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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

New Form of Memory Could Advance Brain-Inspired Computers
From ACM News

New Form of Memory Could Advance Brain-Inspired Computers

A new form of computer memory might help machines match the capabilities of the human brain when it comes to tasks such as interpreting images or video footage.

Brainstormers: Obama's Big Research Push Kicks Off With a Meeting of the Minds
From ACM News

Brainstormers: Obama's Big Research Push Kicks Off With a Meeting of the Minds

The motley group included men and women, old and young, in sweatshirts and three-piece suits, shod in socks and sandals, wingtips and heels.

Prying Eyes: Inside the Nsa's War on Internet Security
From ACM News

Prying Eyes: Inside the Nsa's War on Internet Security

US and British intelligence agencies undertake every effort imaginable to crack all types of encrypted Internet communication.

Speech Recognition Better Than a Human's Exists. You Just Can't ­se It Yet
From ACM News

Speech Recognition Better Than a Human's Exists. You Just Can't ­se It Yet

Researchers say recent breakthroughs in speech recognition and artificial intelligence will soon make gadgets dramatically better at understanding people.

New Programming Language Automatically Coordinates Interactions Between Web Page Components
From ACM News

New Programming Language Automatically Coordinates Interactions Between Web Page Components

A new programming language that lets developers write Web applications as self-contained programs.

Dawn Spacecraft Begins Approach to Dwarf Planet Ceres
From ACM News

Dawn Spacecraft Begins Approach to Dwarf Planet Ceres

NASA's Dawn spacecraft has entered an approach phase in which it will continue to close in on Ceres, a Texas-sized dwarf planet never before visited by a spacecraft...

Our Brains Are Being 'continuously Reshaped' By Smartphone ­se
From ACM News

Our Brains Are Being 'continuously Reshaped' By Smartphone ­se

Extensive use of smartphone touchscreens is changing the sensory relationship between our brains and our thumbs, a study published in Current Biology has revealed...

The Scoreboards Where You Can't See Your Score
From ACM News

The Scoreboards Where You Can't See Your Score

The characters in Gary Shteyngart's novel "Super Sad True Love Story" inhabit a continuously surveilled and scored society.

Mars Rover Opportunity Suffers Worrying Bouts of 'amnesia'
From ACM News

Mars Rover Opportunity Suffers Worrying Bouts of 'amnesia'

Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has been exploring the Martian surface for over a decade, an amazing 10 years longer than the 3-month primary mission it began...

2014 in Computing: Breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

2014 in Computing: Breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence

The holy grail of artificial intelligence—creating software that comes close to mimicking human intelligence—remains far off. But 2014 saw major strides in machine...

This Year's 8 Smartest ­i Design Ideas
From ACM News

This Year's 8 Smartest ­i Design Ideas

When your family gathered for the holidays this year, did you take note of the technology everyone was using?

The Search For Et: How Close Are We?
From ACM News

The Search For Et: How Close Are We?

In 1950, Nobel prizewinning physicist Enrico Fermi posed his famous paradox: if extraterrestrial intelligence exists, why haven't we found it?

One Day, Robots May Work in Zones Too Dangerous For Humans
From ACM TechNews

One Day, Robots May Work in Zones Too Dangerous For Humans

Teams of roboticists from around the world will be competing in the DARPA Robotics Challenge next year, seeking a $2 million prize for advancements that one day...

Stanford Computer Scientists Extend Web Browsers to Make the Internet Safer
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Computer Scientists Extend Web Browsers to Make the Internet Safer

Stanford University researchers have added a security system called COWL to Firefox and Chrome to manage how data is shared, which prevents malicious computer code...

Santa (well, Santa Tracker) Helps Google Test Its Dev Tools
From ACM TechNews

Santa (well, Santa Tracker) Helps Google Test Its Dev Tools

Google again this year enabled kids of all ages to use its Santa Tracker website and app to follow St. Nick and his elves as they deliver presents around the world...

Spider's Web Weaves Way to Advanced Networks and Displays
From ACM TechNews

Spider's Web Weaves Way to Advanced Networks and Displays

The structures of spider webs and leaves could serve as a design model for next-generation light-manipulating networks, according to researchers at Boston College...

Big Data May Be Fashion Industry's Next Must-Have Accessory
From ACM TechNews

Big Data May Be Fashion Industry's Next Must-Have Accessory

Pennsylvania State University researchers have used data analytics to identify a network of influence among major fashion designers and track how style trends move...

A Common Logic to Seeing Cats and Cosmos
From ACM News

A Common Logic to Seeing Cats and Cosmos

When in 2012 a computer learned to recognize cats in YouTube videos and just last month another correctly captioned a photo of "a group of young people playing...

A Q&a With the Hackers Who Say They Helped Break Into Sony's Network
From ACM Opinion

A Q&a With the Hackers Who Say They Helped Break Into Sony's Network

Lizard Squad. That's the hacker group whose name is suddenly on everyone's lips after it took credit for ruining Christmas for PlayStation and Xbox gamers everywhere...

Google Lunar Xprize: Astrobotic's Rover Rakes in $750,000
From ACM News

Google Lunar Xprize: Astrobotic's Rover Rakes in $750,000

It's been a little while since we checked in with Team Astrobotic.It's been a little while since we checked in with Team Astrobotic.
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