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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

New Research Offers Security For Virtualization, Cloud Computing

North Carolina State University researchers have developed HyperSafe, software for resolving security concerns related to data privacy in virtualization and cloud...

'smart' Cars Steer Towards Safety
From ACM TechNews

'smart' Cars Steer Towards Safety

University of Western Ontario researchers are developing smart cars that can see the conditions around them, assess the appropriateness of a driver's response,...

From ACM TechNews

Dynamic Nimbus Cloud Deployment Wins Grid5000 Challenge Award

The Argonne National Laboratory and University of Chicago's Nimbus toolkit, a set of software tools for cloud computing, implemented a distributed virtual cluster...

Computing, Sudoku-Style
From ACM News

Computing, Sudoku-Style

Though still in its infancy, the work of Alexey Radul as a postdoc at MIT could someday have consequences for artificial-intelligence research, parallel computing...

Researchers at Iowa State, Ames Lab Prepare For Blue Waters Supercomputer
From ACM News

Researchers at Iowa State, Ames Lab Prepare For Blue Waters Supercomputer

They can't wait to do computational chemistry at a quadrillion calculations per second. Petascale computing will give three researchers at Iowa State University...

From ACM News

India It Spending to Rise 14 Percent in 2010, Gartner Says

Information technology spending in India will grow by 14 percent in 2010 to $67 billion on higher investments by retail and utility firms and government departments...

We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Powerpoint
From ACM News

We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Powerpoint

 Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the leader of American and NATO forces in Afghanistan, was shown a PowerPoint slide in Kabul last summer that was meant to portray...

Putting the Touch Into Touchscreens
From ACM News

Putting the Touch Into Touchscreens

Your eyes tell you that your hand is locked in a vice-like mechanical device, but your fingertips tell you you're stroking fur. Welcome to the world of haptics,...

From ACM News

Web Security Attack 'makes Silicon Chips More Reliable'

An attack on a widely used web security system could soon help make silicon chips more powerful and reliable.

Car Steered With Driver's Eyes
From ACM TechNews

Car Steered With Driver's Eyes

Researchers at the Freie Universitat Berlin's Artificial Intelligence Group have developed eyeDriver, software that enables users to steer a car with their eyes...

From ACM News

Students' Auction Technology Helps Raise Record Funds for Charity

Software developed by students in the Computer and Information Science Department at Westfield State College in Massachusetts helped the local Kiwanis Club raise... Releases Open Source Code
From ACM News Releases Open Source Code

The U.S. White House released some of the custom code behind its website on Thursday (April 22) for the open source community to review, use or improve.

Math Software to Help Plan Astronaut, Shift Worker Schedules
From ACM TechNews

Math Software to Help Plan Astronaut, Shift Worker Schedules

National Space Biomedical Research Institute researchers have developed software that uses mathematical models to help astronauts and ground support workers adjust...

Thacker Wins Turing Award
From Communications of the ACM

Thacker Wins Turing Award

Microsoft's Charles P. Thacker named 56th recipient of ACM's A.M. Turing Award.

Cloud Computing and Developing Nations
From Communications of the ACM

Cloud Computing and Developing Nations

For a growing number of organizations worldwide, cloud computing offers a quick and affordable way to tap into IT infrastructure as an Internet service. But obstacles...

Happy Birthday, RDBMS!
From Communications of the ACM

Happy Birthday, RDBMS!

The relational model of data management, which dates to 1970, still dominates today and influences new paradigms as the field evolves.

Modeling the Astronomical
From Communications of the ACM

Modeling the Astronomical

Advances in computer technology have changed the way astronomers see and study the universe.

An Artificial Eye on Your Driving
From ACM TechNews

An Artificial Eye on Your Driving

Researchers at Tel Aviv University and General Motors are developing algorithms that will enable car-mounted cameras to detect road hazards and alert drivers to...

From ACM TechNews

Self-Training Video Analytic Software Developed to Monitor Crowds

Curtin University of Technology researchers have developed software that can detect unusual behavior in crowds, providing a new tool in the fight against crime...

Prace Award 2010 Winners Announced
From ACM TechNews

Prace Award 2010 Winners Announced

ISC has named Klaus Iglberger and Ulrich Rude, professors at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, the winners of the 2010 Partnership for Advanced Computing...
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