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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Why Coding Is Your Child's Key to ­nlocking the Future
From ACM TechNews

Why Coding Is Your Child's Key to ­nlocking the Future

An increasing number of educators and activists are pushing to make programming a part of all children's basic education. 

Zero Downtime For Gnss Applications
From ACM TechNews

Zero Downtime For Gnss Applications

The CALIBRA project team has developed new solutions for ionospheric disturbance, which can affect the positioning of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS)...

­sing Smartphones to Avoid Spatial Disorientation of Elderly
From ACM TechNews

­sing Smartphones to Avoid Spatial Disorientation of Elderly

Researchers have turned to network operating technologies to locate and send alerts to elderly people with mild cognitive impairment during episodes of disorientation...

Team Develops Faster, Higher Quality 3D Camera
From ACM TechNews

Team Develops Faster, Higher Quality 3D Camera

Researchers have developed a three-dimensional capture camera they say is inexpensive, produces high-quality images, and works in all environments. 

You Can't Backdoor a Platform
From ACM Opinion

You Can't Backdoor a Platform

According to law enforcement and intelligence agencies, encryption should come with a backdoor.

Smartphone Secrets May Be Better Than a Password
From ACM News

Smartphone Secrets May Be Better Than a Password

Before you read this story, try to answer the following question: Who was the first person to text you today?

Mercury Mission Set to End with Dramatic Crash
From ACM Opinion

Mercury Mission Set to End with Dramatic Crash

On 30 April, after more than four years in orbit around Mercury, NASA's MESSENGER probe will plunge to its doom.

Researchers Plan to Demonstrate a Wireless Car Hack This Summer
From ACM News

Researchers Plan to Demonstrate a Wireless Car Hack This Summer

A note of caution to anyone who works on the security team of a major automobile manufacturer: Don't plan your summer vacation just yet.

Security Experts Hack Teleoperated Surgical Robot
From ACM TechNews

Security Experts Hack Teleoperated Surgical Robot

University of Washington in Seattle researchers are studying the issues associated with the communications technology involved in telesurgery. 

Soggy Computing: Liquid Devices Might Match the Brain's Efficiency
From ACM TechNews

Soggy Computing: Liquid Devices Might Match the Brain's Efficiency

Researchers are studying a class of materials capable of switching from an insulating state to a conductive, metallic one. 

Iowa State Researchers Test Brain Activity to Identify Cybersecurity Threats
From ACM TechNews

Iowa State Researchers Test Brain Activity to Identify Cybersecurity Threats

Iowa State University researchers are working to better understand internal cybersecurity threats by measuring brain activity. 

Australian Researchers Reveal Graphene 3D Display Tech
From ACM TechNews

Australian Researchers Reveal Graphene 3D Display Tech

Graphene is at the center of a new technique for creating three-dimensional (3D) holographic displays featured in films such as "Star Wars" and "Avatar."

Rosetta Captures Stunning New Images of Comet's Surface and Activity
From ACM News

Rosetta Captures Stunning New Images of Comet's Surface and Activity

What happens when you make a low-level flyby of a cometary nucleus?

Online Discussion Forums Good For Well-Being, Study Shows
From ACM TechNews

Online Discussion Forums Good For Well-Being, Study Shows

New research associates online forums with positive well-being and even increased community engagement offline. 

Prosthetics That Can Feel, Thanks to the Science of Touch
From ACM News

Prosthetics That Can Feel, Thanks to the Science of Touch

In 2012, Pennsylvania native Jan Scheuermann ate the most satisfying bite of chocolate of her life.

Project Elysium Wants to ­se Vr to Revive Deceased Loved Ones
From ACM News

Project Elysium Wants to ­se Vr to Revive Deceased Loved Ones

How far is too far when it comes to pushing the boundaries of virtual reality?

­nforgettable Hubble Space Telescope Photos
From ACM News

­nforgettable Hubble Space Telescope Photos

"This is a really new birthplace of stars," Jennifer Wiseman, senior project scientist for the Hubble Space Telescope, said of the new image, which shows a cluster...

Ethics of Embryo Editing Paper Divides Scientists
From ACM News

Ethics of Embryo Editing Paper Divides Scientists

In the wake of the first ever report that scientists have edited the genomes of human embryos, experts cannot agree on whether the work was ethical. They also disagree...

Ccny Researchers ­se Novel Polarization to Increase Data Speeds
From ACM TechNews

Ccny Researchers ­se Novel Polarization to Increase Data Speeds

City College of New York researchers have developed an unconventional method for increasing data transmission speeds. 

Tech Giants Help Track Nepal Earthquake Survivors as Communications Are Hit
From ACM TechNews

Tech Giants Help Track Nepal Earthquake Survivors as Communications Are Hit

Global technology companies quickly responded to the 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck Nepal on Saturday by helping connect survivors to each other and the world...
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