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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Powerful Computer Cluster Helps Fight Disease

A university in Sweden is gearing up to provide researchers with a powerful system for large scale computing and data storage. Grants are helping Uppsala University's...

From ACM News

­U.S. Economy Spurs Foreign Students to Return Home, Study Says

Most foreign nationals studying at universities in the United States say American higher education is the best in the world, but few plan to remain permanently...

Mathematical System Helps to Cut Bus Journey Times
From ACM TechNews

Mathematical System Helps to Cut Bus Journey Times

Researchers from the University of Burgos (UBU) have used heuristic algorithms and the "taboo search" method to improve bus service in Burgos, Spain. The approach...

From ACM TechNews

Improved NITRD to Address Computer Science Education Issues

ACM, the Computing Research Association (CRA), and National Center for Women and Information Technology (NCWIT) are working to improve the profile of computer science...

No Catch: Robot Fish to Hunt Pollution
From ACM TechNews

No Catch: Robot Fish to Hunt Pollution

Researchers at Britain's University of Essex and the BMT Group have developed robotic fish that will be released into the port of Gijon in northern Spain to monitor...

Ec Calls For Energy Efficiency Through Ict
From ACM TechNews

Ec Calls For Energy Efficiency Through Ict

The European Commission (EC) believes information and communication technologies (ICT) can be used to reduce energy use, which also would help in the effort toView...

From ACM News

Ancient Cultures Are Just a Click Away

Thanks to European research, today's portals can take you to fascinating virtual destinations — both ancient and new — and all just a click away. The work allows...

From ACM News

Acm Awards Recognize Innovators Who Solve Real World Problems

ACM has announced the winners of five prestigious awards honoring innovations in computing technology that benefit society through their profound impact on the...

Computer Science Majors Increase at Most Significant Rate Since Dot Com Boom
From ACM TechNews

Computer Science Majors Increase at Most Significant Rate Since Dot Com Boom

The number of computer science majors enrolled in U.S. universities rose 8.1 percent in 2008, the first increase in six years, reports the Computing Research Association...

From ACM TechNews

Sc09 Announces Technical Program Focus

This year's SC09 conference will focus on the role of high-performance computing (HPC) in biological sciences, environmental sustainability, and the emerging three...

From ACM News

India Will Be Big Technology Innovator in Next Decade

India will be at the forefront of innovation in the coming decade, according to MIT's Technology Review. The driver of this innovation will be investments in science...

From ACM TechNews

Government Cyberattacks Militarize the Web

Distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks are now being used by governments as another way to counter opposition, warns Arbor Networks senior security researcher...

That's Mr. Roboto to You
From ACM News

That's Mr. Roboto to You

Scientists in Japan are testing a robotic teacher at fifth- and sixth-grade classes at a primary school in Tokyo. Originally introduced as a secretary, the Saya...

From ACM TechNews

Tech Skills Crucial to Any Career, Students Say

A recent IBM Academic Initiative survey found that 80 percent of 1,600 college students polled agreed that high-technology skills will help them succeed, and a...

Q&A: The Robot Wars Have Arrived
From ACM TechNews

Q&A: The Robot Wars Have Arrived

Brookings Institution fellow P.W. Singer says in an interview that the military's funding of robotics will have ramifications in areas that people are as yet unaware...

From ACM News

Women Opt Out of Math/science Careers Because of Family Demands

Women tend to choose non-math-intensive fields for their careers — not because they lack mathematical ability, but because they want flexibility to raise children...

From ACM TechNews

It Built Into Your Jewelery

Henry Tirri, Nokia's head of research, says the economic downturn will lead to more investments in collaboration tools, broadband, video, and mobile technology...

From ACM TechNews

'I'm Here to Make You Feel Better'

Researchers are developing socially assistive robots that can provide therapy and support to people with cognitive and physical handicaps. One example is CosmoBot...

From ACM TechNews

Tech to Cure Crop Failure and Look Inside Einstein's Mind?

Technology will help solve some of the most pressing issues the world is facing, says ACM president and University of Southampton professor Dame Wendy Hall. Hall...

From ACM TechNews

IBM Looks to Secure Internet Banking With Usb Stick

A USB memory stick that can guarantee secure banking transactions even if a PC is tainted by malware has been developed by IBM's Zurich research laboratory.
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