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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Nsf Awards San Diego Supercomputer Center $2.8 Million For Trestles System

The U.S. National Science Foundation has awarded the San Diego Supercomputer Center at the University of California, San Diego, $2.8 million to build and deploy...

From ACM News

Lenovo to Develop Game Console

Lenovo Group Ltd. is investing in the development of a new videogame console, part of a broader push by the Chinese personal-computer company to branch out into...

Heady Days of Nanotech Funding Behind It, the ­.s. Faces Big Challenges
From ACM TechNews

Heady Days of Nanotech Funding Behind It, the ­.s. Faces Big Challenges

Despite the U.S.'s lead in patenting nanotechnology inventions, it has not been able to translate that success into the marketplace, which has enabled other countries...

From ACM News

Telepresence Robot Replaces Editor at Ieee Spectrum

With several companies offering telepresence robots to act as people's proxies at the office, IEEE Spectrum magazine investigated their use earlier this year by...

From ACM TechNews

Virtual Router Smashes Speed Records

Researchers at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology have developed a networking router that transmits data at nearly 40 gigabytes per second,...

'spintronics' Breakthrough Holds Promise For Next-Generation Computers
From ACM TechNews

'spintronics' Breakthrough Holds Promise For Next-Generation Computers

University of Kansas (KU) researchers have discovered a way to recognize currents of spinning electrons, or spintronics, within a semiconductor using powerful lasers...

Tiny Logo Demonstrates Advanced Display Technology
From ACM News

Tiny Logo Demonstrates Advanced Display Technology

In a step toward more efficient, smaller and higher-definition display screens, a University of Michigan professor has developed a new type of color filter made...

From ACM News

Juicing Up Laptops and Cell Phones with Soda Pop or Vegetable Oil?

Scientists report the development of the first fuel cell designed to produce electricity with biochemical technology borrowed from the biological powerhouses...

Synaptic Behavior Captured By New Memristor Circuit Design
From ACM TechNews

Synaptic Behavior Captured By New Memristor Circuit Design

University of Tehran researchers Farnood Merrikh-Bayat and Saeed Bagheri have found that two memristors used in a series work more like a human brain using Hebbian...

From ACM TechNews

Nasa's Robot Rovers Keep on Rolling

Researchers from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock are working with robotics engineers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory to prevent the space agency's...

Cycling Through Data
From Communications of the ACM

Cycling Through Data

Sensor-equipped bicycles are providing valuable data to cyclists, city planners, and computer scientists.

From ACM News

Hi-Tech Rechargeable Batteries Developed For Military

MIT scientists reported progress in using a common virus to develop improved materials for high-performance, rechargeable lithium-ion batteries that could be...

Robots Learning From Experience
From ICT Results

Robots Learning From Experience

Software that enables robots to move objects about a room, building up ever-more knowledge about their environment, is an important step forward in artificial intelligence...

Ho-Hum to High Performance: Boring Material Could Lead to Electronics Revolution
From ACM TechNews

Ho-Hum to High Performance: Boring Material Could Lead to Electronics Revolution

Cornell University researchers have found that when the oxide compound europium titanate is sliced nanometers thin and stretched on a specially designed template...

Virtual Router Smashes Speed Records
From ACM News

Virtual Router Smashes Speed Records

Software-driven networking will enable new Internet protocols.

From ACM News

Scientists Hack Into Cars' Computers

It sounds like a Hollywood movie: cybercriminals in a van use a laptop to hack wirelessly into the computer-controlled systems of the car on the road ahead. In...

NSF Announces New Expeditions in Computing Awards
From ACM News

NSF Announces New Expeditions in Computing Awards

Three new $10 million awards continue the NSF's Expeditions program pursuing ambitious, fundamental research agendas that promise to define the future of computing...

Intel-McAfee Deal Bets on Building Security Into Hardware
From ACM News

Intel-McAfee Deal Bets on Building Security Into Hardware

Intel Corp. agreed to buy security-software specialist McAfee Inc. Thursday for $7.68 billion, a surprise transaction that underscores the company's determination...

The Future of Interfaces Is Mobile, Screen-Less and Invisible
From ACM TechNews

The Future of Interfaces Is Mobile, Screen-Less and Invisible

Google's Android developer advocate Reto Meier recently described where computer interfaces are headed, predicting that in five years there will be widely available...

From ACM News

Dual-Core Smartphones on the Horizon

Smartphones with dual-core Arm processors could add faster processing, video capabilities.
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