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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Free Systems Biology Markup Language Has Proven Popular
From ACM News

Free Systems Biology Markup Language Has Proven Popular

A scientific paper that describes a file format used by scientists to represent models of biological processes has exceeded 500 citations in the ISI Web of Knowledge...

Tomorrow's Forecast: Clear With a Chance of Tremors
From ACM TechNews

Tomorrow's Forecast: Clear With a Chance of Tremors

The goal of the Southern California Earthquake Center's CyberShake project is to accurately predict earthquake activity for the next 50 years. The CyberShake predictions...

From ACM TechNews

Ibm Speeds ­p Data Analysis With New Algorithm

Researchers at IBM's laboratories in Zurich have developed a new algorithm that can sort, correlate, and analyze millions of random data sets in minutes. 

The Mathematics Behind a Good Night's Sleep
From ACM News

The Mathematics Behind a Good Night's Sleep

Professor of Mathematics Mark Holmes and his graduate student Lisa Rogers are using math to develop a new computer model that can be easily manipulated by other...

Coming Ssoon: Emotion Detector For Babies
From ACM News

Coming Ssoon: Emotion Detector For Babies

Parents-to-be can take a breather: It may soon be possible to translate infant cries, all thanks to Japanese scientists who have come up with a statistical computer...

Light-Based Computing, Quick as a Thought
From ACM TechNews

Light-Based Computing, Quick as a Thought

A consortium of European research institutions is working on a new, photonic computing model under the aegis of the PHOCUS project. The system envisioned by the...

From ACM TechNews

Stopping Stealthy Downloads

SRI International and Georgia Tech researchers have developed Block All Drive-By Download Exploits (BLADE), free software that can stop Internet attacks brought...

Photos of the Future
From ACM TechNews

Photos of the Future

Stanford University researchers are developing the Frankencamera, an open source digital camera that they hope will lead to a computational photography revolution...

Katayanagi Prizes and Other CS Awards
From Communications of the ACM

Katayanagi Prizes and Other CS Awards

Donald E. Knuth, Jon Kleinberg, Andrew Herbert, and other members of the computer science community were recently honored...

Tracking Garbage
From Communications of the ACM

Tracking Garbage

Researchers are focusing on the so-called "removal chain" in an attempt to save landfill space, improve recycling rates, and trim the flow of toxic materials into...

Engineering the Web's Third Decade
From Communications of the ACM

Engineering the Web's Third Decade

As Web technologies move beyond two-way interactive capabilities to facilitate more dynamic and pervasive experiences, the Web is quickly advancing toward its third...

In Networks We Trust
From ICT Results

In Networks We Trust

European researchers are proposing a paradigm-shifting solution to trusted computing that offers better security and authentication with none of the drawbacks that...

Nhtsa Has No Software Engineers or Ees To Analyze Toyotas
From ACM Opinion

Nhtsa Has No Software Engineers or Ees To Analyze Toyotas

A report in The Washington Post on the Congressional investigation of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's response to multiple reports of Toyota...

From ACM News

Is That a 'black Box' in Your Car?

Just a few miles east of Los Angeles International Airport, a Chevy Tahoe barreled its way through a residential neighborhood on a Sunday evening. The driver lost...

For Chip Makers, the Next Battle Is in Smartphones
From ACM News

For Chip Makers, the Next Battle Is in Smartphones

The going rate for a state-of-the-art chip factory is about $3 billion. The plants typically take years to build. And the microscopic size of chip circuitry requires...

Stanford Software Is Gaining the Sophistication to Comprehend What Humans Write
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Software Is Gaining the Sophistication to Comprehend What Humans Write

Stanford University professor Chris Manning is working to enable computers to process human language well enough to use the information it conveys. Manning says...

Virtual Museum Guide
From ACM TechNews

Virtual Museum Guide

Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD scientists have developed augmented-reality animation software that can take users on virtual tours through...

What ­tilities Have Learned From Smart-Meter Tests...
From ACM News

What ­tilities Have Learned From Smart-Meter Tests...

Utilities have learned a lot about how smart meters can compel consumers to save electricity. Unfortunately, too often they aren't putting the knowledge to good...

Searching For Saddam
From ACM News

Searching For Saddam

Traffic had slowed to a crawl in Baghdad's Azamiyah district as drivers stopped to ogle the president. It was April 2003, and Saddam Hussein cheerily greeted his...

Swarm of Micro-Helicopters Could Create a Giant 3-D Display
From ACM News

Swarm of Micro-Helicopters Could Create a Giant 3-D Display

Mechanical fireflies could help create a new kind of 3-D display, say researchers at MIT. Standing in for the bioluminescent beetles will be LED-fitted, remotely...
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