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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Computational Process Zeroes in on Top Genetic Cancer Suspects
From ACM News

Computational Process Zeroes in on Top Genetic Cancer Suspects

A team of engineers at Johns Hopkins University have devised innovative computer software that can sift through hundreds of genetic mutations and highlight the...

Trying to Woo Partners, Cloud Computing Vendors Show Them the Money
From ACM News

Trying to Woo Partners, Cloud Computing Vendors Show Them the Money

One of the early promises of software-as-a-service and cloud computing was that it would allow start-ups to directly market their Web services while skipping the...

Opencl: Parallel Programmers' New Best Friend
From ACM TechNews

Opencl: Parallel Programmers' New Best Friend

Apple's new Snow Leopard operating system features the Open Computing Language (OpenCL), new parallel programming technology that Apple hopes will become a standard...

From ACM TechNews

National Science Foundation Awards $1.4 Million For Genocad Development

Virginia Bioinformatics Institute at Virginia Tech professor Jean Peccoud has been awarded a three-year, $1.42 million grant from the National Science Foundation...

A New Language For Phone Networks
From ACM TechNews

A New Language For Phone Networks

University of Cambridge professor Jon Crowcroft is leading a research effort to change how cell phones send information by creating peer-to-peer mobile device networks...

Ole Miss to Tweet its Watts
From ACM News

Ole Miss to Tweet its Watts

SmartSynch Inc., a smart grid infrastructure company using Internet protocol via public wireless networks, is partnering with the University of Mississippi to reduce...

Inventor Demonstrates Humanoid Robot's Latest AI Abilities
From ACM TechNews

Inventor Demonstrates Humanoid Robot's Latest AI Abilities

Independent inventor Le Trung recently demonstrated the newest version of his robot-controlling software called Bio Robot Artificial Intelligence Neural System...

From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientists at Yale Develop New Hybrid Database System

Yale computer scientists recently demonstrated HadoopDB, their new open source system for managing huge amounts of data, at the VLDB conference in Lyon, France....

Software Annotates Images For Semantic Search
From ICT Results

Software Annotates Images For Semantic Search

Innovative software developed in Europe that makes it easier to organize, search and navigate collections of digital images will soon be available to media agencies...

Making Global Science Networking More ­ser-Friendly
From ACM News

Making Global Science Networking More ­ser-Friendly

Computer scientists at the University of Illinois at Chicago's Electronic Visualization Laboratory have received a $1.9 million grant from the U.S. National Science...

Software System Helps Train Orthopedic Surgeons
From ACM News

Software System Helps Train Orthopedic Surgeons

New and experienced orthopedic surgeons can improve their surgical skills with an innovative software surveillance system that tracks their instruments during surgery...

Moral Machines
From ACM TechNews

Moral Machines

Scientists at the Universidade Nova De Lisboa, in Portugal, and the Universitas Indonesia, in Indonesia, are researching artificial intelligence and the application...

From ACM News

Computer System Classifies Music By its Beat and Tempo

Taiwanese computer scientists have developed a neural network program that can classify music on its beat and tempo. Lead researchers Mao-Yuan Kao and Chang-Biau...

From ACM News

Defying Experts, Rogue Computer Code Still Lurks

Like a ghost ship, a rogue software program that glided onto the Internet last November has confounded the efforts of top security experts to eradicate the program...

From ACM TechNews

Html 5 Steps ­p

Microsoft Internet Explorer developers recently offered their feedback on the most recent draft of HTML version 5. Despite the fact that the entire Web is built...

­sing Robots to Serve the Elderly at Home
From ACM News

­sing Robots to Serve the Elderly at Home

Robots that lend a very human-like helping hand to healthy elderly people with limited mobility may be on the horizon, thanks to three University of Illinois at...

Fujitsu Aims For 10-Petaflop Supercomputer
From ACM TechNews

Fujitsu Aims For 10-Petaflop Supercomputer

Fujitsu is building a 10-petaflop supercomputer based on its upcoming Sparc64 VIIIfx processor. The new processor has eight processor cores, with each running...

Facing an Age-Old Problem
From Communications of the ACM

Facing an Age-Old Problem

Researchers are addressing the computing challenges of older individuals, whose needs are different — and too often disregarded.

Entering a Parallel Universe
From Communications of the ACM

Entering a Parallel Universe

The promise of parallel computing has run afoul of the harsh reality of Amdahl's Law, which puts a ceiling on the benefit of converting sequential code to parallel...

Robot's Gentle Touch Aids Delicate Cancer Surgery
From ACM TechNews

Robot's Gentle Touch Aids Delicate Cancer Surgery

Canadian researchers have developed a robot capable of detecting tumor tissue in half the time it takes a human surgeon and with 40 percent greater accuracy while...
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