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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Coding Curriculum in a Box
From ACM News

Coding Curriculum in a Box, a nonprofit boot camp, offers ready-made, industry-approved coding courses to colleges and trains students to teach them for credit.

Keeping Algorithms Fair
From ACM News

Keeping Algorithms Fair

It's easier to de-bias algorithms than it is to de-bias people.

How Quantum Computer Could Break 2,048-Bit RSA Encryption in 8 Hours
From ACM TechNews

How Quantum Computer Could Break 2,048-Bit RSA Encryption in 8 Hours

Researchers have developed a more efficient technique for decryption calculations by quantum computers.

Automation Could Force Millions of Women to Find New Jobs
From ACM TechNews

Automation Could Force Millions of Women to Find New Jobs

A McKinsey Global Institute analysis warns automation could displace 107 million employed women worldwide by 2030, with the sexes almost equally impacted by technological...

Vulnerability of Cloud Service Hardware ­ncovered
From ACM TechNews

Vulnerability of Cloud Service Hardware ­ncovered

Researchers have found that field programmable gate arrays have vulnerabilities that could be exploited by cyber criminals.

Research Overcomes Key Obstacles to Scaling ­p DNA Data Storage
From ACM TechNews

Research Overcomes Key Obstacles to Scaling ­p DNA Data Storage

North Carolina State University researchers have created new techniques for labeling and retrieving data files in DNA-based information storage systems.

Autonomous Boats Can Target, Latch Onto Each Other
From ACM TechNews

Autonomous Boats Can Target, Latch Onto Each Other

Researchers have designed autonomous boats that can automatically target and latch onto each other.

Machine Learning Sniffs Out Its Own Machine-Written Propaganda
From ACM TechNews

Machine Learning Sniffs Out Its Own Machine-Written Propaganda

Researchers have modified a neural network to create a natural language processing algorithm that generates, as well as detects, convincing fake articles.

Microsoft Warns ­sers to Patch as Exploits for 'Wormable' BlueKeep Bug Appear
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Warns ­sers to Patch as Exploits for 'Wormable' BlueKeep Bug Appear

Microsoft has published an advisory calling on users to install a patch for a "wormable" vulnerability that could be exploited to launch attacks similar to WannaCry...

From Viruses to Social Bots, Researchers ­nearth Structure of Attacked Networks
From ACM TechNews

From Viruses to Social Bots, Researchers ­nearth Structure of Attacked Networks

Researchers are using a new statistical machine learning technique to explore how viruses interact with proteins in the body.

Physicists Can Predict Jumps of Schrodinger's Cat (and Finally Save It)
From ACM TechNews

Physicists Can Predict Jumps of Schrodinger's Cat (and Finally Save It)

Yale University researchers have developed a technique for saving Schrodinger's cat by predicting its jumps and taking real-time actions.

Striking First to Beat Hackers at Their Own Game
From ACM News

Striking First to Beat Hackers at Their Own Game

Researchers can use the same covert channels hackers have taken advantage of to protect a vehicle's control systems.

Mainstream Autos Get Driver-Monitoring Devices
From ACM TechNews

Mainstream Autos Get Driver-Monitoring Devices

Hyundai and Subaru unveiled distracted driver alert systems for their mainstream models last month at the New York International Auto Show.

New York School District's Facial Recognition System Sparks Privacy Fears
From ACM TechNews

New York School District's Facial Recognition System Sparks Privacy Fears

The Lockport, NY, city school district launch of a facial recognition system has resulted in some pushback from privacy advocates.

Model Identifies High-Risk Areas for Lumpy Skin Disease in Cattle
From ACM TechNews

Model Identifies High-Risk Areas for Lumpy Skin Disease in Cattle

An international team of researchers has integrated two computer models to highlight regions at highest risk for lumpy skin disease virus epidemics in cattle.

Tech Giant Brings Software to a Gun Fight
From ACM TechNews

Tech Giant Brings Software to a Gun Fight is pressuring sporting-goods retailers and other customers to stop selling a range of firearms, or be prohibited from using its products.

What Do Dating Technology and Alzheimer's Have in Common?
From ACM TechNews

What Do Dating Technology and Alzheimer's Have in Common?

Researchers have developed a method of teaching a computer to detect an indicator of Alzheimer's disease in human brain tissue.

SlothBot Takes Leisurely Approach to Environmental Monitoring
From ACM TechNews

SlothBot Takes Leisurely Approach to Environmental Monitoring

A new environmental monitoring robot measures chemical and climate-related changes in forest canopies, and is powered by photovoltaic panels to operate for months...

Computing Professionals: Leave Internet Connectivity Out of Voting Machine Guidelines
From ACM TechNews

Computing Professionals: Leave Internet Connectivity Out of Voting Machine Guidelines

ACM has asked the U.S. Election Assistance Commission to prohibit Internet connections from all voting equipment under an updated set of voluntary guidelines.

DeepMind Can Now Beat ­s at Multiplayer Games, Too
From ACM TechNews

DeepMind Can Now Beat ­s at Multiplayer Games, Too

Researchers have developed automated "agents" that display humanlike behavior when playing in capture-the-flag mode in the Quake III multiplayer computer game. ...
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