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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Probing the Whole Internet For Weak Spots
From ACM TechNews

Probing the Whole Internet For Weak Spots

When the FREAK encryption flaw was uncovered in early March, a team of researchers used a special tool to scan the entire Internet to identify vulnerable websites...

'virtual Nose' May Reduce Simulator Sickness in Video Games
From ACM TechNews

'virtual Nose' May Reduce Simulator Sickness in Video Games

Vertigo and nausea cased by virtual reality games potentially could be cured with the insertion of a virtual human nose in the center of the video display. 

Computer Graphics Education, Siggraph Supporter Cunningham Dies
From ACM News

Computer Graphics Education, Siggraph Supporter Cunningham Dies

American computer scientist and long-time ACM SIGGRAPH volunteer Robert Stephen (Steve) Cunningham died last week following a lengthy illness.

AI Interns: Software Already Taking Jobs from Humans
From ACM Careers

AI Interns: Software Already Taking Jobs from Humans

Forget Skynet. Hypothetical world-ending artificial intelligence makes headlines, but the hype ignores what's happening right under our noses.

After Snowden, the Nsa Faces Recruitment Challenge
From ACM Careers

After Snowden, the Nsa Faces Recruitment Challenge

Daniel Swann is exactly the type of person the National Security Agency would love to have working for it.

Sap, Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation Co-Founder Tschira Dies
From ACM News

Sap, Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation Co-Founder Tschira Dies

Klaus Tschira, co-founder of German software giant SAP and creator of the foundation that helped to launch the Heidelberg Laureate Forum, died today.

­.s. Supreme Court: Gps Trackers Are a Form of Search and Seizure
From ACM News

­.s. Supreme Court: Gps Trackers Are a Form of Search and Seizure

If the government puts a GPS tracker on you, your car, or any of your personal effects, it counts as a search—and is therefore protected by the Fourth Amendment...

A Gold Mine of Galaxy Nuggets
From ACM News

A Gold Mine of Galaxy Nuggets

One telescope finds the treasure chest, and the other narrows in on the gold coins.

The Healing Power of Your Own Medical Records
From ACM News

The Healing Power of Your Own Medical Records

Steven Keating's doctors and medical experts view him as a citizen of the future.

Stacking Chips Gains Momentum at Stanford
From ACM News

Stacking Chips Gains Momentum at Stanford

A new model of a monolithic 3D stack could boost logic, memory bandwidth.

Dump ­ser Names, Says Dartmouth Research
From ACM TechNews

Dump ­ser Names, Says Dartmouth Research

A joint academic and industry research team has found that two-factor authentication schemes depending on user names and passwords are inherently flawed. 

Facebook AI Software Learns and Answers Questions
From ACM TechNews

Facebook AI Software Learns and Answers Questions

New artificial intelligence software developed by Facebook can process text and then answer questions about it. 

Avoiding the Crush
From ACM TechNews

Avoiding the Crush

New crowd-modeling research describes a mathematical law that helps characterize a person's ability to move through crowds without running into another person. 

For Hardware Makers, Sharing Their Secrets Is Now Part of the Business Plan
From ACM TechNews

For Hardware Makers, Sharing Their Secrets Is Now Part of the Business Plan

Makers of computer, automotive, and other high-tech hardware components increasingly are adopting an open source model.

Goodbye Gps? DARPA Prepares New Tracking Technology
From ACM TechNews

Goodbye Gps? DARPA Prepares New Tracking Technology

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is developing more advanced position- and navigation-tracking technology. 

Neuron Encyclopaedia Fires ­p to Reveal Brain Secrets
From ACM News

Neuron Encyclopaedia Fires ­p to Reveal Brain Secrets

An ambitious plan is afoot to build the world's largest public catalogue of neuronal structures.

Festo ­nleashes New Robotic Swarm of Ants and Butterflies
From ACM News

Festo ­nleashes New Robotic Swarm of Ants and Butterflies

The family of animal robots created by German robotics company Festo is growing. As part of its Bionic Learning Network, the company has introduced two new robots...

Hi-Tech and Big Data Offer Hope to Battered ­.s. Oil Industry
From ACM Careers

Hi-Tech and Big Data Offer Hope to Battered ­.s. Oil Industry

The tech geeks are coming to the oil industry's rescue.

Germanwings Flight 9525, Technology, and the Question of Trust
From ACM Opinion

Germanwings Flight 9525, Technology, and the Question of Trust

Shortly before the dreadful crash of Germanwings Flight 9525, I happened to be reading part of "The Second Machine Age," a book by two academics at M.I.T., Erik...

2,636 Icelandic Genomes Pinpoint Risk For Alzheimer's, Other Diseases
From ACM News

2,636 Icelandic Genomes Pinpoint Risk For Alzheimer's, Other Diseases

An Icelandic genetics firm has sequenced the genomes of 2,636 of its countrymen and women, finding genetic markers for a variety of diseases, as well as a new timeline...
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