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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

AI Crossword-Solving Application Could Make Machines Better at ­Understanding Language
From ACM TechNews

AI Crossword-Solving Application Could Make Machines Better at ­Understanding Language

Researchers say they have developed a Web-based machine-language platform that solves crosswords better than existing commercial products. 

At Supreme Court, Debate Over Phone Privacy Has A Long History
From ACM News

At Supreme Court, Debate Over Phone Privacy Has A Long History

Underlying the debate over Apple's refusal to help the FBI unlock the iPhone of San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook is the idea that cellphones hold the most...

Leaf Mysteries Revealed Through the Computer's Eye
From ACM TechNews

Leaf Mysteries Revealed Through the Computer's Eye

A computer-vision method has enabled an international team of researchers to quickly classify leaves and generate vast quantities of new botanical data. 

New Project to Watch Social Media For Signs of Mental Illness
From ACM TechNews

New Project to Watch Social Media For Signs of Mental Illness

University of Ottawa professor Diana Inkpen will receive $464,100 in funding to research "social Web mining and sentiment analysis for mental illness detection." ...

Wi-Fi Breadcrumbs Reveal Pedestrian Patterns
From ACM TechNews

Wi-Fi Breadcrumbs Reveal Pedestrian Patterns

The traces people leave as they pass Wi-Fi access points could provide key insights into the comings and goings of pedestrians. 

Quantum Mechanics Is So Weird That Scientists Need AI to Design Experiments
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Mechanics Is So Weird That Scientists Need AI to Design Experiments

University of Vienna researchers have developed an algorithm that helps design experiments in quantum optics. 

China Is Building a Big Data Platform For 'precrime'
From ACM News

China Is Building a Big Data Platform For 'precrime'

It's "precrime" meets "thoughtcrime."

Google’s AI Wins First Game in Historic Match With Go Champion
From ACM News

Google’s AI Wins First Game in Historic Match With Go Champion

Google’s Go-playing computer system has beaten one of the world’s top players in the first game of a five-game match in Seoul.

Fast Facial Analysis Software Set For Release
From ACM News

Fast Facial Analysis Software Set For Release

Researchers say a new facial recognition software package is fast, computationally efficient, and robust enough for state-of-the-art results.

Dawn's First Year at Ceres: A Mountain Emerges
From ACM News

Dawn's First Year at Ceres: A Mountain Emerges

One year ago, on March 6, 2015, NASA's Dawn spacecraft slid gently into orbit around Ceres, the largest body in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

Pentagon Launching Bug Bounty Program
From ACM TechNews

Pentagon Launching Bug Bounty Program

The Pentagon is inviting vetted hackers to the Hack the Pentagon initiative, the U.S. government's first "bug bounty" program. 

U.s. Military Spending Millions to Make Cyborgs a Reality
From ACM News

U.s. Military Spending Millions to Make Cyborgs a Reality

The U.S. military is spending millions on an advanced implant that would allow a human brain to communicate directly with computers.

A Better 3D Camera With Clear, Graphene Light Detectors
From ACM TechNews

A Better 3D Camera With Clear, Graphene Light Detectors

A University of Michigan team is developing a three-dimensional camera that should be smaller than current models while supporting higher resolutions. 

Bad Vibrations: ­ci Researchers Find Security Breach in 3D Printing Process
From ACM TechNews

Bad Vibrations: ­ci Researchers Find Security Breach in 3D Printing Process

Researchers have discovered a significant risk for the three-dimensional printing process, in that the machines emit acoustic signals that contain a lot of information...

Crispr: Gene Editing Is Just the Beginning
From ACM News

Crispr: Gene Editing Is Just the Beginning

Whenever a paper about CRISPR–Cas9 hits the press, the staff at Addgene quickly find out.

Taking Baby Steps Toward Software That Reasons Like Humans
From ACM News

Taking Baby Steps Toward Software That Reasons Like Humans

Richard Socher appeared nervous as he waited for his artificial intelligence program to answer a simple question: "Is the tennis player wearing a cap?"

Versatile Instrument to Scout for Kuiper Belt Objects
From ACM News

Versatile Instrument to Scout for Kuiper Belt Objects

At the Palomar Observatory near San Diego, astronomers are busy tinkering with a high-tech instrument that could discover a variety of objects both far from Earth...

Is Digital Privacy Becoming a Partisan Issue?
From ACM News

Is Digital Privacy Becoming a Partisan Issue?

In a Congress where lawmakers have trouble performing even the most basic functions of the legislative branch—funding the government or approving judicial nominees...

Light-Up Skin Stretches Boundaries of Robotics
From ACM TechNews

Light-Up Skin Stretches Boundaries of Robotics

Cornell ChronicleCornell University researchers have developed electroluminescent "skin," which stretches to more than six times its original size while still emitting...

A Road Map For Advancing Women in Tech
From ACM TechNews

A Road Map For Advancing Women in Tech

A new study makes eight core recommendations for boosting diversity and advancing and retaining women in the technology sector. 
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