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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Graphene Displays Clear Prospects For Flexible Electronics
From ACM TechNews

Graphene Displays Clear Prospects For Flexible Electronics

Researchers have demonstrated that new two-dimensional designer materials can be produced to create flexible, transparent, and more efficient electronic devices...

Pursuing Deep Learning
From ACM News

Pursuing Deep Learning

Startups are trying to take advantage of deep learning techniques to improve search results.

Brain Power: Pitt Hosts All-Female Computer Programming Competition
From ACM News

Brain Power: Pitt Hosts All-Female Computer Programming Competition

Last weekend, the University of Pittsburgh Department of Computer Sciences hosted the "She Innovates" hackathon for women.

I'll Be Back: The Return of Artificial Intelligence
From ACM Careers

I'll Be Back: The Return of Artificial Intelligence

The artificial-intelligence industry, a field that conjures up images of humanoid robots and self-aware computer systems, is making a comeback at Silicon Valley...

China's Internet Population Hits 649 Million, 86 Percent on Phones
From ACM News

China's Internet Population Hits 649 Million, 86 Percent on Phones

China had 649 million Internet users by the end of 2014, with 557 million of those using handsets to go online, said a government report on Tuesday, as the world's...

Go and Rust: The Road Ahead For Two Young Programming Languages
From ACM TechNews

Go and Rust: The Road Ahead For Two Young Programming Languages

Go and Rust are two rising programming languages that have top-of-the-line pedigrees, created by major forces in the technology industry. 

Mental Health Monitoring Through 'selfie' Videos and Social Media Tracking
From ACM TechNews

Mental Health Monitoring Through 'selfie' Videos and Social Media Tracking

University of Rochester researchers have developed an approach to turning computers or smartphones with cameras into personal mental health monitoring devices.

Computer Science Professor Gets Cyber Grant
From ACM TechNews

Computer Science Professor Gets Cyber Grant

The U.S. National Science Foundation is helping a California State Polytechnic University-Pomona professor to prepare undergraduates to work in cybersecurity. 

Nasa Has Its Sights Set on Europa
From ACM News

Nasa Has Its Sights Set on Europa

Yesterday, NASA announced its Fiscal Year 2016 budget request.

Coder Creates Smallest Chess Game For Computers
From ACM TechNews

Coder Creates Smallest Chess Game For Computers

French coder Olivier Poudade has created BootChess, which is only 487 bytes in size, and the code can run on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux computers.

Rosetta's Lost Comet Lander Philae Could Wake ­p in May Sunshine
From ACM News

Rosetta's Lost Comet Lander Philae Could Wake ­p in May Sunshine

Spring is seen as a time of renewal. Flowers bloom. Days get longer. New life emerges. Something similar could happen on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the object...

AI Won't End the World, But It Might Take Your Job
From ACM News

AI Won't End the World, But It Might Take Your Job

There's been a lot of fear about the future of artificial intelligence.

Associated Press Looks to Expand Its Automated Stories Program Following Successful Launch
From ACM News

Associated Press Looks to Expand Its Automated Stories Program Following Successful Launch

In the last three months of 2014, the Associated Press published 3,000 articles on the earning reports of U.S. companies. Previously it could publish only 300.

Self-Powered Intelligent Keyboard Could Provide a New Layer of Security
From ACM TechNews

Self-Powered Intelligent Keyboard Could Provide a New Layer of Security

Researchers have developed a self-powered non-mechanical intelligent keyboard that could provide a stronger layer of security for computer users. 

A Robot to Help Improve Agriculture and Wine Production
From ACM TechNews

A Robot to Help Improve Agriculture and Wine Production

A group of European researchers is developing an autonomous robot to help manage vineyards. 

Ibm's Sophisticated Cryptographic Algorithm Protects Your Identity
From ACM TechNews

Ibm's Sophisticated Cryptographic Algorithm Protects Your Identity

Identity Mixer is a cloud-based technology that uses an algorithm to encrypt the certified identity attributes of a user. 

Out of Control AI Will Not Kill ­s, Believes Microsoft Research Chief
From ACM TechNews

Out of Control AI Will Not Kill ­s, Believes Microsoft Research Chief

Microsoft Research chief Eric Horvitz thinks Artificial Intelligence systems eventually could achieve consciousness, but he doubts they could become a threat to...

Hackers ­se Old Lure on Web to Help Syrian Government
From ACM TechNews

Hackers ­se Old Lure on Web to Help Syrian Government

Hackers working on behalf of the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad have been very successful in stealing crucial battlefield data from rebels.

Parallelizing Common Algorithms
From ACM News

Parallelizing Common Algorithms

Every undergraduate computer-science major takes a course on data structures, which describes different ways of organizing data in a computer’s memory.

New Rules in China ­pset Western Tech Companies
From ACM News

New Rules in China ­pset Western Tech Companies

The Chinese government has adopted new regulations requiring companies that sell computer equipment to Chinese banks to turn over secret source code, submit to...
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