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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Facial Recognition's 'Dirty Little Secret': Millions of Online Photos Scraped Without Consent
From ACM TechNews

Facial Recognition's 'Dirty Little Secret': Millions of Online Photos Scraped Without Consent

Legal experts warn people's online photos are being used without permission to power facial-recognition technology that could eventually be used for surveillance...

Drones That Perch Like Birds Could Go on Much Longer Flights
From ACM TechNews

Drones That Perch Like Birds Could Go on Much Longer Flights

Yale University researchers have designed an observational drone that can perch like a bird to save energy.

Display Technologies Set to Transform Workspaces
From ACM TechNews

Display Technologies Set to Transform Workspaces

Within the next decade, new workspaces will emerge with multiple displays and larger, panoramic screens.

­niversity of Washington Team Creates Voice-Controlled Robot to Help People Eat
From ACM TechNews

­niversity of Washington Team Creates Voice-Controlled Robot to Help People Eat

A voice-controlled robot can feed pieces of fruit to humans on command.

DeepMind is Asking How AI Helped Turn the Internet into an Echo Chamber
From ACM TechNews

DeepMind is Asking How AI Helped Turn the Internet into an Echo Chamber

Researchers have analyzed how different recommendation algorithms can accelerate or decelerate filter bubbles and echo chambers online.

Finance Teams Bet Technology Will Bridge Budget Gap
From ACM TechNews

Finance Teams Bet Technology Will Bridge Budget Gap

Finance departments across the country think new technology will close efficiency gaps created by budget and staff cuts spurred by the next economic slowdown.

Collaborating with Robots
From ACM News

Collaborating with Robots

The challenge of cobots in the workplace.

Cooler Screens' Display Cases Scan Your Face to Size ­p Buying Habits
From ACM TechNews

Cooler Screens' Display Cases Scan Your Face to Size ­p Buying Habits

Chicago-based Cooler Screens has developed a facial-profiling system that tries to guess what consumers will buy next based on how they appear in front of a refrigerated...

Cybersecurity System Offers Protection Against Hacking, Censorship
From ACM TechNews

Cybersecurity System Offers Protection Against Hacking, Censorship

Researchers have developed a  cybersecurity system that sets a new standard in the fight to protect users from malicious online attacks.

Researchers Find Critical Backdoor in Swiss Online Voting System
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Find Critical Backdoor in Swiss Online Voting System

An international research team warned of a critical backdoor flaw in Switzerland's new Internet voting system.

Tonight's Dinner? In a Cooler-Sized Robot That Knows Where You Live
From ACM TechNews

Tonight's Dinner? In a Cooler-Sized Robot That Knows Where You Live

Venture-backed startups have been dispatching cooler-sized robots in cities around the U.S. to deliver food and groceries to customers' doorsteps.

The World Wide Web Turns 30. Where Does It Go From Here?
From ACM News

The World Wide Web Turns 30. Where Does It Go From Here?

Sir Tim Berners-Lee, on his invention of the World Wide Web in 1989.

How Quantum Sensing Is Changing the Way We See the World
From ACM News

How Quantum Sensing Is Changing the Way We See the World

Imagine a world where you can find out exactly what lies under your feet, get advanced warning of volcanic eruptions, look around corners or into rooms, and detect...

An All-in-One Cyber Toolkit for Criminal Investigations
From ACM TechNews

An All-in-One Cyber Toolkit for Criminal Investigations

Researchers at Purdue University have developed an all-in-one platform to help investigators solve cybersecurity crimes.

These Cameras Can Spot Shoplifters Even Before They Steal
From ACM TechNews

These Cameras Can Spot Shoplifters Even Before They Steal

Japanese startup Vaak has developed artificial intelligence software that looks for potential shoplifters on video surveillance footage.

Top ­niversities Join to Push 'Public Interest Technology'
From ACM News

Top ­niversities Join to Push 'Public Interest Technology'

As technology becomes increasingly pervasive in American life, universities across the United States have been devising ways to teach students how to grapple with...

NSA Makes Ghidra, a Powerful Cybersecurity Tool, Open Source
From ACM TechNews

NSA Makes Ghidra, a Powerful Cybersecurity Tool, Open Source

The U.S. National Security Agency has chosen to open source the cybersecurity tool Ghidra, a reverse-engineering platform that takes "compiled" software and "decompiles"...

Self-Driving Cars Risk 'Future Errors' Due to Difficulty Detecting Darker Skin Tones
From ACM TechNews

Self-Driving Cars Risk 'Future Errors' Due to Difficulty Detecting Darker Skin Tones

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have found that state-of-the-art object-detection systems are better at detecting people with lighter skin tones...

India Fights Diabetic Blindness With Help From AI
From ACM TechNews

India Fights Diabetic Blindness With Help From AI

The Aravind Eye Hospital in Madurai, India, is working with Google artificial intelligence scientists to automate the identification of diabetic retinopathy.

Technology Brings Rugged Iditarod Race to Global Audience
From ACM TechNews

Technology Brings Rugged Iditarod Race to Global Audience

Alaska's Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race uses technology so organizers and fans worldwide can monitor the race in real time.
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