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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

An Early Report Card on Massive Open Online Courses
From ACM TechNews

An Early Report Card on Massive Open Online Courses

Massive open online courses could help transform education, but face challenges to realizing their full potential. 

Your Car Is About to Go Open Source
From ACM TechNews

Your Car Is About to Go Open Source

Automakers are working to standardize a Linux-based operating system for in-vehicle infotainment systems that would make cars act more like smartphones. 

Bbc Plans to Help Get the Nation Coding
From ACM TechNews

Bbc Plans to Help Get the Nation Coding

The British Broadcasting Corporation will launch an initiative in 2015 promoting software programming in the United Kingdom. 

Better Robot Vision
From ACM TechNews

Better Robot Vision

Researchers  have developed a robot-vision algorithm they say is 15 percent better than its best competitor at identifying familiar objects in cluttered scenes. ...

What Our 3d-Printed Future Looks Like
From ACM News

What Our 3d-Printed Future Looks Like

On-demand organs, Terminator-style arms, and aviation nostalgia—the best of 3D printing is on show in 3D: Printing the Future at London's Science Museum.

Teens Hone Their Hacking Skills in National Competitions Guided By Federal Officials
From ACM TechNews

Teens Hone Their Hacking Skills in National Competitions Guided By Federal Officials

Federal officials are guiding national cybercontests aimed at helping tech-savvy teenagers prepare for careers in protecting the government and private companies...

Yep, Apple's A7 Looks Twice As Fast–at Least For Fractal Math
From ACM Opinion

Yep, Apple's A7 Looks Twice As Fast–at Least For Fractal Math

Is Apple's A7 chip twice as fast at processing and graphics, as Apple promised when announcing the new iPhone 5S?

This Is Mars in Extremely High Resolution
From ACM News

This Is Mars in Extremely High Resolution

On March 10, 2006, seven months after an Atlas rocket boosted it into space from Cape Canaveral, Florida, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter fell into place in the...

3D Printing: The Greener Choice
From ACM TechNews

3D Printing: The Greener Choice

Making products with a three-dimensional printer uses less energy than mass-producing them in a factory. 

Fear Multicore Apps? Reactive Programming to the Rescue
From ACM TechNews

Fear Multicore Apps? Reactive Programming to the Rescue

Programs that react to events instead of simply running commands are gaining popularity as a way to program on multicore processors, particularly with Java.

Virtual Reality Gaming Is Nearly Here; We Just Need the Right Controller
From ACM News

Virtual Reality Gaming Is Nearly Here; We Just Need the Right Controller

Video games have long promised to offer their players "immersive experiences," but full-blown virtual reality—the holodeck or the matrix—was still a fantasy.

Nsa's Own Hardware Backdoors May Still Be a 'problem From Hell'
From ACM TechNews

Nsa's Own Hardware Backdoors May Still Be a 'problem From Hell'

Computer hardware into which secret backdoors have been inserted by the U.S. National Security Agency and its adversaries is a tremendous security problem. 

Researchers Beef Up Flash Memory With Protein
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Beef Up Flash Memory With Protein

Researchers in Asia say they have created the first three-dimensional flash memory device made with protein. 

UltraHaptics – It's Magic in the Air
From ACM TechNews

UltraHaptics – It's Magic in the Air

UltraHaptics is a new interface system that enables users to experience multi-point haptic feedback above an interactive surface without having to touch or hold...

All Is Fair in Love and Twitter
From ACM Careers

All Is Fair in Love and Twitter

Right in the center of South Park, a large, grassy oval near San Francisco's financial district, there is a rinky-dink playground with slides, ladders, and firefighter...

Autonomous Vehicles Roll Forward
From ACM News

Autonomous Vehicles Roll Forward

Self-driving vehicles will likely provide substantial benefits, and introduce new challenges.

Mugged By a Mug Shot Online
From ACM News

Mugged By a Mug Shot Online

In March last year, a college freshman named Maxwell Birnbaum was riding in a van filled with friends from Austin, Tex., to a spring-break rental house in Gulf...

Making Martian Clouds on Earth
From ACM News

Making Martian Clouds on Earth

At first glance, Mars' clouds might easily be mistaken for those on Earth: Images of the Martian sky, taken by NASA's Opportunity rover, depict gauzy, high-altitude...

2013 Chemistry Nobel Goes to Computer Modeling of Chemical Reactions
From ACM News

2013 Chemistry Nobel Goes to Computer Modeling of Chemical Reactions

What is actually happening at the atomic scale when two elements react?

The Human Brain Project Has Officially Begun
From ACM TechNews

The Human Brain Project Has Officially Begun

Scientists from 135 institutions working on the Human Brain Project are meeting this week at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. 
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