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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Breaking Down the Web Barriers Bit by Bit
From ICT Results

Breaking Down the Web Barriers Bit by Bit

A system to remove barriers to the Internet faced by people with disabilities is gaining ground. The NavigAbile project is based on profiling at the entry point...

From ACM TechNews

How the Brain Recognizes Objects

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's McGovern Institute of Brain Research have devised a computational model describing how the primate brain...

Ranking the Most Powerful Supercomputers
From ACM News

Ranking the Most Powerful Supercomputers

The U.S. still leads in high-performance computing capacity, but China is undergoing explosive growth.

From ACM News

Dmp Brings About New Design Space For Virtualization Technology

A group from Peking University has introduced a new memory virtualization technique called Dynamic Memory Paravirtualization that can dynamically patch binary...

Ocean Currents Likely to Carry Oil Along Atlantic Coast
From ACM News

Ocean Currents Likely to Carry Oil Along Atlantic Coast

A detailed computer modeling study released today indicates that oil from the massive spill in the Gulf of Mexico might soon extend along thousands of miles of...

Impossible Figures Brought to Life in Virtual Worlds
From ACM TechNews

Impossible Figures Brought to Life in Virtual Worlds

Chinese University of Hong Kong computer scientists have developed software that depicts physically impossible images in three-dimensional virtual environments. ...

From ACM TechNews

Project Aims to Halve Cost of a Data Center

Taiwan's Industrial Technology Research Institute plans to create Container Computer 1.0, a set of standards for building data centers inside 20-foot shipping containers...

Surveillance Software Knows What a Camera Sees
From ACM TechNews

Surveillance Software Knows What a Camera Sees

UCLA researchers have developed Image to Text (I2T), a computer vision system that can generate a real-time text description of what is happening in a surveillance...

From ACM News

New Automated Tool 'debugs' Nuclear Weapon Simulations

Purdue University researchers, working with high-performance computing experts at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, have created an automated program to "debug"...

Rise of the Robot Astronomer
From ACM News

Rise of the Robot Astronomer

A Hubble Space Telescope picture of the Abell Cluster reveals a wide range of galactic diversity. A giant elliptical galaxy dominates the center of the image, but...

The Ipad Pulse Reader Scales the Charts
From ACM News

The Ipad Pulse Reader Scales the Charts

Much has been made of the opportunity presented by Apple’s iPad to big media companies. But surprisingly, it is a $3.99 application created by two Stanford graduate...

Team Produces Procedure-Based Training Software For Robot-Assisted Surgery
From ACM News

Team Produces Procedure-Based Training Software For Robot-Assisted Surgery

Two scientists have paired up to develop procedure-based, hands-on surgical training software, which has the potential to revolutionize surgical training worldwide...

Developer Preview of the Kamra Ar Browser at Are2010
From ACM News

Developer Preview of the Kamra Ar Browser at Are2010

The Georgia Institute of Technology will release the developer preview of Kamra, the first mobile augmented reality browser for the KHARMA development platform,...

From ACM TechNews

Scaling Goes Extreme

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory researchers are developing software that is capable of describing the behavior of molecules in excited states, as well as...

From ACM News

Google Ditches Windows on Security Concerns

Google is phasing out the internal use of Microsoft’s ubiquitous Windows operating system because of security concerns, according to several Google employees.

From ACM News

Oak Ridge National Lab to Lead Reactor Simulation Innovation Hub

Oak Ridge National Laboratory was awarded $122 million to establish and operate a new Nuclear Energy Modeling and Simulation Energy Innovation Hub, which will...

Found in Translation: A Global Village
From ICT Results

Found in Translation: A Global Village

European scientists have developed groundbreaking technology to enable machine translation using statistical analysis. Now linguistic diversity can be found in...

Spinoffs Reveal Earth Benefits of Nasa Technologies
From ACM News

Spinoffs Reveal Earth Benefits of Nasa Technologies

Congressional staffers in the Rayburn House Office Building on May 20 were wondering why a robot was roaming the halls. Those who followed the robot were led to...

Google Gives Away Video Software to Lure Developers
From ACM TechNews

Google Gives Away Video Software to Lure Developers

Google recently gave away a piece of intellectual property the company gained after its $120 million acquisition of On2 three months ago.

CS and Technology Leaders Honored
From Communications of the ACM

CS and Technology Leaders Honored

Awards were recently announced by ACM and the American Association for the Advancement of Science honoring leaders in...
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