From Communications of the ACM
Digital innovation is not working in the interest of the whole of society. It is time to radically rethink its purpose without…
Filippo Gualtiero Blancato| March 1, 2024
Windows 8, the most recent version of Microsoft's operating system, is the most ambitious and the strangest major product ever released by the software giant.Technology Review From ACM Opinion | February 25, 2013
Miguel Nicolelis, a top neuroscientist at Duke University, says computers will never replicate the human brain and that the technological Singularity is "a bunch...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | February 21, 2013
Steve Jobs couldn't hide his frustration. Asked at a technology conference in 2010 whether Apple might finally turn its attention to television, he launched into...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | February 15, 2013
A decade-plus of anthropological fieldwork among hackers and like-minded geeks has led me to the firm conviction that these people are building one of the most...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | February 5, 2013
After writing about Ray Kurzweil’s ambitious plan to create a super-intelligent personal assistant in his new job at Google (see "Ray Kurzweil Plans to Create a...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | January 23, 2013
The amount of time and money needed to sequence genomes continued to fall in 2012, perhaps to no one’s surprise.Technology Review From ACM News | January 8, 2013
Samsung Electronics is a company at the top of its game, having become the world’s leading smartphone manufacturer in the last year.Technology Review From ACM Opinion | December 20, 2012
As the head of Windows product development at Microsoft, Julie Larson-Green is responsible for a piece of software used by some 1.3 billion people worldwide.Technology Review From ACM Opinion | December 20, 2012
Late last Friday, Google announced a jaw-dropping hire: Ray Kurzweil will join the company as a Director of Engineering. Has the world’s brainiest tech company"rapture...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | December 17, 2012
Stuxnet, a piece of malicious software discovered in 2010, targeted industrial software controlling Iran’s uranium-enrichment centrifuges. But the code got loose—and...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | November 29, 2012
Steven Sinofsky, president of Microsoft's Windows division, abruptly left the company on November 12, shortly after introducing the latest version of the company's...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | November 26, 2012
Companies like Apple and Samsung are the public face of the smartphone and tablet boom, but they all rely on ARM, the British company that licenses the energy-efficient...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | November 9, 2012
Last week Apple fired Scott Forstall, the architect of its iOS platform, and handed his duties over to the company's chief industrial designer, Jonathan Ive. Ive...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | November 4, 2012
If you were asked to name the most important innovation in transportation over the last 200 years, you might say the combustion engine, air travel, Henry Ford’s...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | November 3, 2012
Christopher Soghoian sniffs out security holes and privacy shortcomings on the Web. Then he urges companies that are responsible—Google, AT&T, and Dropbox have...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | August 23, 2012
In August 2006, less than two years after its launch, the social content aggregation site Digg was an Internet darling. That month, founder Kevin Rose grinned from...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | July 19, 2012
In Automate This, a book due out next month, author and entrepreneur Christopher Steiner tells the story of stockbroker Thomas Peterffy, the creator of the first...Technology Review From ACM Careers | July 9, 2012