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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Higher Education Not Neutral on Net Neutrality
From ACM News

Higher Education Not Neutral on Net Neutrality

The nature of today's Internet may mean trouble for the very community that birthed it, if network neutrality rules change.

Nasa's Juno Probes the Depths of Jupiter's Great Red Spot
From ACM News

Nasa's Juno Probes the Depths of Jupiter's Great Red Spot

Data collected by NASA's Juno spacecraft during its first pass over Jupiter's Great Red Spot in July 2017 indicate that this iconic feature penetrates well below...

This Machine-Learning Algorithm Can Turn Any Line Drawing Into Ascii Art
From ACM TechNews

This Machine-Learning Algorithm Can Turn Any Line Drawing Into Ascii Art

Osamu Akiyama at Osaka University in Japan says he has developed a machine-learning neural network that can render any kind of line drawing in ASCII.

Seeing Through Walls of ­nknown Materials
From ACM TechNews

Seeing Through Walls of ­nknown Materials

A new technique exploits a wall's symmetry to see through it using a narrow band of microwave frequencies without any advance knowledge of the material making up...

Diagnosing Performance Problems in Supercomputers
From ACM TechNews

Diagnosing Performance Problems in Supercomputers

The Lightweight Distributed Metric Service is a framework to automatically monitor and diagnose performance issues in supercomputers.

Twitter Can Reveal Our Shared Mood
From ACM TechNews

Twitter Can Reveal Our Shared Mood

Researchers at the University of Bristol in the U.K. have found that tweets reflect strong patterns of positive and negative moods over a 24-hour day.

Revolutionizing Electronics ­sing Kirigami
From ACM TechNews

Revolutionizing Electronics ­sing Kirigami

Researchers in Japan have developed an ultrastretchable bioprobe using Kirigami designs, which enables the device to follow the contours of deformable biological...

It's Super Hard to Find Humans in the Fcc's Net Neutrality Comments
From ACM News

It's Super Hard to Find Humans in the Fcc's Net Neutrality Comments

The Federal Communications Commissions''public comment period on its plans to repeal net neutrality protections was bombarded with bots, memes, and input from people...

Berners-Lee, Woz, Cerf: Cancel Flawed Net Neutrality Vote 
From ACM News

Berners-Lee, Woz, Cerf: Cancel Flawed Net Neutrality Vote 

Internet and technology luminaries, including Web creator Tim Berners-Lee, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and "Father of the internet" Vint Cerf, have called on...

Virtual Reality Makes Journalism Immersive, Realism Makes It Credible
From ACM TechNews

Virtual Reality Makes Journalism Immersive, Realism Makes It Credible

Researchers at Pennsylania State University have found virtual reality can help journalists pull readers into their stories, but flashier design elements of VR...

Reading a Neural Network's Mind
From ACM TechNews

Reading a Neural Network's Mind

Researchers at MIT CSAIL and the Qatar Computing Research Institute have used an interpretive method to analyze neural networks trained for machine translation...

Esnet's Petascale Dtn Project Speeds Up Data Transfers Between Leading Hpc Centers
From ACM TechNews

Esnet's Petascale Dtn Project Speeds Up Data Transfers Between Leading Hpc Centers

The U.S. Department of Energy runs the Energy Sciences Network that connects three of the world's leading supercomputers. The effort aims to achieve regular disk...

Criminology, Computer Science Researchers Developing Next-Gen Electronic Monitoring
From ACM TechNews

Criminology, Computer Science Researchers Developing Next-Gen Electronic Monitoring

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Lowell are developing  an electronic monitoring system that uses smartphones, sensor technology, and GPS tracking...

Google Is Giving Away AI That Can Build Your Genome Sequence
From ACM News

Google Is Giving Away AI That Can Build Your Genome Sequence

Today, a teaspoon of spit and a hundred bucks is all you need to get a snapshot of your DNA. But getting the full picture—all 3 billion base pairs of your genome—requires...

Alien Probe or Galactic Driftwood? Seti Tunes In to 'oumuamua
From ACM News

Alien Probe or Galactic Driftwood? Seti Tunes In to 'oumuamua

Ever since its discovery in mid-October as it passed by Earth already outbound from our solar system, the mysterious object dubbed 'Oumuamua (Hawaiian for "first...

Scientists 'inject' Information Into Monkeys' Brains
From ACM News

Scientists 'inject' Information Into Monkeys' Brains

When you drive toward an intersection, the sight of the light turning red will (or should) make you step on the brake. This action happens thanks to a chain of...

Tracking Dolphins With Algorithms You Might Find on Facebook
From ACM TechNews

Tracking Dolphins With Algorithms You Might Find on Facebook

Researchers have used a machine learning algorithm similar to Facebook's friend recommender program to track dolphins.

Scientists Create Stretchable Battery Made Entirely Out of Fabric
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Create Stretchable Battery Made Entirely Out of Fabric

Researchers have created an entirely textile-based biobattery that can generate maximum power similar to that produced by previous paper-based microbial fuel cells...

Researchers Launch Moon Mission Audio Site
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Launch Moon Mission Audio Site

Researchers are using a 2012 grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation to develop Explore Apollo, a public website featuring audio from the Apollo moon missions...

New Algorithm Repairs Corrupted Digital Images in One Step
From ACM TechNews

New Algorithm Repairs Corrupted Digital Images in One Step

A new algorithm incorporates artificial neural networks to simultaneously apply a wide range of fixes to corrupted digital images.
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