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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Edge of Computational Photography
From Communications of the ACM

The Edge of Computational Photography

Smartphones and consumer cameras increasingly give professional photographers a run for their money.

Google's Language Techniques Help O2 Czech Republic Reveal Network Secrets
From ACM TechNews

Google's Language Techniques Help O2 Czech Republic Reveal Network Secrets

Word2vec, a neural network technique developed to understand human languages, also can interpret raw cell tower data.

Environmental DNA Program Makes Conservation Research Faster, More Efficient
From ACM TechNews

Environmental DNA Program Makes Conservation Research Faster, More Efficient

New open source software simplifies environmental DNA research by allowing scientists to quickly recognize a broad spectrum of species.

How Computation is Changing Journalism
From ACM News

How Computation is Changing Journalism

Nicholas Diakopoulos has helped to make journalism is increasingly computational. 

Algorithm Tells Robots Where Nearby Humans are Headed
From ACM TechNews

Algorithm Tells Robots Where Nearby Humans are Headed

A new algorithm accurately aligns partial trajectories in real time, allowing motion predictors in self-driving cars to accurately anticipate the timing of a person's...

­ber Eats To Test Flying Food To Customers By Drone In San Diego
From ACM News

­ber Eats To Test Flying Food To Customers By Drone In San Diego

Uber will start delivering food with drones in San Diego this summer, aiming to test out ways to connect a payload to customers in a dense urban environment where...

Stanford Team Aims at Alexa, Siri With Privacy-Minded Alternative
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Team Aims at Alexa, Siri With Privacy-Minded Alternative

Stanford University researchers are designing voice-operated virtual assistants that give users more control over personal information.

From Brueghel to Warhol: AI Enters the Attribution Fray
From ACM TechNews

From Brueghel to Warhol: AI Enters the Attribution Fray

Art historians are starting to utilize machine learning to provide empirical support for theories previously limited to the subjective eye of the beholders.

AI Technology Improves Critical Crack Detection
From ACM TechNews

AI Technology Improves Critical Crack Detection

A new artificial intelligence system can detect unidentified or underidentified structural damage in major infrastructure such as nuclear reactors, skyscrapers,...

The Chatbots are Coming!
From ACM News

The Chatbots are Coming!

Advances in chatbots are changing the way we interact with computing devices.

Creating an AI can be 5x Worse for the Planet than a Car
From ACM TechNews

Creating an AI can be 5x Worse for the Planet than a Car

The training of a single artificial intelligence program can require as much as 284 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, or about five times the lifetime emissions...

Image-Recognition Technology May Not Be as Secure as We Think
From ACM TechNews

Image-Recognition Technology May Not Be as Secure as We Think

Evidence is growing that image recognition technology may be more susceptible to deception than previously assumed.

Why Should We Care About Technology Ethics? The ­pdated ACM Code of Ethics
From ACM TechNews

Why Should We Care About Technology Ethics? The ­pdated ACM Code of Ethics

Ethical responsibility is especially critical to artificial intelligence developers, said Catherine Flick of the ACM Committee on Professional Ethics.

AI Mavericks Want to Build A Better Brain for Industrial Robots
From ACM News

AI Mavericks Want to Build A Better Brain for Industrial Robots

Some big-names in AI and robotics are teaming up to develop a robot operating system that will aim to address the shortcomings of today's smartest machines.

Keeping Algorithms Fair
From ACM News

Keeping Algorithms Fair

It's easier to de-bias algorithms than it is to de-bias people.

How Quantum Computer Could Break 2,048-Bit RSA Encryption in 8 Hours
From ACM TechNews

How Quantum Computer Could Break 2,048-Bit RSA Encryption in 8 Hours

Researchers have developed a more efficient technique for decryption calculations by quantum computers.

Autonomous Boats Can Target, Latch Onto Each Other
From ACM TechNews

Autonomous Boats Can Target, Latch Onto Each Other

Researchers have designed autonomous boats that can automatically target and latch onto each other.

Quicker Eye for Robotics to Help in Our Cluttered, Human Environments
From ACM TechNews

Quicker Eye for Robotics to Help in Our Cluttered, Human Environments

A new algorithm permits machines to sense their surroundings faster, which could help assistive robots operate more efficiently in unstructured environments.

Model Identifies High-Risk Areas for Lumpy Skin Disease in Cattle
From ACM TechNews

Model Identifies High-Risk Areas for Lumpy Skin Disease in Cattle

An international team of researchers has integrated two computer models to highlight regions at highest risk for lumpy skin disease virus epidemics in cattle.

What Do Dating Technology and Alzheimer's Have in Common?
From ACM TechNews

What Do Dating Technology and Alzheimer's Have in Common?

Researchers have developed a method of teaching a computer to detect an indicator of Alzheimer's disease in human brain tissue.
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