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Google Knows Too Much About You
From ACM Opinion

Google Knows Too Much About You

If you use Google, and I know you do, you may have noticed a little banner popping up at the top of the page announcing: "We're changing our privacy policy and...

From ACM Opinion

Why 2012, Despite Privacy Fears, Isn't Like Orwell's 1984

Last week was a remarkable one for the Web: A week that proved George Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-Four" incredibly prescient yet woefully incorrect.

I Want to Translate the Web
From ACM Opinion

I Want to Translate the Web

I want to translate the Web into every major language: every Webpage, every video, and, yes, even Justin Bieber's tweets.

The Top 10 Tech Trends For 2012
From ACM Opinion

The Top 10 Tech Trends For 2012

A year is virtually a lifetime in the digital era. And yet we can at least make a guess at what will happen in the early part of next year simply by looking at...

Why Your Next Phone Might Be Bendable
From ACM Opinion

Why Your Next Phone Might Be Bendable

As we enter the final months of 2011, the thoughts of tech watchers like me are turning to what we can expect in 2012. Voice recognition in all our devices? Touch...

Meet Dark Tangent, the Hacker Behind Black Hat and Def Con
From ACM News

Meet Dark Tangent, the Hacker Behind Black Hat and Def Con

The word "hacker" evokes all kinds of scary images. But Jeff Moss says hackers are exactly what the world needs more of, because they can make the Internet safer...

How Google Is Teaching Computers to See
From ACM News

How Google Is Teaching Computers to See

Computers used to be blind, and now they can see.  Thanks to increasingly sophisticated algorithms, computers today can recognize and identify the Eiffel Tower...

When Will Sci-Fi Tech Become Real? Sooner Than You Think
From ACM Opinion

When Will Sci-Fi Tech Become Real? Sooner Than You Think

Growing up, physicist Michio Kaku had two heroes. The first, predictably enough for the man who co-founded a branch of string theory, was Albert Einstein. "Second...

­.s. Enables Chinese Hacking of Google
From ACM Opinion

­.s. Enables Chinese Hacking of Google

Google made headlines when it went public with the fact that Chinese hackers had penetrated some of its services, such as Gmail, in a politically motivated attempt...
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