From Communications of the ACM
Digital innovation is not working in the interest of the whole of society. It is time to radically rethink its purpose without…
Filippo Gualtiero Blancato| March 1, 2024
For all its success, Google's famous Page Rank algorithm has never understood a word of the billions of Web pages it has directed people to over the years.Technology Review From ACM Opinion | January 27, 2014
In the movie Her, which was nominated for the Oscar for Best Picture this year, a middle-aged writer named Theodore Twombly installs and rapidly falls in love with...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | January 24, 2014
At a racetrack in Florida this weekend, 16 robots competed to complete a series of tasks inspired by challenges faced in cleaning up the destroyed Fukushima-Daiichi...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | December 26, 2013
A silver BMW 5 Series is weaving through traffic at roughly 120 kilometers per hour (75 mph) on a freeway that cuts northeast through Bavaria between Munich and...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | October 30, 2013
The sixth most widely used website in the world is not run anything like the others in the top 10.Technology Review From ACM Opinion | October 24, 2013
In 1984, the personal-computer industry was still small enough to be captured, with reasonable fidelity, in a one-volume publication, the Whole Earth Software Catalog...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | October 17, 2013
Microsoft's new head of research, Peter Lee, is tasked with helping the company invent the future.Technology Review From ACM Opinion | October 16, 2013
Last week, I visited the MIT computer science department looking for a very famous cryptographer.Technology Review From ACM Opinion | September 17, 2013
Mark Cerny's soft voice and youthful looks belie the position of power he holds in the video-game industry.Technology Review From ACM Opinion | August 20, 2013
Ever talk to someone at a party or conference reception only to discover that the person you are talking to is constantly scanning the room, looking this way and...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | July 25, 2013
Intel came to dominate computing by consistently beating others at packing transistors ever more densely onto chips for desktop computers and servers.Technology Review From ACM Opinion | July 3, 2013
For Apple, there's a lot riding on iOS 7, the newest version of its mobile software and the first refresh overseen by veteran industrial design head Jonathan Ive...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | June 11, 2013
Russell Poldrack, a neuroscientist at the University of Texas at Austin, is undertaking some intense introspection.Technology Review From ACM Opinion | May 31, 2013
Don't be surprised if Stephen Wolfram, the renowned complexity theorist, software company CEO, and night owl, wants to schedule a work call with you at 9 p.m. In...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | May 9, 2013
Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) project, which President Obama announced in his State of the Union address in February, will...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | April 16, 2013
Driving on Interstate 495 toward Boston in a Ford Fusion one chilly afternoon in March, I did something that would've made even my laid-back long-ago driving instructor...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | April 16, 2013
Last week, President Obama officially announced $100 million in funding for arguably the most ambitious neuroscience initiative ever proposed.Technology Review From ACM Opinion | April 8, 2013