readies big shakeup, drops devices and services focus

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella sent an email to all employees today outlining the company’s ambitions for the new financial year.

Scientists Create a New Type of Ultra-High-Res Flexible Display
From ACM News

Scientists Create a New Type of Ultra-High-Res Flexible Display

We are surrounded by imperfect screens.

Forget Turing, the Lovelace Test Has a Better Shot at Spotting AI
From ACM Opinion

Forget Turing, the Lovelace Test Has a Better Shot at Spotting AI

When a chatbot called Eugene Goostman passed Alan Turing's famous measure of machine intelligence in June by posing as a Ukrainian teenager with questionable language...

Heads Up, World Cup Teams: The Robots are Coming
From ACM TechNews

Heads Up, World Cup Teams: The Robots are Coming

The RoboCup international robot soccer tournament aims to create a robot soccer team that can defeat the human World Cup champions by 2050. 

Traffic Lights: There's a Better Way
From ACM TechNews

Traffic Lights: There's a Better Way

A new means of computing the optimal timings for city stoplights can significantly reduce drivers' average travel times. 

Google Shares Research Findings With Scientific World
From ACM TechNews

Google Shares Research Findings With Scientific World

Google is sharing some its most influential research papers to expand discussions and observations on topics being studied around world. 

Speeding Up Data Storage By a Thousand Times With 'spin Current'
From ACM TechNews

Speeding Up Data Storage By a Thousand Times With 'spin Current'

Newly developed technology allows the spin of electrons to be used to boost the speed of data storage.

The Next Big Programming Language You've Never Heard Of
From ACM TechNews

The Next Big Programming Language You've Never Heard Of

The success of D, a programming language some see as the successor to C++, has surprised even its creators.
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