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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From Google to Amazon: Eu Goes to War Against Power of ­S Digital Giants
From ACM News

From Google to Amazon: Eu Goes to War Against Power of ­S Digital Giants

Within the salons of the Elysée Palace, along the corridors of the European parliament and under the glass dome of the Reichstag, Old Europe is preparing for a...

Chainsaws, Gunshots, and Coughs: Our Smartphones Are Listening
From ACM News

Chainsaws, Gunshots, and Coughs: Our Smartphones Are Listening

From chainsaws whirring in rainforests to snoring that sounds like chainsaws, entrepreneurs are finding all sorts of creative ways to detect sounds using smartphones...

Arm Tries to Spread Its Chips to Forests, Felds, and Factories
From ACM Opinion

Arm Tries to Spread Its Chips to Forests, Felds, and Factories

Forest fire on the way? Building stress getting too high? Farmland too moist?

IBM Wants to Make its Watson Supercomputer as Small as a Pizza Box
From ACM TechNews

IBM Wants to Make its Watson Supercomputer as Small as a Pizza Box

IBM researchers are developing handheld computers with the power of today's supercomputers. 

Keeping Time By Rubidium at the Naval Observatory
From ACM Careers

Keeping Time By Rubidium at the Naval Observatory

You know when you dial a number, and a man reads you the exact time at the tone? That precise timekeeping starts at the Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C.

Linking Television and the Internet
From ACM TechNews

Linking Television and the Internet

Researchers  are working on the LinkedTV project, a new television concept designed to connect TV offerings with the Internet. 

Female Cyber Sleuths Hack Into Silicon Valley's Boys Club
From ACM TechNews

Female Cyber Sleuths Hack Into Silicon Valley's Boys Club

One area of the tech world in which women are making great gains is information security, where they outnumber men in certain positions.

Blind Lead the Way in Brave New World of Tactile Technology
From ACM TechNews

Blind Lead the Way in Brave New World of Tactile Technology

People are better and faster at navigating tactile technology when using both hands and several fingers, according to new research.

Interview With the Most Influential Woman in UK IT 2014: Wendy Hall
From ACM TechNews

Interview With the Most Influential Woman in UK IT 2014: Wendy Hall has named University of Southampton computer science professor Wendy Hall its Most Influential Woman in UK IT 2014. 

Will Workplace Robots Cost More Jobs Than They Create?
From ACM Careers

Will Workplace Robots Cost More Jobs Than They Create?

The UK unveiled its robotics strategy last Tuesday, revealing a plan drawn up by the Technology Strategy Board that aims to spur the country on towards capturing...

Ibm: Commercial Nanotube Transistors Are Coming Soon
From ACM News

Ibm: Commercial Nanotube Transistors Are Coming Soon

For more than a decade, engineers have been fretting that they are running out of tricks for continuing to shrink silicon transistors.

Hospitals Are Mining Patients' Credit Card Data to Predict Who Will Get Sick
From ACM News

Hospitals Are Mining Patients' Credit Card Data to Predict Who Will Get Sick

Imagine getting a call from your doctor if you let your gym membership lapse, make a habit of buying candy bars at the checkout counter, or begin shopping at plus...

How a Little Open Source Project Came to Dominate Big Data
From ACM News

How a Little Open Source Project Came to Dominate Big Data

It began as a nagging technical problem that needed solving. Now, it's driving a market that's expected to be worth $50.2 billion by 2020.

Machines Finally Match Monkeys in Key Image-Recognition Test
From ACM News

Machines Finally Match Monkeys in Key Image-Recognition Test

There are so many ways that humans are still superior to machines.

Inside the Secret Building That's Bringing Cell Service To Nyc's Subway
From ACM Careers

Inside the Secret Building That's Bringing Cell Service To Nyc's Subway

As Hurricane Sandy revealed almost two years ago, New York's 100-year-old subway is not a modern and robust system.

The Bbc Doesn't Want to Be Forgotten By Google
From ACM News

The Bbc Doesn't Want to Be Forgotten By Google

Since agreeing to comply with the European Court of Justice’s decision that people have the right to be forgotten, Google has received about 50,000 requests for...

Google Agitates For a Revolution in Web Development
From ACM TechNews

Google Agitates For a Revolution in Web Development

Google company engineers say Web Components, a World Wide Web Consortium standard designed to help organize complex Web pages, will "change everything." 

California Public Schools to Incorporate More STEM Education
From ACM TechNews

California Public Schools to Incorporate More STEM Education

A task force on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education in California schools has given its recommendations to the state. 

Fake Followers for Hire, and How to Spot Them
From ACM TechNews

Fake Followers for Hire, and How to Spot Them

Researchers have developed machine-learning software that can identify crowdturfing, a term for falsifying one's popularity on social media sites. 

Thinking Out of the Flat Box: Software Renders Earth's Atmosphere in 3d Splendor
From ACM TechNews

Thinking Out of the Flat Box: Software Renders Earth's Atmosphere in 3d Splendor

A Princeton University scientist has developed free software for use with a program that calculates the true spatial dimensions and curvature of Earth's atmosphere...
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