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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Does Your Professor Have a Wikipedia Entry? Congrats! It Means Nothing
From ACM TechNews

Does Your Professor Have a Wikipedia Entry? Congrats! It Means Nothing

Oxford University has released a study indicating that no significant correlation exists between a scientific academic professional having a Wikipedia entry and...

Wireless Device Converts 'lost' Energy Into Electric Power
From ACM TechNews

Wireless Device Converts 'lost' Energy Into Electric Power

Duke University researchers have developed a power-harvesting device that wirelessly converts a microwave signal to direct current voltage capable of recharging...

Intel Launches Internet of Things Push With Tech Industry Call to Arms
From ACM TechNews

Intel Launches Internet of Things Push With Tech Industry Call to Arms

Intel has called on the tech industry to make Internet of Things (IoT) technology a viable option for mainstream users. Intel has outlined nine key areas in which...

Five Fascinating Things Revealed By Twitter Data
From ACM News

Five Fascinating Things Revealed By Twitter Data

When technology companies get floated on the stock market, it prompts all kinds of analytical soul searching.

As Interest Fades in the Humanities, Colleges Worry
From ACM Careers

As Interest Fades in the Humanities, Colleges Worry

On Stanford University’s sprawling campus, where a long palm-lined drive leads to manicured quads, humanities professors produce highly regarded scholarship on...

It's Complicated: Dawn Spurs Rewrite of Vesta's Story
From ACM News

It's Complicated: Dawn Spurs Rewrite of Vesta's Story

Just when scientists thought they had a tidy theory for how the giant asteroid Vesta formed, a new paper from NASA's Dawn mission suggests the history is more complicated...

Researchers Dare AI Experts to Crack New Gotcha Password Scheme
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Dare AI Experts to Crack New Gotcha Password Scheme

Carnegie Mellon University researchers have developed GOTCHA, Generating panOptic Turing Tests to Tell Computers and Humans Apart, a password system based on visual...

New Bucks For Bugs Program Focuses on Open Source Software, Internet Infrastructure
From ACM TechNews

New Bucks For Bugs Program Focuses on Open Source Software, Internet Infrastructure

The Microsoft- and Facebook-sponsored Internet Bug Bounty program pays as much as $2,500 for a new vulnerability detected in key open source platforms. The program...

Are Racks-on-Chip the Future of Data Centers?
From ACM TechNews

Are Racks-on-Chip the Future of Data Centers?

Increasing the scale and decreasing the cost and power of data centers requires greatly boosting the density of computing, storage, and networking within those...

Vehicle-To-Vehicle Tech Hits Speed Bumps
From ACM TechNews

Vehicle-To-Vehicle Tech Hits Speed Bumps

Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) technologies could provide significant safety benefits if widely deployed. However, several challenges could create problems for the U...

Computer Science Team Wins Challenge to Improve Reading Process of Reviews
From ACM TechNews

Computer Science Team Wins Challenge to Improve Reading Process of Reviews

Virginia Tech researchers say they have developed a better method of summarizing text through the mining or retrieval of key data, which won a Yelp-sponsored contest...

Nsf Grant to Help Point Way to 5g Wireless
From ACM News

Nsf Grant to Help Point Way to 5g Wireless

Researchers are investigating millimeter-wave radio communication in the 60-GHz band, which could increase spectrum for wireless communication by several orders...

Monkey Thoughts Move Virtual Arms—human-Machine Mind-Meld Next?
From ACM News

Monkey Thoughts Move Virtual Arms—human-Machine Mind-Meld Next?

Rhesus monkeys in a lab are using their brains to move two arms of a virtual primate on a screen, moving researchers one step closer towards outfitting paralyzed...

The Hidden Technology That Makes Twitter Huge
From ACM News

The Hidden Technology That Makes Twitter Huge

Consider the tweet.

Ditch the Pedometer – the AI in Your Phone Is Better
From ACM TechNews

Ditch the Pedometer – the AI in Your Phone Is Better

Smartphones can do a better job measuring the energy you expand during the day than today's wearable activity monitors, according to Amit Pande from the University...

Stretchable Energy Sources
From ACM TechNews

Stretchable Energy Sources

University of Delaware researchers have developed a compact, stretchable wire-shaped supercapacitor based on continuous carbon nanotube fibers.

The Highs and Hazards of Bitcoin
From ACM News

The Highs and Hazards of Bitcoin

Bitcoin, the leading online alternative currency, has attracted high-minded entrepreneurs and crooks alike.

Superfast Rock-Paper-Scissors Robot 'wins' Every Time
From ACM TechNews

Superfast Rock-Paper-Scissors Robot 'wins' Every Time

Japanese scientists have developed a robot that can choose a hand shape for the rock-paper-scissors game almost at the same time as a human.

3-D Scanning Mobile App Makes It Easier to 3-D Print
From ACM TechNews

3-D Scanning Mobile App Makes It Easier to 3-D Print

Microsoft Research has developed a mobile app designed to make it easier and less expensive to create and print three-dimensional (3-D) content.

New Computing Model Could Lead to Quicker Advancements in Medical Research
From ACM TechNews

New Computing Model Could Lead to Quicker Advancements in Medical Research

Virginia Tech researchers have developed data management and analysis software for data-intensive scientific applications in the cloud that could help speed up...
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