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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

New Energy-Saving Facility Boosts Stanford's Computing Prowess
From ACM TechNews

New Energy-Saving Facility Boosts Stanford's Computing Prowess

The new Stanford Research Computing Center is saving energy through air-driven cooling. 

Researchers Discover Critical Flaws in the Chip and Pin System
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Discover Critical Flaws in the Chip and Pin System

A pair of critical flaws in EMV smart card technology can be exploited to generate cloned cards that are undetectable by normal bank procedures. 

From the Smartphone to the Cloud and Back Again
From ACM TechNews

From the Smartphone to the Cloud and Back Again

College of William & Mary professor Robert Dickerson says there are many reasons to tie a smartphone app to the cloud. 

Do We Need a Title Ix For STEM Workers?
From ACM TechNews

Do We Need a Title Ix For STEM Workers?

The U.S. Office of Management and Budget's Lisa Schlosser thinks a measure along the lines of Title IX may be necessary to close the gender gap in IT. 

The Myths & Realities of How the Eu's New 'right To Be Forgotten' in Google Works
From ACM Opinion

The Myths & Realities of How the Eu's New 'right To Be Forgotten' in Google Works

Is it true that anyone in the EU can have anything removed from Google and other search engines?

For U.s. Companies That Challenge China, the Risk of Digital Reprisal
From ACM News

For U.s. Companies That Challenge China, the Risk of Digital Reprisal

Two large American steel makers, U.S. Steel and Allegheny Technologies, each lost confidential files giving access to their computer networks.

Fighting Off Virtual Attacks
From ACM TechNews

Fighting Off Virtual Attacks

Researchers say they have taken ideas from nature and applied them to security for software that runs on digital devices. 

Microbial Stowaways to Mars Identified
From ACM News

Microbial Stowaways to Mars Identified

Dozens of microbial species may have accompanied the Curiosity rover to Mars, where it landed in August 2012.

How Google Built Its 3-D Interactive Rubik's Cube Doodle
From ACM News

How Google Built Its 3-D Interactive Rubik's Cube Doodle

Today Google launched one of its coolest doodles yet: a 3-D interactive Rubik's Cube.

Why the Death of Net Neutrality Would Be a Disaster For Libraries
From ACM Opinion

Why the Death of Net Neutrality Would Be a Disaster For Libraries

The Internet's eyes turned to the Federal Communications Commission on Thursday, as the panel approved a plan to consider allowing Internet service providers to...

Device Aims to Brings Text and Graphics to Visually Impaired
From ACM TechNews

Device Aims to Brings Text and Graphics to Visually Impaired

European researchers are working on a portable Braille device with a tactile display that enables visually impaired users to access digital words and graphics. 

New Algorithm Shakes ­p Cryptography
From ACM TechNews

New Algorithm Shakes ­p Cryptography

Researchers have uncovered a flaw in cryptography security, discrediting several cryptographic systems that were assumed to provide sufficient safeguards. 

Glasses-Free 3D Projector
From ACM TechNews

Glasses-Free 3D Projector

Researchers have developed a glasses-free, multi-perspective, three-dimensional video screen.

Strongly Interacting Electrons in Wacky Oxide Synchronize to Compute Like the Brain
From ACM TechNews

Strongly Interacting Electrons in Wacky Oxide Synchronize to Compute Like the Brain

A device developed by Pennsylvania State University electrical engineers could serve as the foundation for non-Boolean computing. 

Harvard's Robotic Bees Aim to Pollinate Crops, Search For Survivors in Rubble
From ACM TechNews

Harvard's Robotic Bees Aim to Pollinate Crops, Search For Survivors in Rubble

Researchers hope to prove within the next few years that it is possible to use robotic bees to artificially pollinate crops. 

The Emerging Science of Superspreaders (and How to Tell If You're One of Them)
From ACM News

The Emerging Science of Superspreaders (and How to Tell If You're One of Them)

Who are the most influential spreaders of information on a network?

Tackling the Limits of Touch Screens
From ACM News

Tackling the Limits of Touch Screens

Touch screens are ubiquitous on tablets and smartphones, but their flat glass surfaces can hinder close reading and accurate typing.

"we're at Greater Risk": General Keith Alexander
From ACM Opinion

"we're at Greater Risk": General Keith Alexander

Since Edward Snowden's revelations about government surveillence, we know more about how the National Security Agency has been interpreting Section 215 of the Patriot...

Who Watches the Watchers? Big Data Goes ­nchecked
From ACM Opinion

Who Watches the Watchers? Big Data Goes ­nchecked

The National Security Agency might be tracking your phone calls. But private industry is prying far more deeply into your life.

Samsung-Apple Smartphone Battleground Is Single Atom Thick
From ACM News

Samsung-Apple Smartphone Battleground Is Single Atom Thick

The main battleground between Samsung Electronics Co. and Apple Inc. in the global smartphone market is moving from courtrooms to the laboratory, amid a race for...
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