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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How Robots Can Trick You Into Loving Them
From ACM Opinion

How Robots Can Trick You Into Loving Them

I like to think of my Roomba as cute and industrious.

Say Goodbye to the Password
From ACM News

Say Goodbye to the Password

Here's the fundamental problem with passwords: They are most effective in protecting a company when they are long, complicated and changed frequently. In other...

Bug Bounty Program Slates $300k Mobile Hacking Contest For November
From ACM TechNews

Bug Bounty Program Slates $300k Mobile Hacking Contest For November

Hewlett-Packard Tipping Point's bug bounty program will sponsor the second annual Mobile Pwn2Own contest this fall. 

Mapping the 'geography' of the Internet
From ACM TechNews

Mapping the 'geography' of the Internet

Morningside Analytics chief scientist John Kelly maps the Internet's "cybersocial geography" to visualize topics of conversation and the participants involved in...

Disney Develops 'magical' Device to Make Fingertips Sing
From ACM TechNews

Disney Develops 'magical' Device to Make Fingertips Sing

The Inshin-Den-Shin technology developed at Disney Research transmits sound through the human body, and turns fingertips into speakers. 

Girls-Only Coding Class Looks to Increase Female Tech Startup Presence
From ACM TechNews

Girls-Only Coding Class Looks to Increase Female Tech Startup Presence

Female students at six of Britain's top universities will be able to take a free coding course this academic year.

New Magnetic Semiconductor Material Holds Promise For 'spintronics'
From ACM TechNews

New Magnetic Semiconductor Material Holds Promise For 'spintronics'

A new compound that can be integrated into silicon chips potentially could be used to make spintronic devices.

Ready or Not, Here They Come
From ACM News

Ready or Not, Here They Come

EMV payment cards make their way to the U.S.A.

The Skies. The Limits.
From ACM News

The Skies. The Limits.

Long ago, in a dreamier era, space stations were imagined as portals to the heavens.

Security Tech Firms Hit Jackpot in Asia Casino Boom
From ACM Careers

Security Tech Firms Hit Jackpot in Asia Casino Boom

Asia's new mega-casinos are driving sales and innovation in advanced surveillance technology, from chips with built-in radio transmitters to high-definition, multi...

Taiwan Chip Industry Powers the Tech World, but Struggles For Status
From ACM Careers

Taiwan Chip Industry Powers the Tech World, but Struggles For Status

Tien Wu, chief operating officer of Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, has a problem: the brightest young people in Taiwan do not want to work in the island’s...

E-Zpasses Get Read All Over New York (not Just at Toll Booths)
From ACM News

E-Zpasses Get Read All Over New York (not Just at Toll Booths)

After spotting a police car with two huge boxes on its trunk—that turned out to be license-plate-reading cameras—a man in New Jersey became obsessed with the loss...

Moose Enables 'plug and Play' Simulations
From ACM TechNews

Moose Enables 'plug and Play' Simulations

Idaho National Laboratory researchers are developing MOOSE, a software framework for simulating the behavior of complex systems. 

Vote Early, Vote Often: Inside Norway's Pioneering Open Source E-Voting Trials
From ACM TechNews

Vote Early, Vote Often: Inside Norway's Pioneering Open Source E-Voting Trials

Norway recently held its second e-voting pilot, following an initial trial that took place during the local government elections in 2011. 

Tough Robo-Challenge Casts Robots as Rescuers
From ACM TechNews

Tough Robo-Challenge Casts Robots as Rescuers

Global robotics specialists are competing to design a robot that can perform emergency-response duties during disasters. 

Wireless Network Detects Falls by the Elderly
From ACM TechNews

Wireless Network Detects Falls by the Elderly

New fall-detection technology would not require the elderly to wear any monitoring devices. 

The Brogrammer Effect: Women Are a Small (and Shrinking) Share of Computer Workers
From ACM TechNews

The Brogrammer Effect: Women Are a Small (and Shrinking) Share of Computer Workers

The percentage of women who are computer workers has been dropping over the past 20 years, according to a recent U.S. Census Bureau report. 

The Boy Genius of ­lan Bator
From ACM Careers

The Boy Genius of ­lan Bator

Days before I was to meet Battushig Myanganbayar at his home in Mongolia, he sent me an e-mail with a modest request: Would I bring him a pair of tiny XBee wireless...

Tiny Recon Robots Herald New Generation of Drones
From ACM News

Tiny Recon Robots Herald New Generation of Drones

Ex-U.S. Marine Ernest Langdon pulls a pin and throws a small black object onto the ground. But it doesn't explode.

The Message Voyager 1 Carries For Alien Civilizations
From ACM Opinion

The Message Voyager 1 Carries For Alien Civilizations

The year was 1977.
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