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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Instagram Posts Can Reveal Depression Better Than Anything Patients Tell Their Doctors
From ACM TechNews

Instagram Posts Can Reveal Depression Better Than Anything Patients Tell Their Doctors

Researchers at the University of Vermont and Harvard University say algorithmic analysis of Instagram posts could diagnose depression more effectively than physicians...

Researchers 'count Cars'--Literally--to Manage Traffic
From ACM TechNews

Researchers 'count Cars'--Literally--to Manage Traffic

OverFeat Framework is a new automated car-counting system.

New Research Could Show How Legendary Musicians Would Play Modern Music
From ACM TechNews

New Research Could Show How Legendary Musicians Would Play Modern Music

Researchers are developing a system that could be used to show how musicians from any era would have played a piece of music from any other era.

Artificial Intelligence Identifies Plant Species For Science
From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Identifies Plant Species For Science

Computer algorithms trained on the images of thousands of preserved plants have learned to automatically identify species that have been pressed, dried and mounted...

Biohackers Encoded Malware in a Strand of Dna
From ACM News

Biohackers Encoded Malware in a Strand of Dna

When biologists synthesize DNA, they take pains not to create or spread a dangerous stretch of genetic code that could be used to create a toxin or, worse, an infectious...

First Evidence That Social Bots Play a Major Role in Spreading Fake News
From ACM News

First Evidence That Social Bots Play a Major Role in Spreading Fake News

Fake news and the way it spreads on social media is emerging as one of the great threats to modern society.

Cassini to Begin Final Five Orbits Around Saturn
From ACM News

Cassini to Begin Final Five Orbits Around Saturn

NASA's Cassini spacecraft will enter new territory in its final mission phase, the Grand Finale, as it prepares to embark on a set of ultra-close passes through...

Deepmind AI Teaches Itself About the World By Watching Videos
From ACM News

Deepmind AI Teaches Itself About the World By Watching Videos

To an untrained AI, the world is a blur of confusing data streams.

Nsf Grant Aims to ­se Big Data to Improve Crops
From ACM TechNews

Nsf Grant Aims to ­se Big Data to Improve Crops

Researchers have received a $1.2-million U.S. National Science Foundation grant to help biologists improve crop management.

Cu Boulder Wants Humans to Experience Secret Life of Pets
From ACM TechNews

Cu Boulder Wants Humans to Experience Secret Life of Pets

Researchers have received a U.S. National Science Foundation grant to design and build wearable technologies to help humans experience the world through a dog's...

Jpl's Design For a Clockwork Rover to Explore Venus
From ACM Opinion

Jpl's Design For a Clockwork Rover to Explore Venus

The longest amount of time that a spacecraft has survived on the surface of Venus is 127 minutes.

How to Map the Circuits That Define ­S
From ACM News

How to Map the Circuits That Define ­S

Marta Zlatic owns what could be the most tedious film collection ever.

How Can Humans Keep Control of Ai?
From ACM TechNews

How Can Humans Keep Control of Ai?

Osaka University president Shojiro Nishio stresses the need to keep artificial intelligence under human control.

Designing the Microstructure of Printed Objects
From ACM TechNews

Designing the Microstructure of Printed Objects

Researchers have developed a design system to catalog the physical characteristics of a huge number of tiny cube clusters that can function as building blocks for...

An Algorithm Trained on Emoji Knows When You're Being Sarcastic on Twitter
From ACM TechNews

An Algorithm Trained on Emoji Knows When You're Being Sarcastic on Twitter

Researchers have developed a deep-learning textual sentiment algorithm which can analyze tweets to pick up sarcasm and general emotional subtext.

The Future of Search Engines
From ACM TechNews

The Future of Search Engines

Researchers aim to improve enhance search engines by integrating artificial intelligence with annotation insights and information encoded in domain-specific resources...

Demystifying the Black Box That Is AI
From ACM News

Demystifying the Black Box That Is AI

When Jason Matheny joined the U.S. Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) as a program manager in 2009, he made a habit of chatting to the organization's...

National Ignition Facility Recreates the Interior of Heavy Stars
From ACM News

National Ignition Facility Recreates the Interior of Heavy Stars

In a lot of ways, stars are our model for creating nuclear fusion here on Earth, with fusion power often promoted as "harnessing the power of the Sun."

New Clues to ­niverse's Structure Revealed
From ACM News

New Clues to ­niverse's Structure Revealed

What is our universe made of, and has its composition changed over time?

New Horizons' Next Target Just Got a Lot More Interesting
From ACM News

New Horizons' Next Target Just Got a Lot More Interesting

Could the next flyby target for NASA's New Horizons spacecraft actually be two targets?
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