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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Battle for Connected Home Seizes the Stage at CES 2019
From ACM TechNews

Battle for Connected Home Seizes the Stage at CES 2019

Last week's CES 2019 in Las Vegas showcased efforts by Google, Amazon, and Apple to advance connected home technology platforms.

Robotic Milkers and an Automated Greenhouse: Inside a High-Tech Small Farm
From ACM News

Robotic Milkers and an Automated Greenhouse: Inside a High-Tech Small Farm

About 150 Jersey cows in the rolling terrain at Rivendale Farms in Bulger, some 25 miles west of Pittsburgh, wear Fitbit-like collars that monitor their movement...

A Fleet of Autonomous Robots Is Making One of the World's Oldest Foods
From ACM TechNews

A Fleet of Autonomous Robots Is Making One of the World's Oldest Foods

An autonomous, bread-making robotic oven made by Wilkinson Baking of Walla Walla, WA, can produce 235 loaves daily.

­niversity of California Tells Students Not to ­se WeChat, WhatsApp in China
From ACM TechNews

­niversity of California Tells Students Not to ­se WeChat, WhatsApp in China

The University of California has warned students and faculty against using messaging apps and social media while visiting China.

Your Old Tweets Give Away More Location Data Than You Think
From ACM TechNews

Your Old Tweets Give Away More Location Data Than You Think

An international team of researchers has developed an algorithm that uses Twitter to automatically predict a user's location within minutes.

In Fast-Aging Japan, Elder Care Is a High-Tech Pursuit
From ACM TechNews

In Fast-Aging Japan, Elder Care Is a High-Tech Pursuit

Startups are putting new innovations to work in Japan's elder-care market.

'ANYmal' Robot Stalks Dark Sewers to Test Its Navigation
From ACM TechNews

'ANYmal' Robot Stalks Dark Sewers to Test Its Navigation

Researchers at ETH Zurich in Switzerland are working to help a seeing, hearing, door-opening robot function in extreme conditions.

The Super-Secure Quantum Cable Hiding in the Holland Tunnel
From ACM News

The Super-Secure Quantum Cable Hiding in the Holland Tunnel

Commuters inching through rush-hour traffic in the Holland Tunnel between Lower Manhattan and New Jersey don't know it, but a technology likely to be the future...

Flexible Displays Enter the Picture
From ACM News

Flexible Displays Enter the Picture

Engineers have long attempted to develop flexible displays and devices. The technology is finally becoming a reality.

A Neural Network Can Learn to Organize the World It Sees Into Concepts, Just Like We Do
From ACM News

A Neural Network Can Learn to Organize the World It Sees Into Concepts, Just Like We Do

GANs, or generative adversarial networks, are the social-media starlet of AI algorithms. They are responsible for creating the first AI painting ever sold at an ...

The Race to Develop the World's Best Quantum Tech
From ACM News

The Race to Develop the World's Best Quantum Tech

A few days before Christmas, U.S. President Donald Trump signed a bill into law that devotes more than US $1.2 billion to a national effort dedicated to quantum...

CES 2019: 'Family Tech' Gadgets Appeal to Parental Anxiety
From ACM TechNews

CES 2019: 'Family Tech' Gadgets Appeal to Parental Anxiety

This week's CES 2019 highlighted "family tech" products tapping into parental anxiety.

STEM Instruction: How Much There Is, Who Gets It
From ACM TechNews

STEM Instruction: How Much There Is, Who Gets It

A survey found U.S. students and teachers continue to experience unequal access to science, technology, engineering, and math classes and resources.

Virtual Reality Gets Real in the Operating Room
From ACM TechNews

Virtual Reality Gets Real in the Operating Room

A growing number of hospitals and medical centers are embracing virtual reality technology to provide better,  faster training for resident doctors and surgeons...

Why Your Ice Cream Will Ride in a Self-Driving Car Before You Do
From ACM TechNews

Why Your Ice Cream Will Ride in a Self-Driving Car Before You Do

Autonomous vehicles that transport people get lots of media coverage, but autonomous delivery could transform all of retail long before self-driving cars actually...

AI vs. the Hackers
From ACM TechNews

AI vs. the Hackers

Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and various startups increasingly are implementing machine learning algorithms that adapt to hackers' constantly evolving tactics.

A New Approach to ­Understanding How Machines Think
From ACM News

A New Approach to ­Understanding How Machines Think

Been Kim is developing a "translator for humans" so that we can understand when artificial intelligence breaks down.

The American Public is Already Worried about AI Catastrophe
From ACM News

The American Public is Already Worried about AI Catastrophe

A new report suggests that we expect big advances in software capabilities—and we're nervous.

Earth's Magnetic Field Is Acting ­p and Geologists Don't Know Why
From ACM News

Earth's Magnetic Field Is Acting ­p and Geologists Don't Know Why

Something strange is going on at the top of the world. Earth's north magnetic pole has been skittering away from Canada and towards Siberia, driven by liquid iron...

Tracking Technology Reveals Hidden Animal Migration Routes
From ACM TechNews

Tracking Technology Reveals Hidden Animal Migration Routes

Researchers have produced a comprehensive analysis of Wyoming's big game migration patterns, using improved Global Positioning System technology.
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