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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Google Puts Its Virtual Brain Technology to Work
From ACM TechNews

Google Puts Its Virtual Brain Technology to Work

Google's recently developed learning software, which can identify specific objects by watching YouTube videos, is now being used to make Google's products smarter...

Better Tools For Better Software
From ACM TechNews

Better Tools For Better Software

Northeastern University professor Matthias Felleisen recently received the 2012 Achievement Award from ACM's SIGPLAN for his work on Racket, which enables programmers...

Virginia Tech to Tackle the 'Big Data' Challenges of Next-Generation Sequencing With HokieSpeed
From ACM TechNews

Virginia Tech to Tackle the 'Big Data' Challenges of Next-Generation Sequencing With HokieSpeed

The U.S. NSF and the National Institutes of Health recently announced about $15 million in new big data fundamental research projects that aim to develop tools...

University of Minnesota Engineers Invent New Device That Could Increase Internet Download Speeds
From ACM TechNews

University of Minnesota Engineers Invent New Device That Could Increase Internet Download Speeds

A device that controls light could lead to faster Internet downloading speeds, more affordable Internet transmission costs, and lower power consumption.  

Alan Turing's Cyber-Legacy Praised By Gchq Chief
From ACM TechNews

Alan Turing's Cyber-Legacy Praised By Gchq Chief

GCHQ director Iain Lobban recently gave a speech noting the many enduring lessons that could be drawn from Alan Turing's work.

Data Scientist: The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century
From ACM Careers

Data Scientist: The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century

When Jonathan Goldman arrived for work in June 2006 at LinkedIn, the business networking site, the place still felt like a start-up.

Why Trifacta Is Teaching Humans and Data to Work Together
From ACM Careers

Why Trifacta Is Teaching Humans and Data to Work Together

Ask a group of data scientists the toughest part of their job, and many will probably tell you–it's not the math but the work required to turn raw data into something...

NASA Mars Curiosity Rover Prepares to Study Martian Soil
From ACM News

NASA Mars Curiosity Rover Prepares to Study Martian Soil

NASA's Curiosity rover is in a position on Mars where scientists and engineers can begin preparing the rover to take its first scoop of soil for analysis.

From ACM News

In Europe, Speed Cameras Meet Their Technological Match

When Marc Guerin, a software salesman, drives the 38 kilometers from his home west of Paris to Roissy Charles de Gaulle Airport, he seeks out the fastest route...

New Tracking Frontier: Your License Plates
From ACM News

New Tracking Frontier: Your License Plates

For more than two years, the police in San Leandro, Calif., photographed Mike Katz-Lacabe's Toyota Tercel almost weekly.

Acoustic Cell-Sorting Chip May Lead to Cell Phone-Sized Medical Labs
From ACM TechNews

Acoustic Cell-Sorting Chip May Lead to Cell Phone-Sized Medical Labs

Researchers have created a device that uses acoustic waves to sort a continuous flow of cells on a chip, and they believe it could lead to more efficient and less...

DDoS Attacks on Major U.S. Banks Are No Stuxnet—Here's Why
From ACM News

DDoS Attacks on Major U.S. Banks Are No Stuxnet—Here's Why

The attacks that recently disrupted website operations at Bank of America and at least five other major U.S. banks used compromised Web servers to flood their targets...

Artificial Intelligence For Developing Technology For Older Adults
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence For Developing Technology For Older Adults

The role of AI in the development of technologies that promote safe independent living for older adults will be the focus of an upcoming symposium titled AI for...

Home-Based Assessment Tool For Dementia Screening
From ACM TechNews

Home-Based Assessment Tool For Dementia Screening

Georgia Tech researchers have developed ClockMe, a home-based software tool that allows adults to screen themselves for early signs of dementia.  

The Real Tron: It Security as a Shoot 'em Up
From ACM TechNews

The Real Tron: It Security as a Shoot 'em Up

MIT researchers have developed an approach that allows IT security professionals to patrol their assigned environments as if they were playing a first-person shooter...

High Schools Not Meeting STEM Demand
From ACM TechNews

High Schools Not Meeting STEM Demand

There are more than 42,000 public and private high schools in the United States, but just 2,100 of them offered the Advanced Placement test in computer science...

Nasa's Infrared Observatory Measures Expansion of Universe
From ACM News

Nasa's Infrared Observatory Measures Expansion of Universe

Astronomers using NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope have announced the most precise measurement yet of the Hubble constant, or the rate at which our universe is stretching...

The Real Tron: It Security As a Shoot 'em ­p
From ACM News

The Real Tron: It Security As a Shoot 'em ­p

Alert to a sudden threat, you race down a virtual corridor of servers, hot on the tail of malicious software.

Information Nation: Digital Social Experiment to Put a Human Face on Big Data
From ACM News

Information Nation: Digital Social Experiment to Put a Human Face on Big Data

Imagine seeing life through one eyeball but then being given the ability to view the world through two or even three eyeballs at once.

Sites That Pay the Shopper For Being a Seller
From ACM Careers

Sites That Pay the Shopper For Being a Seller

Julie Medeiros thinks her taste in fashion is worth something. Turns out it is: about $50 a month.
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