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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Next Mars Rover Will Have 23 'eyes'
From ACM News

Next Mars Rover Will Have 23 'eyes'

When NASA's Mars Pathfinder touched down in 1997, it had five cameras: two on a mast that popped up from the lander, and three on NASA's first rover, Sojourner....

Google's AI Wizard ­nveils a New Twist on Neural Networks
From ACM News

Google's AI Wizard ­nveils a New Twist on Neural Networks

If you want to blame someone for the hoopla around artificial intelligence, 69-year-old Google researcher Geoff Hinton is a good candidate.

How Songbirds Learn a New Song
From ACM TechNews

How Songbirds Learn a New Song

Researchers studying how Zebra finches learn new songs have found the birds' strategy closely resembles methods used in computer linguistics to compare documents...

Small Words in an Email Can Reveal a Person's Identity
From ACM TechNews

Small Words in an Email Can Reveal a Person's Identity

Researchers have demonstrated it is possible to identify someone by analyzing small sequences of words in emails.

Building Tomorrow's Robots
From ACM Careers

Building Tomorrow's Robots

When Brandon Araki arrived at MIT in 2015 as a master's candidate in mechanical engineering, he brought along the picobug, a tiny robot that can fly, crawl, and...

The Physics of Time Travel Isn't Just the Stuff of Science Fiction
From ACM Opinion

The Physics of Time Travel Isn't Just the Stuff of Science Fiction

We're all time travelers nowadays. We project ourselves mentally into the misty past and the risky future.

Small Group Scoops International Effort to Sequence Huge Wheat Genome
From ACM News

Small Group Scoops International Effort to Sequence Huge Wheat Genome

The wheat genome is finally complete.

To Secure the Internet of Things, We Must Build It Out of 'patchable' Hardware
From ACM TechNews

To Secure the Internet of Things, We Must Build It Out of 'patchable' Hardware

The security of the Internet of Things could depend on its constituent hardware being "patchable" so it can adapt to future threats, write several experts.

Anticipating Aftershocks
From ACM TechNews

Anticipating Aftershocks

Researchers in June released a major report summarizing the scientific and hazard results of the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast.

Cmu, Pitt Brain Imaging Science Identifies Individuals With Suicidal Thoughts
From ACM TechNews

Cmu, Pitt Brain Imaging Science Identifies Individuals With Suicidal Thoughts

Researchers have developed an approach to identify suicidal individuals by analyzing changes in how their brains represent concepts such as death, cruelty, and...

Newfound Wormhole Allows Information to Escape Black Holes
From ACM News

Newfound Wormhole Allows Information to Escape Black Holes

In 1985, when Carl Sagan was writing the novel Contact, he needed to quickly transport his protagonist Dr. Ellie Arroway from Earth to the star Vega. He had her...

Nustar Probes Black Hole Jet Mystery
From ACM News

Nustar Probes Black Hole Jet Mystery

Black holes are famous for being ravenous eaters, but they do not eat everything that falls toward them.

How Russian Trolls Lie Their Way to the Top of Your News Feed
From ACM News

How Russian Trolls Lie Their Way to the Top of Your News Feed

Going viral used to be harmless.

Facebook Struggles to Contain Russia Narrative
From ACM Careers

Facebook Struggles to Contain Russia Narrative

Facebook has been happy to keep congressional investigators focused on the Russian-bought online ads that helped sway voters in last year's election—despite the...

Best-Ever Algorithm Found For Huge Streams of Data
From ACM TechNews

Best-Ever Algorithm Found For Huge Streams of Data

Researchers have  created a near-perfect streaming algorithm that operates by recalling only enough of what it has seen to relate what it has observed most often...

Artificial Intelligence to Evaluate Brain Maturity of Preterm Infants
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence to Evaluate Brain Maturity of Preterm Infants

Researchers have developed a method of assessing a preterm infant's brain maturity from an electroencephalogram.

Women and Robots, 'there's Just No Trust'
From ACM TechNews

Women and Robots, 'there's Just No Trust'

Researchers found women were much less likely than men to trust humanoid machines.

Small Asteroid or Comet 'visits' from Beyond the Solar System
From ACM News

Small Asteroid or Comet 'visits' from Beyond the Solar System

A small, recently discovered asteroid—or perhaps a comet&mdsah;appears to have originated from outside the solar system, coming from somewhere else in our galaxy...

Alan Turing: How His ­niversal Machine Became a Musical Instrument
From ACM News

Alan Turing: How His ­niversal Machine Became a Musical Instrument

Alan Turing is one of the great pioneers of the digital age, establishing the mathematical foundations of computing and using electromechanical digital machines...

­sing Robots in Patient Rehabilitation
From ACM TechNews

­sing Robots in Patient Rehabilitation

Researchers conducted a study of user preferences as an initial step toward developing an interactive movement rehabilitation protocol.
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