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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

­sing Wi-Fi to 'See' Behind Closed Doors Is Easier than Anyone Thought
From ACM News

­sing Wi-Fi to 'See' Behind Closed Doors Is Easier than Anyone Thought

Wi-Fi fills our world with radio waves. In your home, in the office, and increasingly on city streets, humans are bathed in a constant background field of 2.4-...

Another ­se for AI: Finding Millions of ­nregistered Voters
From ACM TechNews

Another ­se for AI: Finding Millions of ­nregistered Voters

IBM's Jeff Jonas has for several years used his artificial intelligence software for a multistate project to identify eligible voters and purge voter rolls of inaccuracies...

The Robot Revolution Is Coming, and Dang Is It Cute
From ACM TechNews

The Robot Revolution Is Coming, and Dang Is It Cute

How adorable robots are may be a critical factor for their public acceptance.

Make People Valuable Again
From ACM News

Make People Valuable Again

David Nordfors and Vint Cerf suggest that innovation can, and should, make people more valuable.

The New Face of Law Enforcement
From ACM News

The New Face of Law Enforcement

Facial recognition and augmented reality are changing the way law enforcement agencies investigate crime, but there are important privacy issues to consider.

Quantum Physicists Found a New, Safer Way to Navigate
From ACM News

Quantum Physicists Found a New, Safer Way to Navigate

In 2015, the U.S. Naval Academy decided that its graduates needed to return to the past and learn how to navigate using the stars.

To Fight Email Scammers, Take a Different View. Literally.
From ACM TechNews

To Fight Email Scammers, Take a Different View. Literally.

Researchers have developed a visual analytics tool that dramatically speeds up forensic email investigations and highlights critical links within email data.

Fleets of Drones Could Aid Searches for Lost Hikers
From ACM TechNews

Fleets of Drones Could Aid Searches for Lost Hikers

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed an autonomous system to direct a fleet of drones.

Technology, Slow to the Restaurant Scene, Is Now On the Menu
From ACM TechNews

Technology, Slow to the Restaurant Scene, Is Now On the Menu

The Canadian restaurant industry has been more significantly transformed by technology in the last five years than in the preceding 50.

How to Encode a Secret Message in a Fingerprint
From ACM TechNews

How to Encode a Secret Message in a Fingerprint

Researchers have developed a method for constructing digital fingerprints that encode secret messages into the spiral points on the prints.

Even a Few Bots Can Shift Public Opinion in Big Ways
From ACM Opinion

Even a Few Bots Can Shift Public Opinion in Big Ways

Nearly two-thirds of the social media bots with political activity on Twitter before the 2016 U.S. presidential election supported Donald Trump.

English Has the Scientific Edge, for Now 
From ACM News

English Has the Scientific Edge, for Now 

For centuries, science was a multilingual affair, powered by French, German, English and other tongues. But since the early 1970s, English has become the undisputed...

An AI Lie Detector Will Interrogate Travelers at Some E­ Borders
From ACM TechNews

An AI Lie Detector Will Interrogate Travelers at Some E­ Borders

An artificial intelligence-based lie detector system will be used on international travelers during a six-month pilot program at border crossings in Hungary, Latvia...

Travel Industry Brings Innovative Technology Along for the Ride
From ACM TechNews

Travel Industry Brings Innovative Technology Along for the Ride

Travel and tourism firms are deploying next-generation technologies such as robots, data analytics, artificial intelligence, and augmented reality to improve the...

NASA Astronauts Will Get to Use This Extraterrestrial Supercomputer
From ACM TechNews

NASA Astronauts Will Get to Use This Extraterrestrial Supercomputer

A standard Hewlett-Packard Enterprise Apollo 4000-series business computer is being used to conduct science experiments on the International Space Station.

Here's How Much Bots Drive Conversation During News Events
From ACM News

Here's How Much Bots Drive Conversation During News Events

Last week, as thousands of Central American migrants made their way northward through Mexico, walking a treacherous route toward the US border, talk of "the caravan...

Electronic Voting Was Going to Be the Future. Now Paper's Making a Comeback
From ACM News

Electronic Voting Was Going to Be the Future. Now Paper's Making a Comeback

You could call it buyer's remorse. Five US states went all in on electronic voting machines, and four of those states are poised to get out.

The Next Big One? Earthquake Scientists Look to AI
From ACM TechNews

The Next Big One? Earthquake Scientists Look to AI

Scientists are using artificial intelligence to improve data analysis to better understand earthquakes, predict their behavior, and warn of seismic events faster...

NATO Military Exercise Will Test Robots, Autonomous Vehicles
From ACM TechNews

NATO Military Exercise Will Test Robots, Autonomous Vehicles

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is conducting a month-long military exercise using a variety of new technologies.

Need to Fix an iPhone or Android Device? You Can Now Break DRM ­nder New ­.S. Rules
From ACM TechNews

Need to Fix an iPhone or Android Device? You Can Now Break DRM ­nder New ­.S. Rules

It is now legal in the U.S. for consumers and repair companies to break an electronic device's digital rights management protections in order to to repair it.
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