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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Electrical Engineering Employment Declines Nearly 10%, but Developers up 12%
From ACM TechNews

Electrical Engineering Employment Declines Nearly 10%, but Developers up 12%

The number of people working as electrical engineers declined by 29,000 last year, even as the number of software developers increased by 132,000.

Stanford Launches Smartphone App to Study Heart Health
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Launches Smartphone App to Study Heart Health

A new iPhone app called MyHeart Counts enables researchers to collect data about users' physical activity and cardiac risk factors. 

Rover Arm Delivers Rock Powder Sample
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Rover Arm Delivers Rock Powder Sample

NASA's Curiosity Mars rover used its robotic arm Wednesday, March 11, to sieve and deliver a rock-powder sample to an onboard instrument. The sample was collected...

Magnetic Brain Stimulation
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Magnetic Brain Stimulation

Researchers at MIT have developed a method to stimulate brain tissue using external magnetic fields and injected magnetic nanoparticles—a technique allowing direct...

Robot vs. Robot
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Robot vs. Robot

Beautiful mathematical patterns are hidden in the chaos of Jackson Pollock’s famous drip paintings.

On Pi Day, How Scientists Use This Number
From ACM Careers

On Pi Day, How Scientists Use This Number

If you like numbers, you will love March 14, 2015.

DARPA to Pursue 'revolutionary' Privacy Tools
From ACM TechNews

DARPA to Pursue 'revolutionary' Privacy Tools

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is launching a program aimed at developing a system to keep personal and proprietary information private. 

Googlers' Epic Hack Exploits How Memory Leaks Electricity
From ACM TechNews

Googlers' Epic Hack Exploits How Memory Leaks Electricity

Researchers have demonstrated they could bypass security protections to induce electromagnetic leakage in the dynamic random access memory of some laptops. 

Guaranteeing Online Anonymity
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Guaranteeing Online Anonymity

A new program can provide an accurate assessment of the level of online anonymity an individual user achieves.

Researchers Develop "visual Turing Test"
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Develop "visual Turing Test"

Researchers have developed a "visual Turing Test" that can evaluate how well computers understand information taken from images. 

Watch What You Say
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Watch What You Say

Mu'tah University researcher Ahmad Hassanat is developing a computerized system that can analyze the shapes human lips make as they produce different sounds. 

Complex Molecules Made to Order in Synthesis Machine
From ACM News

Complex Molecules Made to Order in Synthesis Machine

Synthesizing complex molecules is a notoriously fiendish art—and a daily toil for many chemists.

FCC Goes Public with Net Neutrality Rules For Governing Internet
From ACM News

FCC Goes Public with Net Neutrality Rules For Governing Internet

The Federal Communications Commission on Thursday finally spelled out how it will preserve the open Internet, publicly releasing a 400-page PDF that details its...

The Philae Comet Lander Might Have Enough Power to Wake Up
From ACM News

The Philae Comet Lander Might Have Enough Power to Wake Up

In November, a spacecraft made a dramatic, first-ever landing on a comet—three times.

Hipeac Unveils 5th Vision Document
From ACM News

Hipeac Unveils 5th Vision Document

The organization advises greater attention to the European Union’s position as it prepares to enter a new phase of scientific innovation.  

Spacecraft Data Suggest Saturn Moon's Ocean May Harbor Hydrothermal Activity
From ACM News

Spacecraft Data Suggest Saturn Moon's Ocean May Harbor Hydrothermal Activity

NASA's Cassini spacecraft has provided scientists the first clear evidence that Saturn's moon Enceladus exhibits signs of present-day hydrothermal activity which...

Computer Science Researcher Hopes to Make Access to Cloud Storage More Efficient
From ACM TechNews

Computer Science Researcher Hopes to Make Access to Cloud Storage More Efficient

A Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University professor plans to further develop a high-performance and load balanced in-memory object caching storage system...

App, Beacons Guide Travel on ­nderground For Vision-Impaired
From ACM TechNews

App, Beacons Guide Travel on ­nderground For Vision-Impaired

The test trial for a smartphone app that helps the visually impaired use London's public transportation system wraps up this week. 

Groovy Language Proposed as Apache Incubator Project
From ACM TechNews

Groovy Language Proposed as Apache Incubator Project

The Groovy dynamic object-oriented programming language has been formally submitted to the Apache Incubator. 

Connecting the Internet of Things to the Marketplace
From ACM TechNews

Connecting the Internet of Things to the Marketplace

The European Union-funded BUTLER initiative to expand the Internet of Things in a cooperative and seamless manner has published its achievements. 
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