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Hugh Herr and the Liberating Age of Bionics
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Hugh Herr and the Liberating Age of Bionics

"It's extraordinary that we live in this day and age with all our wonderful modern technology, and still we have shoes that give us blisters," says Hugh Herr, with...

Let's Rescue Metadata From the Spy Agencies
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Let's Rescue Metadata From the Spy Agencies

Once the civil libertarians have had their say, let's hope the really interesting questions start being asked.

Should Patents Be Awarded to Software?
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Should Patents Be Awarded to Software?

The goal of the U.S. patent system is clear: to provide individuals or companies with an incentive to innovate by offering them 20 years of exclusive rights to...

Sorry, College Grads, I Probably Won't Hire You
From ACM Opinion

Sorry, College Grads, I Probably Won't Hire You

Dear college graduates: The next month is going to be thrilling as you cross this major milestone in your education.

Bitcoin vs. Ben Bernanke
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Bitcoin vs. Ben Bernanke

Could a virtual currency created by an anonymous Internet hacker someday replace the U.S. dollar?

The Dark Side of the Digital Revolution
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The Dark Side of the Digital Revolution

How do you explain to people that they are a YouTube sensation, when they have never heard of YouTube or the Internet?

Will Google's Ray Kurzweil Live Forever?
From ACM Opinion

Will Google's Ray Kurzweil Live Forever?

Ray Kurzweil must encounter his share of interviewers whose first question is: What do you hope your obituary will say?

Q&a with Samsung's Mobile Chief
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Q&a with Samsung's Mobile Chief

Samsung Electronics Co. is coming off its strongest year ever, reporting record earnings, and leapfrogging Apple Inc. to become the world's biggest smartphone maker...

Eric Schmidt ­nloads on China in New Book
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Eric Schmidt ­nloads on China in New Book

Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt is brutally clear: China is the most dangerous superpower on Earth.

Innovation Is Messy Business
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Innovation Is Messy Business

Nine years ago, Boeing Co. BA executives decided to take the biggest leap in airliner technology in a generation and develop the 787 Dreamliner.

The Future of Medicine Is Now
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The Future of Medicine Is Now

In our era of instant gratification, the world of medicine seems like an outlier.

The Father of Fractals
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The Father of Fractals

In nature,technology and art the most common form of regularity is repetition: a single element repeated many times, as on a tile floor. But another form is possible...

2013: Talk Gets Cheaper, Tv Gets Smarter
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2013: Talk Gets Cheaper, Tv Gets Smarter

Personal technology never stops changing.

Who's Behind the Wheel? Nobody.
From ACM Opinion

Who's Behind the Wheel? Nobody.

The Mazda Raceway at Laguna Seca is a 2.2-mile asphalt roller coaster plunging and soaring across California's tawny Monterey highlands.

From ACM Opinion

Sometimes, One Little Phone Can Have a Big Impact on the Economy

The next iPhone, which Apple Inc. AAPL plans to unveil this week, could do something the White House, Congress, and Federal Reserve have struggled to do: boost...

Will the Next Election Be Hacked?
From ACM Opinion

Will the Next Election Be Hacked?

Two years ago, hackers gained access to an online voting system created by the District of Columbia and altered every ballot on behalf of their own preferred candidates...

Can Data Mining Stop the Killing?
From ACM Opinion

Can Data Mining Stop the Killing?

Would Total Information Awareness have stopped James Eagan Holmes?

Who Really Invented the Internet?
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Who Really Invented the Internet?

A telling moment in the presidential race came recently when Barack Obama said: "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen...

Taking the Cyberattack Threat Seriously
From ACM Opinion

Taking the Cyberattack Threat Seriously

Last month I convened an emergency meeting of my cabinet and top homeland security, intelligence and defense officials. Across the country trains had derailed,...

The Sun Shines on 'the Cloud'
From ACM Opinion

The Sun Shines on 'the Cloud'

What's the real lesson to be learned from Amazon's cloud computing failure two weeks ago, the one that knocked Netflix and other Websites offline?
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