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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Probing Bitcoins
From ACM TechNews

Probing Bitcoins

Researchers recently examined how Bitcoins have been used since their introduction. 

Why Bitcoin Matters
From ACM Opinion

Why Bitcoin Matters

A mysterious new technology emerges, seemingly out of nowhere, but actually the result of two decades of intense research and development by nearly anonymous researchers...

Target Got Hacked Hard in 2005. Here's Why They Let It Happen Again
From ACM News

Target Got Hacked Hard in 2005. Here's Why They Let It Happen Again

A gang of shadowy hackers tears through the systems of big-box retailers, making off with millions of credit and debit card numbers in a matter of weeks and generating...

Natural 3D Counterpart to Graphene Discovered
From ACM TechNews

Natural 3D Counterpart to Graphene Discovered

Researchers have discovered that sodium bismuthate can exist as a form of quantum matter called a three-dimensional topological Dirac semi-metal. 

'have You Ever Been on a Boat?' and 15 Other Weird Interview Questions from Tech Firms
From ACM Careers

'have You Ever Been on a Boat?' and 15 Other Weird Interview Questions from Tech Firms

Looking for a new job?

Idc Study Counts the World's Developers: 11 Million Pros
From ACM TechNews

Idc Study Counts the World's Developers: 11 Million Pros

There are about 18.5 million software developers in the world, including about 7.5 million hobbyists, according to research firm IDC. 

Houston, We Have Ants: Mimicking How Ants Adjust to Microgravity in Space Could Lead to Better Robots, Stanford Scientist Says
From ACM TechNews

Houston, We Have Ants: Mimicking How Ants Adjust to Microgravity in Space Could Lead to Better Robots, Stanford Scientist Says

Sending ants to the International Space Station could help determine how they change the algorithms that modulate their group behavior in an exotic environment. ...

How the Friendship Paradox Makes Your Friends Better Than You Are
From ACM TechNews

How the Friendship Paradox Makes Your Friends Better Than You Are

The friendship paradox applies to happiness and wealth, according to researchers at the University of Toulouse and Aalto University. 

Coming Soon: Control Your Computer With Your Brain via Open Source
From ACM TechNews

Coming Soon: Control Your Computer With Your Brain via Open Source

The team behind the OpenBCI project hopes to release the third iteration of the OpenBCI board sometime around April. 

Seals Are Scientists' Little Helpers For Collecting Ocean Data
From ACM News

Seals Are Scientists' Little Helpers For Collecting Ocean Data

In recruiting a research team, some scientists would do well to include a few seals. Over the past ten years, around 350 of these blubbery mammals—mostly elephant...

Computer Techniques Aim to Save Animals from Experiments
From ACM News

Computer Techniques Aim to Save Animals from Experiments

"Organs on a chip" and quantitative structure–activity relationship modeling are among the technologies increasingly standing in for animal testing. 

Amazon Wants to Ship Your Package Before You Buy It
From ACM News

Amazon Wants to Ship Your Package Before You Buy It knows you so well it wants to ship your next package before you order it.

Esa's 'sleeping Beauty' Wakes ­p from Deep Space Hibernation
From ACM News

Esa's 'sleeping Beauty' Wakes ­p from Deep Space Hibernation

It was a fairy-tale ending to a tense chapter in the story of the Rosetta space mission this evening as ESA heard from its distant spacecraft for the first time...

Public Remains 'All Over the Map' on NSA Tactics
From ACM News

Public Remains 'All Over the Map' on NSA Tactics

President Barack Obama isn't the only one struggling to balance national security and civil liberties with the country's post-Sept. 11 surveillance programs.

Marvin Minsky Honored For Lifetime Achievements in Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

Marvin Minsky Honored For Lifetime Achievements in Artificial Intelligence

MIT Media Lab professor emeritus Marvin Minsky, 86, a pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence, has won the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award...

Meet the Man Google Hired to Make AI a Reality
From ACM News

Meet the Man Google Hired to Make AI a Reality

Geoffrey Hinton was in high school when a friend convinced him that the brain worked like a hologram.

Cyberwar Surprise Attacks Get a Mathematical Treatment
From ACM TechNews

Cyberwar Surprise Attacks Get a Mathematical Treatment

Two University of Michigan professors have written a mathematical model that could help predict the timing of cyberattacks. 

Google Is Developing a Smart Contact Lens
From ACM TechNews

Google Is Developing a Smart Contact Lens

Google researchers are developing a smart contact lens that uses tiny chips, sensors, and antennas to continuously test diabetics' blood sugar levels. 

Researchers Aim to Revolutionize 3D Printing, Global Manufacturing
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Aim to Revolutionize 3D Printing, Global Manufacturing

Researchers are developing new materials to be used for 3D printing, and are working on a technique for building multiple materials into the same product. 

Feeling Mad? New Devices Can Sense Your Mood and Tell--or Even Text--Others
From ACM TechNews

Feeling Mad? New Devices Can Sense Your Mood and Tell--or Even Text--Others

Microsoft Research cognitive psychologist Mary Czerwinski is an affective computing expert who creates technology that monitors a person's mood and stress level...
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