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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Global Classroom
From ACM News

The Global Classroom

Vint Cerf goes inside the online revolution in education

Identifying Signs of Chronic Brain Injury in Living Football Players
From ACM News

Identifying Signs of Chronic Brain Injury in Living Football Players

Eight former pro football players learned this year that they have signs of a degenerative brain disorder called chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a condition...

Moore's Law Isn't Making Chips Cheaper Anymore
From ACM Opinion

Moore's Law Isn't Making Chips Cheaper Anymore

At a wine bar in San Francisco on Wednesday, Broadcom Chairman and CTO Henry Samueli delivered some sobering news: Moore's Law isn't making chips cheaper anymore...

Someone's Been Siphoning Data Through a Huge Security Hole in the Internet
From ACM News

Someone's Been Siphoning Data Through a Huge Security Hole in the Internet

In 2008, two security researchers at the DefCon hacker conference demonstrated a massive security vulnerability in the worldwide internet traffic-routing system—a...

Data Mining Reveals the Secret to Getting Good Answers
From ACM TechNews

Data Mining Reveals the Secret to Getting Good Answers

A new algorithm can rank the questions and answers on question and answer websites, while weeding out off-topic and irrelevant entries.

Can You Read My Mind? Uc Researchers Engineer the Framework For Helpful Robots With Human Intuition
From ACM TechNews

Can You Read My Mind? Uc Researchers Engineer the Framework For Helpful Robots With Human Intuition

Robots are expected to play an increasingly large role in daily life over the next 50 years.

Experimental Malware ­ses Inaudible Sound to Defeat Network Air Gaps
From ACM TechNews

Experimental Malware ­ses Inaudible Sound to Defeat Network Air Gaps

Researchers have tested the feasibility of creating a covert acoustical mesh network between multiple laptops to exchange data using near-ultrasonic frequencies...

Students ­pdate Classic Animation Technique
From ACM TechNews

Students ­pdate Classic Animation Technique

Much of the repetitive manual work involved in the classic squash and stretch animation technique has been automated in a new software program. 

Google's C Alternative Gets an Update, but Will Developers Bite?
From ACM TechNews

Google's C Alternative Gets an Update, but Will Developers Bite?

Google this week released version 1.2 of its Go open source programming language, designed to improve on certain aspects of languages similar to C. 

An Artificial Hand with Real Feelings
From ACM News

An Artificial Hand with Real Feelings

There have been remarkable mechanical advances in prosthetic limbs in recent years, including rewiring nerve fibers to control sophisticated mechanical arms (see...

3-D Images, With Only One Photon Per Pixel
From ACM News

3-D Images, With Only One Photon Per Pixel

Lidar rangefinders, which are common tools in surveying and in autonomous-vehicle control, among other applications, gauge depth by emitting short bursts of laser...

China Bars Banks from Bitcoin Transactions
From ACM News

China Bars Banks from Bitcoin Transactions

China's government banned financial institutions from trading in bitcoin on Thursday, in what analysts said was a restrained first step towards regulating the digital...

Self-Replicating Usbs Spread Software Faster Than an Internet Connection
From ACM TechNews

Self-Replicating Usbs Spread Software Faster Than an Internet Connection

An easy, inexpensive way to transmit large software packages rapidly without using the Internet utilizes a self-replicating bootable USB stick. 

Enhancing the Efficiency of Complex Computations
From ACM TechNews

Enhancing the Efficiency of Complex Computations

The science and industry sectors are showing considerable interest in the Karlsruhe High Quality Partitioner.

Researchers ­se Shopping Cart to Put Mobile, Nfc Payment Theft on Wheels
From ACM TechNews

Researchers ­se Shopping Cart to Put Mobile, Nfc Payment Theft on Wheels

Researchers have found that contactless payments are more vulnerable then previously believed.

Mit, Notre Dame, ­t San Antonio Help Build Hybrid Cloud Environment For Education
From ACM TechNews

Mit, Notre Dame, ­t San Antonio Help Build Hybrid Cloud Environment For Education

Internet2 is working to bring a hybrid cloud environment to its community of research and educational institutions. 

Shazam! How the Music Industry Hears What You (will) Love
From ACM Careers

Shazam! How the Music Industry Hears What You (will) Love

At some point in 2014, your friends are totally going to be into this Dutch DJ named Martin Garrix.

Japanese Robots Earn Their Keep
From ACM TechNews

Japanese Robots Earn Their Keep

Japanese researchers have developed a robot designed to provide assistance and companionship to human astronauts who spend months working in space.

When Bitcoins Go Bad: 4 Stories of Fraud, Hacking, and Digital Currencies
From ACM News

When Bitcoins Go Bad: 4 Stories of Fraud, Hacking, and Digital Currencies

With Bitcoin interest (and prices) spiking, you might be considering investing in your own little cache of digital currency.

'Soft' Biometrics Is the New Way to Monitor People
From ACM News

'Soft' Biometrics Is the New Way to Monitor People

Cameras are strewn around our environment, catching glimpses of our faces everywhere we go, yet even the best facial recognition technology still has a hard time...
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