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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Winter Driving Trouble? There's an App for That
From ACM TechNews

Winter Driving Trouble? There's an App for That

North Dakota State University researchers have developed Winter Survival Kit, a free iPhone and Android application that helps motorists prepare for winter driving...

Facial Recognition: Beating Surveillance Cameras
From ACM News

Facial Recognition: Beating Surveillance Cameras

Big Brother is watching you, though probably not in the ways most of us would imagine.

What Fueled Twitter's Success?
From ACM News

What Fueled Twitter's Success?

Innovators anxious to see their software products go viral might want to take a close look at how Twitter—which is said to have more than 300 million users worldwide—accomplished...

Intel's Newest Project: Helping Stephen Hawking Speak
From ACM News

Intel's Newest Project: Helping Stephen Hawking Speak

Intel is looking for ways to help famed British physicist Stephen Hawking reverse the slowing of his speech, according to a senior executive with the American...

At CES, Control Your Computer Screen With Your 'Gaze'
From ACM News

At CES, Control Your Computer Screen With Your 'Gaze'

At last year's D9 conference, Sweden-based Tobii demonstrated cool eye-tracking technology that enables users to control a PC without hands.

The Critics Rave... For Microsoft?
From ACM News

The Critics Rave... For Microsoft?

"Gorgeous," raves The Huffington Post. "Best-looking smartphone operating system in the industry," gushes Slate. "Far superior to most if not all the Android...

­.S. Report Sees Perils to America's Tech Future
From ACM TechNews

­.S. Report Sees Perils to America's Tech Future

A Department of Commerce report warns that certain aspects of the U.S. economy are losing their competitive edge. "Our ability to innovate as a nation will determine...

From ACM News

Enterprise Will Spend $19 Billion on Apple Hardware in 2012

The "Bring Your Own Device" philosophy spreading through enterprise these days is proving a real boon to Apple.

U.s. Defense Bill Approves Offensive Cyber Warfare
From ACM TechNews

U.s. Defense Bill Approves Offensive Cyber Warfare

The recently approved U.S. defense budget sanctions the Department of Defense to engage in offensive cyberwarfare to protect U.S. interests and those of its allies...

Ford ­ses Online Software Tool to Simulate Visual Impairments
From ACM TechNews

Ford ­ses Online Software Tool to Simulate Visual Impairments

Ford is working with Cambridge University's Engineering Design Center to simulate visual impairments to improve the driving experience in its automobiles.

Wanted: Supercomputer Programmers
From ACM TechNews

Wanted: Supercomputer Programmers

The U.S.'s supercomputing labs are having difficulty finding software developers who can program state-of-the-art machines, according to a recent Daily Beast article...

Leaping Lizards and Dinosaurs Inspire Robot Design
From ACM TechNews

Leaping Lizards and Dinosaurs Inspire Robot Design

University of California, Berkeley researchers are developing robots based on lizards, giving the robots tails to help them maintain balance. "Inspiration from...

Trajectory Maneuver Slated for Jan. 11
From ACM News

Trajectory Maneuver Slated for Jan. 11

An engine firing on Jan. 11 will be the biggest maneuver that NASA's Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft will perform on its flight between Earth and Mars.

From ACM News

In M.t.a. App Contest, Many Buttons Worth Pushing

How do you create public-service software? Run a contest.

Avoiding Innovation's Terrible Toll
From ACM News

Avoiding Innovation's Terrible Toll

The corporation isn't a sturdy species. In fact, only a tiny fraction reach the age of 40, according to study of more than six million firms by management professors...

In Flop of H.p. Touchpad, an Object Lesson For the Tech Sector
From ACM News

In Flop of H.p. Touchpad, an Object Lesson For the Tech Sector

The TouchPad tablet from Hewlett-Packard was one of the most closely watched new gadgets of 2011—and quickly turned out to be the year’s biggest flop.

From ACM News

Can a Court Make You Give Up Your Password?

Can the government force you to give up your password in the course of an investigation against you? That’s the controversial debate that’s shaping up in U.S....

Encrypting Pictures Using Chaotic Cellular Automata
From ACM TechNews

Encrypting Pictures Using Chaotic Cellular Automata

Marina Jeaneth Machicao and colleagues at the University of San Paul in Brazil are using chaos to encrypt images. Their approach generates a pseudo-random signal...

Microsoft Researcher: Passwords Aren't Dead But They Need Fixing
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Researcher: Passwords Aren't Dead But They Need Fixing

Password use needs an overhaul that is driven by understanding the damage that can be done when password security is compromised, and researchers need to quantify...

Help Nasa Code Its Way Through Space
From ACM News

Help Nasa Code Its Way Through Space

If you'd like to work on software projects that might one day send your code to Mars or on a deep space mission, NASA has some code for you to hack on.
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