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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Leap Second Heads Into Fierce Debate
From ACM News

Leap Second Heads Into Fierce Debate

When Earth's rotation gets far enough out of sync with the drumbeat of atomic time, a leap second is added to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and the world’s clocks...

Designing Interactive Memory Joggers
From ACM News

Designing Interactive Memory Joggers

Texts, photos, and videos are the fodder of memories, which require appropriate cues to materialize those memories from custom-designed hardware, says one researcher...

Rosetta Sniffs Oxygen Around Comet 67p
From ACM News

Rosetta Sniffs Oxygen Around Comet 67p

Scientists have detected molecules of oxygen in the hazy halo of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko—an unexpected discovery that may challenge theories about the formation...

IBM Says Carbon, Oxygen Essential to Advancing Resistive Memory
From ACM TechNews

IBM Says Carbon, Oxygen Essential to Advancing Resistive Memory

Researchers at IBM Zurich believe they have overcome some of the key challenges that have stood in the way of building memory technology using carbon. 

Microsoft Project Oxford Natural-Language Machine-Learning Beta Debuts
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Project Oxford Natural-Language Machine-Learning Beta Debuts

Microsoft Research's Project Oxford is now offering a public beta version of its Language Understanding Intelligent Service.

Nanoquakes Probe New 2-Dimensional Material
From ACM TechNews

Nanoquakes Probe New 2-Dimensional Material

New research could lead to a post-graphene era of new materials for electronic applications. 

A Quick Guide to the Cybersecurity Bill Passed By the ­.s. Senate
From ACM News

A Quick Guide to the Cybersecurity Bill Passed By the ­.s. Senate

After more than a year of bickering, stalling and revising, the Senate passed its most significant cybersecurity bill to date 74–21.

One Click Away From the Perfect Outfit
From ACM TechNews

One Click Away From the Perfect Outfit

A new iOS smartphone app uses adaptive algorithms to redirect users to online shops selling products they like.

Researchers Put Words In Your Mouth—virtually
From ACM News

Researchers Put Words In Your Mouth—virtually

In the 1997 action movie Face/Off, an FBI agent must undergo face-transplant surgery and assume the identity of a ruthless terrorist to foil a plot.

Three Scenarios For the Evolution of Exascale Computing
From ACM TechNews

Three Scenarios For the Evolution of Exascale Computing

Sandia National Labs' Erik DeBenedictis outlines three scenarios for evolving supercomputers to the 1- to 50-exaflop range. 

Cassini Seeks Insights to Life in Plumes of Enceladus, Saturn’s Icy Moon
From ACM News

Cassini Seeks Insights to Life in Plumes of Enceladus, Saturn’s Icy Moon

Where there is water, is there life?

European Parliament Votes Against Net Neutrality Amendments
From ACM News

European Parliament Votes Against Net Neutrality Amendments

The European Parliament has voted against a set of rules intended to safeguard "net neutrality" in the EU.

MIT ­ses Wireless Signals to Identify People Through Walls
From ACM News

MIT ­ses Wireless Signals to Identify People Through Walls

MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab is developing a device that uses wireless signals to identify human figures through walls.

Behind the Scenes of the Internet's First Football Game
From ACM Careers

Behind the Scenes of the Internet's First Football Game

At 5:05 AM Sunday, long before the rest of Sunnyvale, California, will wake up, Yahoo's control room is packed.

The Computer System That Won Jeopardy Could Soon Help Nasa With Research
From ACM TechNews

The Computer System That Won Jeopardy Could Soon Help Nasa With Research

U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration researchers want to use IBM's Watson to help improve their awareness of scientific and technical literature. 

Coding Bootcamp Grads Boost Their Salaries By 40 Percent on Average
From ACM TechNews

Coding Bootcamp Grads Boost Their Salaries By 40 Percent on Average

Graduates of coding bootcamps found completing the programs helped boost their salaries by an average of 38 percent or $18,000, according to the Course Report. 

Manipulating Faces From Afar in Real Time
From ACM TechNews

Manipulating Faces From Afar in Real Time

Computer scientists say they have created a process dubbed "live facial re-enactment" that can instantaneously transfer facial expressions. 

­c3m Researches Simulator of Human Behavior
From ACM TechNews

­c3m Researches Simulator of Human Behavior

Researchers at the Charles III University of Madrid in Spain are investigating how to build a system that recreates human behavior. 

A Basis For All Cryptography
From ACM TechNews

A Basis For All Cryptography

The inability to practically apply indistinguishability obfuscation to deliver secure cryptography may be mitigated with an efficient method for functional encryption...

Relearning to Speak
From ACM News

Relearning to Speak

New systems can help you not only learn to understand a second language, but how to pronounce it correctly.
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