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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

A Field Farmed Only By Drones
From ACM News

A Field Farmed Only By Drones

Across the United Kingdom, the last of the spring barley has been brought in from the fields, the culmination of an agricultural calendar whose rhythm has remained...

USC Isi Researchers Poised to Crack the Code on Reducing Workplace Stress
From ACM TechNews

USC Isi Researchers Poised to Crack the Code on Reducing Workplace Stress

Researchers aim to relieve workplace stress by first understanding its causes.

Two Intelligent Vehicles Are Better Than One
From ACM TechNews

Two Intelligent Vehicles Are Better Than One

Researchers are working to improve intelligent vehicle systems by combining the data collected by such a vehicle with that collected from other intelligent vehicles...

Collaborative Software Development Made Easy
From ACM News

Collaborative Software Development Made Easy

Sebastian Neubert, a particle physicist at Heidelberg University in Germany, leads a group studying subatomic particles called pentaquarks. The six team members...

Scientists in Mexico Scramble to Deploy Seismic Sensors
From ACM News

Scientists in Mexico Scramble to Deploy Seismic Sensors

Late one night in September, Victor Cruz, a geophysicist at Mexico's National Autonomous University, submitted an article to a scientific journal describing progress...

How a 130-Year-Old Technology Led to a Nobel Prize
From ACM News

How a 130-Year-Old Technology Led to a Nobel Prize

In 1887, Albert Michelson built an experiment that he hoped would lead to the detection of luminiferous ether.

Southampton Experts to Trial 'instant' Test For Eye Infections
From ACM TechNews

Southampton Experts to Trial 'instant' Test For Eye Infections

A new microchip can quickly identify serious eye infections and prevent antibiotic misuse by analyzing bacteria from laboratory-infected tissue samples.

Russian Facebook Ads Showed a Black Woman Firing a Rifle, Amid Efforts to Stoke Racial Strife
From ACM News

Russian Facebook Ads Showed a Black Woman Firing a Rifle, Amid Efforts to Stoke Racial Strife

One of the Russian-bought advertisements that Facebook shared with congressional investigators on Monday featured photographs of an armed black woman "dry firing"...

Risk of Human-Triggered Earthquakes Laid Out in Biggest-Ever Database
From ACM News

Risk of Human-Triggered Earthquakes Laid Out in Biggest-Ever Database

From mining projects to oil and gas operations, human activity has set off earthquakes around the world and in many geological settings.

­Understanding Ethereum, Bitcoin's Virtual Cousin
From ACM Careers

­Understanding Ethereum, Bitcoin's Virtual Cousin

Bitcoin has many cousins and competitors. None have grown more popular than Ethereum, a global computer network with its own virtual currency, called Ether.

The Benefits and Risks of Using Talking Software to Address Mental Health
From ACM TechNews

The Benefits and Risks of Using Talking Software to Address Mental Health

Stanford University scholars Adam Miner, Arnold Milstein, and Jeff Hancock discuss the growing use of conversational software programs as a tool in mental health...

Are Computers Already Smarter Than Humans?
From ACM TechNews

Are Computers Already Smarter Than Humans?

In some respects, computers can be more intelligent than humans in terms of learning and problem solving, according to experts.

Chip Reprograms Cells to Regenerate Damaged Tissue
From ACM News

Chip Reprograms Cells to Regenerate Damaged Tissue

The ability to convert, or "reprogram" cells into other types has raised hopes for regenerating damaged limbs and organs. But existing methods are risky or inefficient...

Unexpected Surprise: A Final Image from Rosetta
From ACM News

Unexpected Surprise: A Final Image from Rosetta

Scientists analysing the final telemetry sent by Rosetta immediately before it shut down on the surface of the comet last year have reconstructed one last image...

As Scrutiny Of Social Networks Grows, Influence Attacks Continue In Real Time
From ACM News

As Scrutiny Of Social Networks Grows, Influence Attacks Continue In Real Time

The presidential election is long past, but online attacks aimed at shaping the U.S. information environment have kept right on coming.

The 3D Selfie Is Here
From ACM TechNews

The 3D Selfie Is Here

A new Web application can render a two-dimensional facial image as a three-dimensional construct.

Companies Are Once Again Storing Data on Tape, Just In Case
From ACM News

Companies Are Once Again Storing Data on Tape, Just In Case

Companies are returning to tape as a medium for storing data as hackers get smarter about penetrating defenses.

Nasa Damage Map Aids Puerto Rico Hurricane Response
From ACM News

Nasa Damage Map Aids Puerto Rico Hurricane Response

A NASA-produced map showing areas of eastern Puerto Rico that were likely damaged by Hurricane Maria has been provided to responding agencies, including the Federal...

New Gravitational Wave Detection From Colliding Black Holes
From ACM News

New Gravitational Wave Detection From Colliding Black Holes

In another step forward for the rapidly expanding universe of invisible astronomy, scientists said on Wednesday that on Aug. 14 they had recorded the space-time...

Lehigh University Engineers Create Computer Program That Is Saving the State Prison System Millions of Dollars
From ACM TechNews

Lehigh University Engineers Create Computer Program That Is Saving the State Prison System Millions of Dollars

Researchers have developed an algorithm expected to save Pennsylvania's prison system $2.9 million annually by accelerating the process of determining where prisoners...
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