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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Cerf: 2011 Will Be Proving Point For 'interplanetary Internet'
From ACM TechNews

Cerf: 2011 Will Be Proving Point For 'interplanetary Internet'

The InterPlanetary Internet initiative to extend the Internet into outer space is using a Bundle Protocol that was developed as part of a general notion for a delay...

From ACM TechNews

Can 'Encrypted Blobs' Help With Secure Cloud Computing?

IBM researchers say cloud computing security can be improved by using fully homomorphic encryption to send data as encrypted blobs, which can be understood without...

Cloud Services Could Bolster National Cyber Security
From ACM TechNews

Cloud Services Could Bolster National Cyber Security

U.S. cybersecurity could be significantly fortified by a move to cloud computing, which would focus cybersecurity on a small number of service providers rather...

From ACM News

No More Ipv4 Addresses

Asian registry snares last two address blocks, sparks automatic depletion of the free pool.

From ACM TechNews

Carnegie Mellon Researcher Creates Song-O-Matic

Carnegie Mellon University's Burr Settles has developed Titular, software that helps songwriters come up with titles for their new songs. Titular produces five...

From ACM TechNews

U.s. Revamps Science, Technology Standard-Setting Efforts

As part of the America Competes Reauthorization Act of 2010, the U.S. National Institutes of Standards and Technology has been instructed to expand cooperation...

From ACM TechNews

Will Feds Mandate Internet Routing Security?

Resource Public Key Infrastructure developed the U.S. Department of Homeland Security allows network operators to verify that they have the ability to route traffic...

From ACM TechNews

Thousands of Html5 Tests Planned By Web Consortium

Microsoft's Internet Explorer 9 topped Google Chrome and Firefox in the first round of HTML5 compatibility tests, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) said that...

From ACM TechNews

Hpc Experts Look Past Petaflop to the Exascale

At SC10, the annual supercomputing conference, high-performance computing (HPC) experts debated whether the industry will reach an exaflop by 2020, and if the achievement...

Chips in Football Helmets to Monitor For Concussions
From ACM TechNews

Chips in Football Helmets to Monitor For Concussions

Intel researchers are working with football helmet manufacturers and several universities to develop technology that can monitor brain damage in real time and build...

From ACM TechNews

Supercomputing Fest Will Spotlight World's Fastest Computers, High-Performance Issues

The SC10 supercomputing conference to be held in New Orleans will highlight high-performance computing advances in computation, networking, storage, and analysis...

From ACM News

How Android Conquered the Mobile World in Just Three Years

The advent of the Droid seen by many as turning point for Google in mobile market.

From ACM News

Search Engine Optimization 'poisoning' Way Up This Year: Report

Websense says 22.4% of Google searches lead to bad URLs vs. 13.7% at end of 2009.

Obama's Chief Scientist Pushes National Broadband Plan
From ACM TechNews

Obama's Chief Scientist Pushes National Broadband Plan

John Holdren, the White House's top science and technology adviser, says the FCC's national broadband plan would lead to an improvement in the productivity of science...

Research Project Aims to Simplify Large-Scale Network Control
From ACM TechNews

Research Project Aims to Simplify Large-Scale Network Control

Researchers at Google, Nicira Networks, and NEC presented a research project designed to simplify the control and management of large-scale network implementations...

From ACM TechNews

Mit Researchers Tout Network Intrusion Recovery System

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers are developing RETRO, a system designed to make it easier for organizations to recover from security breaches. ...

Researchers Argue For Smarter Traffic Lights
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Argue For Smarter Traffic Lights

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich's Dirk Helbing and Dresden University of Technology's Stefan Lammer have proposed using a combination of sensing technology...

From ACM TechNews

Five Federal Agencies Want Big Robot Technology Advances

Five U.S. agencies recently announced plans to fund innovative research and development of robotic technologies with the goal of enriching human lives. DARPA seeks...

From ACM TechNews

DARPA Takes Aim at Insider Threats

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is seeking to address security threats by launching a new initiative to enable security staff to rapidly detect...

­.s. Military Wants to Exert Influence Over Private Cyber Infrastructure
From ACM TechNews

­.s. Military Wants to Exert Influence Over Private Cyber Infrastructure

The U.S. military wants more authority to protect the nation's cyberinfrastructure because it depends on power grids, transportation networks, and financial systems...
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