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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Why Isn't New Technology Making Us More Productive?
From ACM News

Why Isn't New Technology Making Us More Productive?

Innovations like cloud computing and artificial intelligence are hailed as engines of a coming productivity revival, but a broad payoff across the economy has been...

U.K. Orders Clearview AI to Delete Images Belonging to U.K. Residents
From ACM News

U.K. Orders Clearview AI to Delete Images Belonging to U.K. Residents

The U.S. software company brands itself as "the world's largest facial network" holding billions of face photographs from the Internet.

U.S. Civil Rights Enforcers Warn Employers Against Biased AI
From ACM TechNews

U.S. Civil Rights Enforcers Warn Employers Against Biased AI

The U.S. government has warned employers that artificial intelligence technology for screening new job candidates or tracking productivity could violate civil rights...

Zyxel Remote Execution Bug Being Exploited
From ACM TechNews

Zyxel Remote Execution Bug Being Exploited

Researchers found that a bug in Zyxel firewalls that could enable unauthenticated remote attackers to execute code.

Perception-Based Nanosensor Platform Could Advance Detection of Ovarian Cancer
From ACM TechNews

Perception-Based Nanosensor Platform Could Advance Detection of Ovarian Cancer

A multi-institutional research team analyzed spectral signatures of ovarian cancer by harnessing machine learning and the fluorescence of carbon nanotubes.

Machine Learning Has A Backdoor Problem
From ACM News

Machine Learning Has A Backdoor Problem

The researchers explored how the vast available knowledge about backdoors in cryptography could be applied to machine learning.

Quantum Computing May Make Ray Tracing Easier
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computing May Make Ray Tracing Easier

U.S., U.K., and Portuguese researchers combined classical ray tracing algorithms with quantum computing to improve ray tracing performance as much as 190%.

The Government's Still Mostly in the Dark on Ransomware
From ACM News

The Government's Still Mostly in the Dark on Ransomware

The government may only be made aware of one-fourth of ransomware attacks.

FogROS Brings Robotic Cloud Computing to the Robot Operating System
From ACM News

FogROS Brings Robotic Cloud Computing to the Robot Operating System

ROS 2 offers a method for offloading robotic tasks to a remote server, using a cloud computing platform like Amazon Web Services.

The Era of Borderless Data Is Ending
From ACM News

The Era of Borderless Data Is Ending

Nations are accelerating efforts to control data produced within their perimeters, disrupting the flow of what has become a kind of digital currency.

Barcelona Bets on 'Digital Twin' as Future of City Planning
From ACM TechNews

Barcelona Bets on 'Digital Twin' as Future of City Planning

Officials in Barcelona, Spain, are using the Barcelona Supercomputing Center's MareNostrum supercomputer to improve urban planning with a digital twin of the city...

Bluetooth Hack Can Unlock Tesla, Devices
From ACM TechNews

Bluetooth Hack Can Unlock Tesla, Devices

Sultan Qasim Khan at U.K.-based security firm NCC Group  devised an exploit for unlocking Teslas and countless other devices.

Differential Privacy the Correct Choice for 2020 U.S. Census
From ACM TechNews

Differential Privacy the Correct Choice for 2020 U.S. Census

A new study concluded the U.S. Census Bureau's move to DP as a de-identification mechanism for the 2020 Census was appropriate.

Scientists Create Method to Kill Cyberattacks in Less Than a Second
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Create Method to Kill Cyberattacks in Less Than a Second

Researchers have developed a technique for automatically detecting and neutralizing cyberattacks in under a second.

Chinese Hackers Tried to Steal Russian Defense Data, Report Says
From ACM News

Chinese Hackers Tried to Steal Russian Defense Data, Report Says

The campaign detailed by a cybersecurity firm highlights Beijing's increasingly sophisticated tactics to spy on an array of targets, including countries it considers...

Next-Generation Weather Reporting: Versatile, Flexible, Economical Sensors
From ACM TechNews

Next-Generation Weather Reporting: Versatile, Flexible, Economical Sensors

A team of scientists in Japan has developed a multitasking weather sensor that measures rain volumes and wind speeds.

Finding the Branches on the Tree of Life
From ACM TechNews

Finding the Branches on the Tree of Life

The new Deep Learning for Unsupervised Clustering of DNA Sequences technique draws taxonomic relationships between organisms via unsupervised machine learning. ...

Seeing is Deceiving
From ACM TechNews

Seeing is Deceiving

Researchers at Japan's University of Tokyo trained algorithms on self-blended images to better spot deepfake images and video.

Addressing Labor Shortages with Automation
From Communications of the ACM

Addressing Labor Shortages with Automation

Labor shortages have many companies turning to automation technology, but with mixed outcomes.

'The Way Things Were': How ACM Is Opening the Doors to Its Archives
From ACM News

'The Way Things Were': How ACM Is Opening the Doors to Its Archives

ACM, in the midst of both a landmark celebration and a broader open-access initiative, is putting its history online for anyone to access.
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