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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Simulation Models Optimize Water Power
From ACM TechNews

Simulation Models Optimize Water Power

Researchers are developing information technology to boost the efficiency of water power generation systems. 

10 Technologies That Will Transform Pcs in 2015 and Beyond
From ACM TechNews

10 Technologies That Will Transform Pcs in 2015 and Beyond

There is much to get excited about computers when you consider all the things that go into PCs to make them faster, lighter, more powerful, and more convenient...

Experimental Software Allows 3D Object Manipulation in 2d Photos
From ACM News

Experimental Software Allows 3D Object Manipulation in 2d Photos

The scene in Blade Runner is famous: taking a grainy photo, Rick Deckard zooms, enhances and moves around corners just as you would a 3D space.

Fiendish Million-Dollar Proof Eludes Mathematicians
From ACM News

Fiendish Million-Dollar Proof Eludes Mathematicians

Is a solution to one of the most important, beautiful and potentially lucrative problems in mathematics right around the corner?

Rosetta Spacecraft Set For ­nprecedented Close Study of a Comet
From ACM News

Rosetta Spacecraft Set For ­nprecedented Close Study of a Comet

After 10 years and four billion miles, the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft will arrive at its destination on Wednesday for the first extended, close...

Can Google Build a Typeface to Support Every Written Language?
From ACM News

Can Google Build a Typeface to Support Every Written Language?

Google has taken on its fair share of ambitious projects—digitizing millions and millions of books, mapping the whole world, pioneering self-driving cars.

C'mon Girls, Let's Program a Better Tech Industry
From ACM TechNews

C'mon Girls, Let's Program a Better Tech Industry

According to one professor, females' perception of information and communication technology is a key reason many women and girls do not enter the field. 

Nyc Schools to Use Video Games to Teach Computer Coding
From ACM TechNews

Nyc Schools to Use Video Games to Teach Computer Coding

Scalable Game Design, a program that teaches kids to code using video games, is being introduced into New York City public schools. 

Robots Helped Inspire Deep Learning and Might Become Its Killer App
From ACM TechNews

Robots Helped Inspire Deep Learning and Might Become Its Killer App

As researchers use more and better data to train their artificial intelligence models and generate algorithms, their robots become smarter.

How Yahoo Research Labs Studies Culture as a Formal Computational Concept
From ACM TechNews

How Yahoo Research Labs Studies Culture as a Formal Computational Concept

Yahoo Labs researchers aim to achieve a truly computational understanding of human society by analyzing the links that form on social networks. 

How Google Scans Your Gmail For Child Porn
From ACM News

How Google Scans Your Gmail For Child Porn

John Henry Skillern was arrested last Thursday for the possession of child pornography.

Twitter Bots Grow ­p and Take On the World
From ACM News

Twitter Bots Grow ­p and Take On the World

On 18 July, someone in the Russian government edited Wikipedia.

Where Tech Is Taking ­s: A Conversation With Intel’s Genevieve Bell
From ACM News

Where Tech Is Taking ­s: A Conversation With Intel’s Genevieve Bell

Anthropologist Genevieve Bell is vice president of Intel Labs, where she oversees a team dedicated to figuring out how technology is changing society, and vice...

Nasa Mars Rover Curiosity Nears Mountain-Base Outcrop
From ACM News

Nasa Mars Rover Curiosity Nears Mountain-Base Outcrop

As it approaches the second anniversary of its landing on Mars, NASA's Curiosity rover is also approaching its first close look at bedrock that is part of Mount...

Security Secrets, Dated but Real
From ACM Opinion

Security Secrets, Dated but Real

Was the National Cryptologic Museum designed using a code of some kind?

New Protection Scheme Makes Weak Passwords Virtually Uncrackable
From ACM TechNews

New Protection Scheme Makes Weak Passwords Virtually Uncrackable

PolyPasswordHasher is a new open source password protection scheme that could help organizations better protect passwords. 

Study: Software Developers Starting to Write For Internet of Things
From ACM TechNews

Study: Software Developers Starting to Write For Internet of Things

A new study found about 40 percent of 1,400 software developers worldwide are writing applications for Internet of Things-connected devices or intend to do so soon...

Robot 'learns to Keep Going With Broken Leg'
From ACM TechNews

Robot 'learns to Keep Going With Broken Leg'

Scientists used a methodology modeled on the behaviors of injured animals to help a six-legged robot relearn how to walk once one or more of its legs were damaged...

Why the Security of ­sb Is Fundamentally Broken
From ACM TechNews

Why the Security of ­sb Is Fundamentally Broken

At this week’s Black Hat security conference, security researchers will present a new proof-of-concept malware that exploits a fundamental flaw in the USB format...

Big Data Firm Says It Can Link Snowden Data to Changed Terrorist Behavior
From ACM News

Big Data Firm Says It Can Link Snowden Data to Changed Terrorist Behavior

For nearly a year, U.S. government officials have said revelations from former NSA contract worker Edward Snowden harmed national security and allowed terrorists...
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