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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Connecting Artificial Intelligence With the Internet of Things
From ACM TechNews

Connecting Artificial Intelligence With the Internet of Things

Oblong Industries CEO John Underkoffler does not believe a connection between the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence will become a threat to mankind...

The Rise of On-Body Cameras and How They Will Change How We Live
From ACM News

The Rise of On-Body Cameras and How They Will Change How We Live

Shortly after the U.S. Supreme Court's blockbuster decision on marriage equality, a short YouTube video made the rounds online.

AI Researchers Call For Ban on Autonomous Weapons
From ACM News

AI Researchers Call For Ban on Autonomous Weapons

Technologists ask the UN to outlaw weapons that operate outside of human control.

New Letters Added to the Genetic Alphabet
From ACM News

New Letters Added to the Genetic Alphabet

DNA stores our genetic code in an elegant double helix. But some argue that this elegance is overrated.

After Jeep Hack, Chrysler Recalls 1.4m Vehicles For Bug Fix
From ACM News

After Jeep Hack, Chrysler Recalls 1.4m Vehicles For Bug Fix

Welcome to the age of hackable automobiles, when two security researchers can cause a 1.4 million product recall.

This Small Change Could Make a Big Difference For Accessible Technology
From ACM TechNews

This Small Change Could Make a Big Difference For Accessible Technology

Yahoo, Facebook, and several other technology companies said they will inform job applicants that accessibility knowledge is "preferred" to land a job with them...

Msu Gets $22.5m to Continue Evolution Research
From ACM TechNews

Msu Gets $22.5m to Continue Evolution Research

Michigan State University researchers are studying modern evolution in humans, nature, and computers at the BEACON Center for the Study of Evolution in Action.

The 2015 Top 10 Programming Languages
From ACM TechNews

The 2015 Top 10 Programming Languages

Java remains at the top of IEEE Spectrum's second annual ranking of programming languages. 

Computer Security Tools for Journalists Lacking in a Post-Snowden World
From ACM TechNews

Computer Security Tools for Journalists Lacking in a Post-Snowden World

Researchers studying the computer security habits of journalists across two continents found security weaknesses in their technological tools and ad-hoc workarounds...

The Next Frontier For Artificial Intelligence? Learning Human's Common Sense
From ACM TechNews

The Next Frontier For Artificial Intelligence? Learning Human's Common Sense

Ramon Lopez de Mantaras is dubious human-like artificial intelligence is only a decade or two away. 

NASA's Curiosity Rover Inspects ­nusual Bedrock
From ACM News

NASA's Curiosity Rover Inspects ­nusual Bedrock

Approaching the third anniversary of its landing on Mars, NASA's Curiosity Mars rover has found a target unlike anything it has studied before—bedrock with surprisingly...

Object Recognition For Robots
From ACM News

Object Recognition For Robots

John Leonard's group in the MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering specializes in SLAM, or simultaneous localization and mapping, the technique whereby mobile...

A Light Bulb Goes On, Over the Mall
From ACM News

A Light Bulb Goes On, Over the Mall

Among the many promises of the Internet of Things—a network of Wi-Fi-connected devices and equipment managed with smartphones—is the automation of everyday life...

The New Laws of Explosive Networks
From ACM News

The New Laws of Explosive Networks

Last week, United Airlines grounded nearly 5,000 flights when its computer system crashed.

A Wi-Fi Reflector Chip To Speed ­p Wearables
From ACM News

A Wi-Fi Reflector Chip To Speed ­p Wearables

Whether you're tracking your steps, monitoring your health or sending photos from a smart watch, you want the battery life of your wearable device to last as long...

Silicon Brains Compete at Games
From ACM News

Silicon Brains Compete at Games

The 18th Computer Olympiad had programs vying against each other in strategic game-playing.

Researchers Open Repository For 'dark Data'
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Open Repository For 'dark Data'

The U.S. National Science Foundation is funding an effort to develop a one-stop shop to house researchers' data sets after they publish their papers. 

3D Printed Electronics Are Here, Researchers Say
From ACM TechNews

3D Printed Electronics Are Here, Researchers Say

Researchers have demonstrated a method for three-dimensional  printing of electrical components. 

Inside Nasa's Version of the Holodeck
From ACM TechNews

Inside Nasa's Version of the Holodeck

The U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration plans to start testing a virtual environment to help astronauts deal with isolated and confined environments...

Iarpa Funds Program to Predict Next Wave of Cyberattacks
From ACM TechNews

Iarpa Funds Program to Predict Next Wave of Cyberattacks

The U.S. Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency is funding a program to develop a framework for coupling threat indicators with external information sources...
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