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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

New Research Center to Explore Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

New Research Center to Explore Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

The ethics center is being established at a time of growing international concern about the impact of artificial intelligence technologies.

Inside Darpa's Plan to Make Old Aircraft Autonomous With Robot Arms
From ACM News

Inside Darpa's Plan to Make Old Aircraft Autonomous With Robot Arms

There's a reason Tesla and its competitors use the term "autopilot" for their semi-autonomous cars: Aviation is way ahead of the auto industry when it comes to...

Making Computers Explain Themselves
From ACM TechNews

Making Computers Explain Themselves

Researchers have developed a method for training neural networks so they provide not only predictions and classifications, but also rationales for their decisions...

Wearable Health: Exploring Human-Centered Solutions of On-Body Technologies to Improve Healthcare
From ACM TechNews

Wearable Health: Exploring Human-Centered Solutions of On-Body Technologies to Improve Healthcare

George Mason University professor Vivian Motti proposes the concept of noninvasive, wearable technologies to improve healthcare, as well as education.

The Kids Who Might Save the Internet
From ACM TechNews

The Kids Who Might Save the Internet

The future of the Internet may lie in the hands of a new generation of computer-savvy children forming a hacker community disposed toward fortifying Web security...

Paralyzed People Inhabit Distant Robot Bodies With Thought Alone
From ACM TechNews

Paralyzed People Inhabit Distant Robot Bodies With Thought Alone

The European Union's VERE project aims to dissolve the boundary between the human body and a surrogate.

China's Policing Robot: Cattle Prod Meets Supercomputer
From ACM TechNews

China's Policing Robot: Cattle Prod Meets Supercomputer

Chinese researchers have developed an "intelligent security robot" and deployed it in a Shenzhen airport.

Mexico Taking ­S Factory Jobs? Blame Robots Instead
From ACM News

Mexico Taking ­S Factory Jobs? Blame Robots Instead

Donald Trump blames Mexico and China for stealing millions of jobs from the United States.

Leading Chipmakers Eye Euv Lithography to Save Moore's Law
From ACM News

Leading Chipmakers Eye Euv Lithography to Save Moore's Law

Even after you don a bunny suit and get deep inside Fab 8, it's hard to get a sense of scale.

Nasa Moon Mission Shares Insights Into Giant Impacts
From ACM News

Nasa Moon Mission Shares Insights Into Giant Impacts

New results from NASA's Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission are providing insights into the huge impacts that dominated the early history of...

Apis Are Changing the Way We Pay
From ACM News

Apis Are Changing the Way We Pay

Application programming interfaces are being used increasingly to facilitate electronic payments. 

Supercomputing the P53 Protein as a Promising Anticancer Therapy
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputing the P53 Protein as a Promising Anticancer Therapy

University of California, San Diego professor Rommie Amaro is using a supercomputer to model the tumor suppression protein p53.

Playing Grand Theft Auto Can Teach Autonomous Cars How to Drive
From ACM TechNews

Playing Grand Theft Auto Can Teach Autonomous Cars How to Drive

Self-driving cars can learn the rules of the road by studying virtual traffic on videogames such as Grand Theft Auto V, according to a new study.

Ddos Defenses Emerging From Homeland Security
From ACM TechNews

Ddos Defenses Emerging From Homeland Security

Public, private, and academic researchers are collaborating on new distributed denial-of-service defenses.

Supporting Prospective Women in STEM Starts With Accessible Mentors
From ACM TechNews

Supporting Prospective Women in STEM Starts With Accessible Mentors

A University of Washington study found an unwelcoming culture and a lack of mentors were the main deterrents to women considering science-related careers.

Beyond Silicon: Squeezing More Out of Chips
From ACM News

Beyond Silicon: Squeezing More Out of Chips

Ali Farhadi holds a puny $5 computer, called a Raspberry Pi, comfortably in his palm and exults that his team of researchers has managed to squeeze into it a powerful...

New Horizons Returns Last Bits of 2015 Flyby Data to Earth
From ACM News

New Horizons Returns Last Bits of 2015 Flyby Data to Earth

Having traveled from the New Horizons spacecraft over 3.4 billion miles, or 5.5 billion kilometers (five hours, eight minutes at light speed), the final item—a...

China's Plan to Organize Its Society Relies on 'big Data' to Rate Everyone
From ACM News

China's Plan to Organize Its Society Relies on 'big Data' to Rate Everyone

Imagine a world where an authoritarian government monitors everything you do, amasses huge amounts of data on almost every interaction you make, and awards you...

New ­tsa Study Describes Method to Detect Dishonesty Online
From ACM TechNews

New ­tsa Study Describes Method to Detect Dishonesty Online

A new study describes a method for detecting people dishonestly posting online content across multiple accounts.

The Stakes Are Rising in Google's Antitrust Fight With Europe
From ACM Careers

The Stakes Are Rising in Google's Antitrust Fight With Europe

Google is locked in a six-year battle with Europe's antitrust officials. And the stakes for both sides are getting higher.
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