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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How Smarter Technology Will Feed the Planet
From ACM TechNews

How Smarter Technology Will Feed the Planet

Technology solutions increasingly are being employed to enable more efficient and intelligent agriculture.

Researchers Warn Open Sky Drone Policy Poses Cybercriminal Risk
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Warn Open Sky Drone Policy Poses Cybercriminal Risk

Researchers warn of the potential for unregulated aerial drones to threaten citizens.

Chinese, ­.S. Researchers Develop Simulator for Improving Self-Driving Car Safety Before Road Test
From ACM TechNews

Chinese, ­.S. Researchers Develop Simulator for Improving Self-Driving Car Safety Before Road Test

A new system could make self-driving technology easier to evaluate in the lab and ensure more reliable safety before expensive road testing.

The Risks of Marrying 'Smart' Technology With 'Dumb' Machines
From ACM TechNews

The Risks of Marrying 'Smart' Technology With 'Dumb' Machines

Before the Internet of Things becomes a pervasive reality, technology experts and public safety professionals are airing their concerns about cyber-physical security...

AI Can Make Eye Doctors More Effective
From ACM TechNews

AI Can Make Eye Doctors More Effective

Research at Google has found that artificial intelligence algorithms can help eye doctors make more accurate diagnoses.

Dockworkers v. Robots, Los Angeles Edition
From ACM TechNews

Dockworkers v. Robots, Los Angeles Edition

The International Longshore & Warehouse Union is fighting a Danish firm's plan to use unmanned vehicles to move shipping containers around the Los Angeles port...

Data Sharing by Popular Health Apps is "Routine," Research Finds
From ACM TechNews

Data Sharing by Popular Health Apps is "Routine," Research Finds

Researchers have found mobile health apps pose unprecedented risk to consumers' privacy because of their ability to collect and share user data.

Censorship Pays: China's State Newspaper Expands Lucrative Online Scrubbing Business
From ACM Careers

Censorship Pays: China's State Newspaper Expands Lucrative Online Scrubbing Business, the online unit of China's influential People's Daily, is boosting its numbers of human internet censors backed by artificial intelligence to help firms...

How GM­ Students' Eating Habits Changed When Delivery Robots Invaded Their Campus
From ACM TechNews

How GM­ Students' Eating Habits Changed When Delivery Robots Invaded Their Campus

Students eating habits have changed since the deployment of 25 semi-autonomous delivery robots from Starship Technologies on the George Mason University campus...

Future Shock: Inside Google's Smart City
From ACM TechNews

Future Shock: Inside Google's Smart City

Google is using a 12-acre plot on the outskirts of Toronto to build a city of the future.

Fathers of the Deep Learning Revolution Receive ACM A.M. Turing Award
From ACM News

Fathers of the Deep Learning Revolution Receive ACM A.M. Turing Award

Bengio, Hinton, and LeCun ushered in major breakthroughs in artificial intelligence.

Nvidia Developing an 'Autonomous Car Driver's License' Based on Its Tech
From ACM TechNews

Nvidia Developing an 'Autonomous Car Driver's License' Based on Its Tech

Nvidia it is working with German standards body TÜV SÜD to develop a kind of driver's license for self-driving cars.

Analyzing Pre-Installed Software on Android Devices and Its Privacy Risks for ­sers
From ACM TechNews

Analyzing Pre-Installed Software on Android Devices and Its Privacy Risks for ­sers

Researchers investigating Android devices have discovered a complex ecosystem of device manufacturers, mobile operators, app developers, and providers.

Warnings of a Dark Side to AI in Health Care
From ACM TechNews

Warnings of a Dark Side to AI in Health Care

A recently published study warns that new artificial intelligence technology designed to enhance healthcare is vulnerable to misuse.

Warnings of a Dark Side to A.I. in Health Care
From ACM News

Warnings of a Dark Side to A.I. in Health Care

Last year, the Food and Drug Administration approved a device that can capture an image of your retina and automatically detect signs of diabetic blindness.

Facial Motion Capture Helps Bring VR Documentary to Life
From ACM News

Facial Motion Capture Helps Bring VR Documentary to Life

A new virtual reality documentary allows the viewer to experience it from a range of viewpoints.

How Pope Francis Could Shape the Future of Robotics
From ACM News

How Pope Francis Could Shape the Future of Robotics

At the Vatican's Pontifical Academy for Life workshop, Pope Francis presented a letter warning of developing technologies without first considering societal costs...

Machines Could Fuel Comeback of Textile Industry in South
From ACM News

Machines Could Fuel Comeback of Textile Industry in South

Automated sewing and other machine innovations could enable a resurgence of the textile industry in the southern U.S.

How Cutting-Edge Technology Helps Basketball Players Shoot
From ACM News

How Cutting-Edge Technology Helps Basketball Players Shoot

As a freshman last season at Michigan, Isaiah Livers shot 36 percent from 3-point range. Decent, but not great.

Ford to Build Factory in Michigan for Autonomous Vehicles
From ACM TechNews

Ford to Build Factory in Michigan for Autonomous Vehicles

Ford Motor plans to construct its first autonomous vehicles at a $50-million production center in Michigan.
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