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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Fake News Detector Algorithm Works Better Than a Human
From ACM TechNews

Fake News Detector Algorithm Works Better Than a Human

An algorithm-based system that identifies linguistic cues in fake news stories could provide news aggregators and social media sites with a new weapon against misinformation...

A New Artificial Neural Network Framework for Gait-Based Biometrics
From ACM TechNews

A New Artificial Neural Network Framework for Gait-Based Biometrics

Researchers have developed an approach for securing the wireless communications of wearable and implantable medical devices.

A Monitor's ­ltrasonic Sounds Can Reveal What's on the Screen
From ACM News

A Monitor's ­ltrasonic Sounds Can Reveal What's on the Screen

You probably assume that someone can only see what's on your computer screen by looking at it.

A 'GPS for Inside Your Body'
From ACM TechNews

A 'GPS for Inside Your Body'

A new "in-body global-positioning system" can locate ingestible implants within the body using low-power wireless signals.

Microsoft's Glasses Monitor Blood Pressure
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft's Glasses Monitor Blood Pressure

Smart glasses developed by Microsoft Research's Glabella Project can measure blood pressure noninvasively.

Stanford Engineers Create New AI Camera for Faster, More Efficient Image Classification
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Engineers Create New AI Camera for Faster, More Efficient Image Classification

Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence camera system that classifies images faster and more efficiently.

Bounties Mount for Bugs
From ACM News

Bounties Mount for Bugs

Maturing bug bounty programs spot data abuse, secure the Internet of Things.

­ of T Experts ­se Deep Learning AI for Predictive Animation
From ACM TechNews

­ of T Experts ­se Deep Learning AI for Predictive Animation

Researchers used deep learning algorithms to improve software for the animation and gaming industry.

Botnet of Smart Air Conditioners and Water Heaters Could Bring Down the Power Grid
From ACM TechNews

Botnet of Smart Air Conditioners and Water Heaters Could Bring Down the Power Grid

A new class of cyberattack can hijack smart appliances online and enlist them in a botnet to orchestrate power outages.

'Weaponized Ad Technology': Facebook's Moneymaker Gets a Critical Eye
From ACM News

'Weaponized Ad Technology': Facebook's Moneymaker Gets a Critical Eye

Facebook has made a mint by enabling advertisers to identify and reach the very people most likely to react to their messages.

Mobile App Extends Smartphone Battery 10-25%
From ACM TechNews

Mobile App Extends Smartphone Battery 10-25%

Researchers at the University of Waterloo in Canada have developed a mobile app that purportedly reduces the energy consumption of Android smartphones.

Out-doctoring the Doctors
From ACM News

Out-doctoring the Doctors

Artificial software can outperform human doctors at reading medical imaging.

Crowdsourcing Algorithms to Predict Epileptic Seizures
From ACM TechNews

Crowdsourcing Algorithms to Predict Epileptic Seizures

More than 10,000 crowdsourced algorithms can enable clinically relevant epileptic seizure prediction across a broad spectrum of patients.

Transistor Technology May Improve Speed, Battery Life for Computers, Mobile Phones, Other Electronics
From ACM TechNews

Transistor Technology May Improve Speed, Battery Life for Computers, Mobile Phones, Other Electronics

Purdue University researchers have developed a technology design for field effect transistors that incorporates lasers.

Robots Have Power to Significantly Influence Children's Opinions
From ACM TechNews

Robots Have Power to Significantly Influence Children's Opinions

Researchers have demonstrated that young children are much more susceptible than adults to having their opinions and decisions influenced by robots.

AI Has a Racial Bias Problem. Google Is Funding Summer Camps to Try to Change That
From ACM TechNews

AI Has a Racial Bias Problem. Google Is Funding Summer Camps to Try to Change That

The Oakland, CA-based nonprofit AI4All will use a $1-million grant from to broaden its outreach to young underrepresented minorities and women.

LiveTag Is Out to Make Dumb Objects Smart
From ACM TechNews

LiveTag Is Out to Make Dumb Objects Smart

University of California, San Diego researchers are developing a Wi-Fi-based system using inexpensive tags that can be stuck to everyday non-electronic objects....

How to Make a Robot ­se Theory of Mind
From ACM News

How to Make a Robot ­se Theory of Mind

Imagine standing in an elevator as the doors begin to close and suddenly seeing a couple at the end of the corridor running toward you.

Replacing Your Boss With a Cruel Robot Could Make You Concentrate More
From ACM TechNews

Replacing Your Boss With a Cruel Robot Could Make You Concentrate More

A mean robot could motivate human employees to improve their cognitive performance, compared to supervision by a friendly robot or no robot supervision, researchers...

The 'Neuropolitics' Consultants Who Hack Voters' Brains
From ACM Careers

The 'Neuropolitics' Consultants Who Hack Voters' Brains

Maria Pocovi slides her laptop over to me with the webcam switched on.
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