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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Aclu: 'reasonable Suspicion' Not Good Enough For Gps Tracking
From ACM News

Aclu: 'reasonable Suspicion' Not Good Enough For Gps Tracking

If you're a student of the privacy and tech law worlds (or you just read Ars) then you're probably familiar with last year's Supreme Court decision, Jones v. United...

Coning In: New Ways to Tap Old Data Boost Hurricane Forecast Accuracy
From ACM News

Coning In: New Ways to Tap Old Data Boost Hurricane Forecast Accuracy

Despite advances in weather prediction technology, meteorologists must still qualify any hurricane forecasts with a "cone of uncertainty," which depicts just how...

Study: Wikileaked Data Can Predict Insurgent Attacks
From ACM News

Study: Wikileaked Data Can Predict Insurgent Attacks

Insurgencies are amongst the hardest conflicts to predict. Insurgents can be loosely organized, split into factions, and strike from out of nowhere. But now researchers...

Artificial Football Manager Hoping to Top the Fantasy Football League
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Football Manager Hoping to Top the Fantasy Football League

Researchers at the University of Southampton plan to participate in the English Fantasy Football League with an artificial soccer manager.  

Frog Calls Inspire a New Algorithm For Wireless Networks
From ACM TechNews

Frog Calls Inspire a New Algorithm For Wireless Networks

Polytechnic University of Catalonia researchers have developed an algorithm based on the desynchronized form of calling used by Japanese tree frogs that assigns...

Your Laptop Can Now Analyze Big Data
From ACM TechNews

Your Laptop Can Now Analyze Big Data

Carnegie Mellon University researchers have developed GraphChi, a framework for running large-scale computations on one personal computer.  

Can We Fix Computer Science Education in America?
From ACM TechNews

Can We Fix Computer Science Education in America?

Computer science is the only one of the science, technology, engineering, and math fields that has seen a decrease in student participation during the last 20 years...

Western Media Seeking to Play Down Iran's Cyber Capability By New Virus Story
From ACM Opinion

Western Media Seeking to Play Down Iran's Cyber Capability By New Virus Story

The western media sought to play down Iran's cyber and computer software capability by releasing hundreds of reports on the discovery of a new computer virus and...

The Brave New World of Tomorrow's Tablets
From ACM News

The Brave New World of Tomorrow's Tablets

Tablets with paper-thin screens that can be folded and tucked into your back pocket, artificial intelligence and augmented reality—the stuff of science fiction...

Apple Granted 'the Mother of All Smartphone Software Patents'
From ACM News

Apple Granted 'the Mother of All Smartphone Software Patents'

Both sides of the smartphone wars agree that the 25 patents granted Apple on Tuesday contain some powerful legal weapons.

Mahdi, the Messiah, Found Infecting Systems in Iran, Israel
From ACM News

Mahdi, the Messiah, Found Infecting Systems in Iran, Israel

Who knew that when the Messiah arrived to herald the Day of Judgment he'd first root through computers to steal documents and record conversations?

The Moore's Law Moon Shot
From ACM News

The Moore's Law Moon Shot

It is seemingly a fact of life that every new generation of computing gadget will be significantly more powerful than the one before, but a looming technical roadblock...

Researchers Create Highly Conductive and Elastic Conductors Using Silver Nanowires
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Create Highly Conductive and Elastic Conductors Using Silver Nanowires

North Carolina State University researchers have developed highly conductive and elastic conductors made from silver nanoscale wires, which they say can be used...

App That Allows Deaf People to Verbally Communicate Wins Imagine Cup
From ACM TechNews

App That Allows Deaf People to Verbally Communicate Wins Imagine Cup

First place in the 2012 Imagine Cup went to a Ukrainian university team that developed an application that enables deaf people to verbally communicate using sensory...

Faster Simulation--Award for New Method
From ACM TechNews

Faster Simulation--Award for New Method

Dominik Schillinger was honored with the John Argyris Award during the recent World Congress on Computational Mechanics for developing a method for facilitating...

New Computer Exam Tested For the First Time By ­niversity Students
From ACM TechNews

New Computer Exam Tested For the First Time By ­niversity Students

The Linux Professional Institute recently tested its Linux Essentials exam program for the first time on students from Birmingham City University's School of Computing...

Gov. Cuomo Uses Blackberry Pin-to-Pin Messaging System to Contact Key Staffers When They Can't Talk on the Phone
From ACM News

Gov. Cuomo Uses Blackberry Pin-to-Pin Messaging System to Contact Key Staffers When They Can't Talk on the Phone

There's one phrase Gov. Cuomo never hears: "You’ve got mail!" 

Five Reasons Why It's A Great Time to Major in Computer Science
From ACM News

Five Reasons Why It's A Great Time to Major in Computer Science

While computer science always seems to be an excellent career choice, this happens to be a particularly great time to pursue a CS major, say experts.

In-Q-Tel: The Cia's Tax-Funded Player In Silicon Valley
From ACM Careers

In-Q-Tel: The Cia's Tax-Funded Player In Silicon Valley

For more than a decade the CIA has run its own venture capital fund called In-Q-Tel. It was founded in the late 1990s when the CIA was drowning in data and didn't...

Nasa's Car-Size Rover Nears Daring Landing on Mars
From ACM News

Nasa's Car-Size Rover Nears Daring Landing on Mars

NASA's most advanced planetary rover is on a precise course for an early August landing beside a Martian mountain to begin two years of unprecedented scientific...
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