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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

Hamburg Internet Technologists Propose Roadmap For Future Internet Design

Hamburg University of Applied Sciences computer scientists led by professor Thomas Schmidt have received a three-year grant for the Hybrid Adaptive Mobile Multicast...

Software and the Smartphone Will Map Research Across the World
From ACM TechNews

Software and the Smartphone Will Map Research Across the World

Research from Imperial College London scientists indicates that new smartphone software will help epidemiologists and ecologists in the field analyze data remotely...

Researchers Could Save Thousands ­sing Xbox's Parallel Processing Capabilities
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Could Save Thousands ­sing Xbox's Parallel Processing Capabilities

University of Warwick researcher Simon Scarle has demonstrated that an Xbox 360 chip could replace parallel processing hardware for a fraction of the cost. Scarle's...

The A-Z of Programming Languages: Groovy
From ACM TechNews

The A-Z of Programming Languages: Groovy

Groovy project manager Guillaume Laforge says the Groovy programming language was designed to make life simpler for developers through its seamless integration...

Making Nanowires More Electrically Stable
From ACM News

Making Nanowires More Electrically Stable

Nanomaterials  are widely expected to be a foundation of future electronics. A key component of  tomorrow's nanoelectronic circuits is stable nanowires that work...

Collaborators Operate Multiple Biomedical Robots from Numerous Sites
From ACM News

Collaborators Operate Multiple Biomedical Robots from Numerous Sites

Using a new software protocol called the Interoperable Telesurgical Protocol, nine research teams from universities and research institutes around the world recently...

From ACM TechNews

Google Delivers New Java-Like Language: Noop

Google has developed Noop, a new programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Google describes Noop as "a new language that attempts to blend...

NRL Artificial Intelligence Team Win Prestigious Video Awards
From ACM TechNews

NRL Artificial Intelligence Team Win Prestigious Video Awards

Researchers at the U.S. Navy Research Laboratory's (NRL) Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence won two awards at the 21st International Joint...

Nsf Supported 'cake' Takes It to the Next Level
From ACM News

Nsf Supported 'cake' Takes It to the Next Level

Florida Atlantic University's College of Engineering and Computer Science has received a five-year grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation to create a...

European Research Plays Bit Part in Ben Hur Live
From ICT Results

European Research Plays Bit Part in Ben Hur Live

Technology developed by European researchers is helping the stage production of Ben Hur Live in London's O2 arena. It might only be a bit part, but technology developed...

Rome Is Built in a Day, with Hundreds of Thousands of Digital Photos
From ACM News

Rome Is Built in a Day, with Hundreds of Thousands of Digital Photos

The ancient city of Rome was not built in a day. It took nearly a decade to build the Colosseum, and almost a century to construct St. Peter's Basilica. But now...

From ACM TechNews

Novel Way to Cool Data Centers Passes First Test

A new system that could make the cooling of data centers vastly more efficient has been tested by a team of engineers led by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory...

SC09 Draws Many New Faces to World's Premier Supercomputing Event
From ACM TechNews

SC09 Draws Many New Faces to World's Premier Supercomputing Event

Approximately 11,000 researchers, scientists, engineers, and computing experts from around the world are expected to attend SCO9 high-performance computing (HPC)...

The Wall Street Journal 2009 Technology Innovation Awards
From ACM News

The Wall Street Journal 2009 Technology Innovation Awards

New York-based Organic Motion Inc.'s motion-capture system that doesn't require bodysuits or markers won the computing-systems category of The Wall Street Journal...

Artificial Intelligence Helps Diagnose Cardiac Infections
From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Helps Diagnose Cardiac Infections

Mayo Clinic researchers say that "teachable software" designed to mimic the human brain may help them diagnose cardiac infections without an invasive exam. The...

Can Video Game Testing Spark Interest in Computing Among Black Youth?
From ACM TechNews

Can Video Game Testing Spark Interest in Computing Among Black Youth?

Betsy DiSalvo with Georgia Tech's College of Computing is betting that young African American males' interest in video games can be tapped to generate a greater...

Nsf Grant Supports Distributed Mobile Apps Management
From ACM TechNews

Nsf Grant Supports Distributed Mobile Apps Management

Williams College will conduct research into managing distributed applications on mobile computing platforms that make use of cell phones, vehicles, and embedded...

From ACM TechNews

Research Project Limits Computer Power Consumption

A new scheduling algorithm developed by researchers at the University of Sydney promises to cut the energy consumption of processors in data centers by more than...

Role For Robots: Helping Elderly at Home
From ACM TechNews

Role For Robots: Helping Elderly at Home

Three University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) engineers and a Rush University nursing specialist have been awarded a three-year, $989,000 National Science Foundation...

From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientists Win Morpho Challenge 2009

University of Bristol computer scientists have won the Morpho Challenge, an international science competition financed by the European Union through its PASCAL...
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