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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The World Once Laughed at North Korean Cyberpower. No More.
From ACM News

The World Once Laughed at North Korean Cyberpower. No More.

When North Korean hackers tried to steal $1 billion from the New York Federal Reserve last year, only a spelling error stopped them.

Twitter Is Crawling With Bots and Lacks Incentive to Expel Them
From ACM News

Twitter Is Crawling With Bots and Lacks Incentive to Expel Them

On Wednesday, the exterior of Twitter's San Francisco headquarters bore an eerie message: "Ban Russian Bots." Someone—the company doesn't know who—projected the...

Stretchable Electronics to Top $1 Billion By 2030
From ACM News

Stretchable Electronics to Top $1 Billion By 2030

A growing variety of stretchable polymers will help integrate electronics into medical implants, consumer products, and more.

Mathematical Modeling For Better Designs and Simulations
From ACM TechNews

Mathematical Modeling For Better Designs and Simulations

Dublin City University professor Patricia Moore in Ireland says she tries "to make it easier for computers to solve simulation problems as efficiently and accurately...

Driverless Cars Learn From Humans in Greenwich Project
From ACM TechNews

Driverless Cars Learn From Humans in Greenwich Project

Tests are underway in the London borough of Greenwich in the U.K. that could expedite the development of safer driverless vehicles under the government-funded Move_UK...

Could Virtual Reality Replace Therapy?
From ACM TechNews

Could Virtual Reality Replace Therapy?

Psychologists are testing virtual reality systems as a therapeutic tool for phobias and disorders.

Facebook Thinks the Most ­seful Digital Assistant Is the One That Can Read Minds
From ACM TechNews

Facebook Thinks the Most ­seful Digital Assistant Is the One That Can Read Minds

The head of Facebook's moonshot division says the company wants to use brain-computer interface technology to enable people to type with their minds.

The Female Code Breakers Who Helped Defeat the Nazis
From ACM TechNews

The Female Code Breakers Who Helped Defeat the Nazis

More than 10,000 female "cryptoanalysts" were enlisted by the U.S. Army and Navy to help crack Nazi codes and ensure the Allies' victory in World War II.

Two Computer Scientists Among 2017 Macarthur 'genius' Grant Winners
From ACM News

Two Computer Scientists Among 2017 Macarthur 'genius' Grant Winners

Two computer scientists are recognized for pushing the boundaries of machine learning and cybersecurity.

How the Search For a 'death Ray' Led to Radar
From ACM News

How the Search For a 'death Ray' Led to Radar

You can trace the extent of our reliance on air travel to many inventions. The jet engine, perhaps, or the aeroplane itself. But sometimes inventions need other...

The Scientist Who Spots Fake Videos
From ACM Opinion

The Scientist Who Spots Fake Videos

Hany Farid, a computer scientist at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, specialises in detecting manipulated images and videos. Farid, who provides his...

The Race to Secure Voting Tech Gets an ­rgent Jumpstart
From ACM TechNews

The Race to Secure Voting Tech Gets an ­rgent Jumpstart

There is an urgent need to secure U.S. voting systems ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, according to a report by the Atlantic Council think tank and hacking...

Organization to Teach Coding to Girls in Detroit Area
From ACM TechNews

Organization to Teach Coding to Girls in Detroit Area

The Oakland, CA-based Black Girls CODE organization, which introduces young African-American, Latino, and Native American females to computer science, is opening...

Ada Lovelace Day Honors 'the First Computer Programmer'
From ACM TechNews

Ada Lovelace Day Honors 'the First Computer Programmer'

Pioneering 19th-century English mathematician Ada Lovelace is honored on the second Tuesday of every October for her contributions to computer programming.

7 Ways to Get More Girls and Women Into STEM (and Encourage Them to Stay)
From ACM TechNews

7 Ways to Get More Girls and Women Into STEM (and Encourage Them to Stay)

A recent forum of industry and academic experts offered proposals for encouraging girls and women to pursue science, technology, engineering, and math careers. ...

Careers For Women in Technology Companies Are a Global Challenge
From ACM TechNews

Careers For Women in Technology Companies Are a Global Challenge

Gender bias in technology is a problem for women on both sides of the Atlantic, although the challenges and opportunities they face can differ due to political...

How Israel Caught Russian Hackers Scouring the World For ­.s. Secrets
From ACM News

How Israel Caught Russian Hackers Scouring the World For ­.s. Secrets

It was a case of spies watching spies watching spies: Israeli intelligence officers looked on in real time as Russian government hackers searched computers around...

Shafi Goldwasser Appointed Director of the Simons Institute For the Theory of Computing
From ACM News

Shafi Goldwasser Appointed Director of the Simons Institute For the Theory of Computing

The Turing laureate will become the new director of the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing at the University of California, Berkeley, on January 1, 2018...

Building the Blockchain to End All Blockchains
From ACM TechNews

Building the Blockchain to End All Blockchains

Despite the potential benefits of blockchain technology, it needs to overcome challenges in scalability, speed, and flexibility.

Discovery and Innovation to Quicken With Supercomputer's $1-Million ­pgrade
From ACM TechNews

Discovery and Innovation to Quicken With Supercomputer's $1-Million ­pgrade

A $1-million grant will help Clemson University's Palmetto Cluster supercomputer aid researchers in accelerating the pace of scientific discovery and technological...
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