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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Every Day We Write the Book

What would happen if Facebook made its data available for research?

From ACM News

Google Earth Engine Debuts

In what promises to be one of the most impressive innovations to come out of the Cancun climate talks, the philanthropic arm of Google launched a new technology...

Parc Readies Printed Electronics For Market
From ACM News

Parc Readies Printed Electronics For Market

Early 2011 will see printed memory devices in toys and printed sensors in packages used to ship drugs.

From ACM TechNews

Thousands of Html5 Tests Planned By Web Consortium

Microsoft's Internet Explorer 9 topped Google Chrome and Firefox in the first round of HTML5 compatibility tests, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) said that...

Computer-Generated Robots
From ACM TechNews

Computer-Generated Robots

Germany's Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation has developed a moving robot that is created automatically using a genetic software...

Leveraging Linux For Supercomputing
From ACM News

Leveraging Linux For Supercomputing

The Beowulf project pioneered the use of off-the-shelf, commodity computers running open source operating systems for high-performance computing. Beowulf clusters...

From ACM TechNews

Google Wave May Become an Apache Project

Google Wave's developers have submitted the software to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), making it a candidate to become a Podling included in the Apache Incubator...

War Machines: Recruiting Robots For Combat
From ACM News

War Machines: Recruiting Robots For Combat

War would be a lot safer, the Army says, if only more of it were fought by robots.

Topic Models vs. Unstructured Data
From Communications of the ACM

Topic Models vs. Unstructured Data

With topic modeling, scientists can explore and understand huge collections of unlabeled information.

The Eyes Have It
From Communications of the ACM

The Eyes Have It

Eye-tracking control for mobile phones might lead to a new era of context-aware user interfaces.

Organ Network ­ses Algorithm to Match Live Kidney Donors With Recipients
From ACM TechNews

Organ Network ­ses Algorithm to Match Live Kidney Donors With Recipients

Carnegie Mellon University researchers have developed an algorithm that matches living kidney donors with compatible transplant recipients, and initiated a pilot...

'nowhere to Hide': ­.s. Army Testing New 'smart' Weapons in Afghanistan
From ACM News

'nowhere to Hide': ­.s. Army Testing New 'smart' Weapons in Afghanistan

The XM-25 soon will see combat; precision rounds can be programmed to explode before impact.

Windows at 25: A Tech King with Growing Competition
From ACM News

Windows at 25: A Tech King with Growing Competition

When the first Windows operating system was introduced by Microsoft, Ronald Reagan was in the White House, John Hughes was introducing touching teen stereotypes...

When the Playroom Is the Computer
From ACM News

When the Playroom Is the Computer

A block-shaped robot that seems to roll onto a computer screen is part of an educational-media system that gets kids out of their chairs.

From ACM TechNews

Social Networking Extends Mobile Battery Life

Researchers at the University of Zagreb, Crotia, are developing a new approach to social networking for mobile devices that is based on the context and preferences...

Code Clues Point to Stuxnet Maker
From ACM News

Code Clues Point to Stuxnet Maker

Detailed analysis of the code in the Stuxnet worm has narrowed the list of suspects who could have created it.

From ACM TechNews

A Minority Report Interface For the Rest of ­S

Two programmers have developed Toscanini, a free gestural computer interface that provides a connection between a user's movements and digital instruments such...

From ACM TechNews

Part Moth, Part Machine: Cyborgs Are on the Move

Researchers are developing methods to produce complex behavior from robots by tapping into the nervous system of living organisms and using algorithms that already...

From ACM News

Nsa: Our Development Methods Are in the Open Now

Despite its reputation for secrecy, the U.S. National Security Agency doesn't have a set of secret practices that make its applications and systems bulletproof...

From ACM News

Nsa: Our Development Methods Are in the Open Now

Despite its reputation for secrecy and technical expertise, the National Security Agency doesn't have a set of secret coding practices or testing methods that...
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