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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Team Invents Method to Shrink Objects to the Nanoscale
From ACM News

Team Invents Method to Shrink Objects to the Nanoscale

MIT researchers have invented a way to fabricate nanoscale 3-D objects of nearly any shape. They can also pattern the objects with a variety of useful materials...

Stewart Brand Announced as 2019 Paradigm Award Winner
From ACM News

Stewart Brand Announced as 2019 Paradigm Award Winner

The "Original Ecomodernist" to accept the award at the Breakthrough Dialogue event in June in Sausalito, CA.

How Russian Trolls ­sed Meme Warfare to Divide America
From ACM News

How Russian Trolls ­sed Meme Warfare to Divide America

There's a meme on Instagram, circulated by a group called "Born Liberal." A fist holds a cluster of strings, reaching down into people with television sets for...

NASA's Juno Mission Halfway to Jupiter Science
From ACM News

NASA's Juno Mission Halfway to Jupiter Science

On Dec. 21, at 8:49:48 a.m. PST (11:49:48 a.m. EST) NASA's Juno spacecraft will be 3,140 miles (5,053 kilometers) above Jupiter's cloud tops and hurtling by at...

Searching for the Perfect Artificial Synapse for AI
From ACM News

Searching for the Perfect Artificial Synapse for AI

What's the best type of device from which to build a neural network? Of course, it should be fast, small, consume little power, have the ability to reliably store...

Ingestible Capsule Can Be Controlled Wirelessly
From ACM TechNews

Ingestible Capsule Can Be Controlled Wirelessly

A new ingestible capsule can be customized to dispatch drugs, sense environmental conditions, or both, and can remain in the stomach for at least a month.

Data ­se Draining Your Battery? Tiny Device to Speed up Memory While Also Saving Power
From ACM TechNews

Data ­se Draining Your Battery? Tiny Device to Speed up Memory While Also Saving Power

A memory cell with multiple layers of two-dimensional material stacks has the potential to be faster and more reliable than other materials.

STEM Toys Promise to Turn Kids Into Tech Geniuses. Grown-Up Coders Are Skeptical
From ACM TechNews

STEM Toys Promise to Turn Kids Into Tech Geniuses. Grown-Up Coders Are Skeptical

Some programmers are doubtful that toys promising to imbue young minds with science, technology, engineering, and math skills can deliver on that promise.

How Sony's 'Spider-Man: Into the SpiderVerse' ­ses AR to Put a New Spin on a Beloved Superhero
From ACM TechNews

How Sony's 'Spider-Man: Into the SpiderVerse' ­ses AR to Put a New Spin on a Beloved Superhero

Sony has enhanced the new animated film "Spider-Man: Into the SpiderVerse" to break new ground with augmented reality technology.

This Artist Is ­sing AI to Paint With His Mind
From ACM TechNews

This Artist Is ­sing AI to Paint With His Mind

Roboticist Alexander Reben uses artificial intelligence to create works of art.

The Yoda of Silicon Valley
From ACM News

The Yoda of Silicon Valley

Donald Knuth, recipient of the ACM A.M. Turing Award for 1974, reflects on 50 years of his opus-in-progress, "The Art of Computer Programming."

Ambient AI is About to Devour the Software Industry
From ACM News

Ambient AI is About to Devour the Software Industry

Amazon has casually unveiled what could turn into a fundamentally different way to build software.

Europe’s AI Researchers Launch Professional Body Over Fears of Falling Behind
From ACM News

Europe’s AI Researchers Launch Professional Body Over Fears of Falling Behind

Universities on the continent are rapidly losing talent to industry in the United States and China, say scientists behind the initiative.

China Has Never Had a Real Chip Industry. Making AI Chips Could Change That.
From ACM News

China Has Never Had a Real Chip Industry. Making AI Chips Could Change That.

Donald Trump is speaking Mandarin.

Mathematician Inducted into Space and Missiles Pioneers Hall of Fame
From ACM News

Mathematician Inducted into Space and Missiles Pioneers Hall of Fame

West was among the so-called "Hidden Figures" part of the team who did computing for the U.S. military in the era before electronic systems.

International Students Steer Clear of Graduate Programs in the ­nited States
From ACM Careers

International Students Steer Clear of Graduate Programs in the ­nited States

The number of international students enrolling in U.S. graduate programs is falling, according to reports from the U.S. Council of Graduate Schools in Washington...

Computer Chip Vulnerabilities Discovered by WS­ Researchers
From ACM TechNews

Computer Chip Vulnerabilities Discovered by WS­ Researchers

Washington State University researchers have found previously undetected vulnerabilities in high-performance computer chips.

The Making of a Computer-Generated Influencer
From ACM TechNews

The Making of a Computer-Generated Influencer

Miquela Sousa is a computer-generated character developed as a social media personality that can evolve with the times without aging.

Radical New Neural Network Design Could Overcome Big Challenges in AI
From ACM TechNews

Radical New Neural Network Design Could Overcome Big Challenges in AI

A new design for neural networks lacks traditional stacked layers of simple computational nodes that work together to find patterns in data.

Quantum Network Joins Four People Together for Encrypted Messaging
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Network Joins Four People Together for Encrypted Messaging

A new network design uses quantum key distribution to secure messages among four users.
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